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 Running your own land management business -2

Modern land management enterprises can conduct hydrographic, engineering and geodetic surveys of land for different clients, from government agencies to individual landowners. Most of them use modern shooting technology to perform their tasks in the field. Laser scanning, also called high resolution imaging, is a powerful technology that allows you to deliver valuable results to your customers. Read on to find out how you can successfully start your own land surveying business.

Plan your business

Create a reasonable business plan. Describe the financial data and the projected profit of the company for land management. You should have a realistic idea of ​​how the business will operate and grow. You can get free help from agencies such as the US Small Business Administration. They can assist in writing a plan and using it to get money from investors and banks.

Build your team of professionals

Hire licensed surveyors to complete the work of your survey team. Select graduates who have passed the principles and practice of land surveys. Licensing authorities may vary by state, so look for qualified candidates from your state.

Get the tools you need

Buy all the necessary tools and equipment needed in your business operation. Turn on the 3D laser radar scanner with a viewing angle of 360 degrees x 270 degrees. This laser technology can scan any internal or external artificial and natural area. It can create a raw data set in the form of a three-dimensional image composed of millions of data points, called the “3D point cloud”. Every two cloud points provide direct point-to-point measurements within AutoCAD 6 mm accuracy. The system can capture the complete surface geometry safely and accurately. Contact your provider for 3D scanning services in your area.

Protect the office

Rent office space after purchasing all the equipment. Choose a location available to your target customers. You can also buy an existing property advertised on the Internet. Organize an opening or re-opening event and invite local media and potentially useful contacts. This should include professionals from local governments, engineering firms and real estate companies.

Get a license and permissions

Submit suggestions to your local government’s planning department and the council of district commissioners. Get all the necessary permissions and licenses to work. These documents are necessary to ensure the smooth operation of your business operation.

Advertise your business

Create brochures and send them to local construction firms, real estate agents and companies. Secure the company's website and advertise it by placing ads on the local yellow pages, in newspapers and magazines. Word of Mouth is also an effective tool for people to learn about your services. Tell your friends about your business and ask them to recommend you to those who need such services.

Land management can be a good business enterprise if you have enough knowledge about the industry and your potential customers. Find engineers, financial institutions, equipment suppliers or manufacturers by browsing the Internet.

 Running your own land management business -2

 Running your own land management business -2

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