This series of articles is intended to better explain to men (and women) some of the adverse effects that occur with the barbaric practice of circumcision in male men. In this article we will discuss the penis bridge and its destruction and loss in the process of circumcision.
If you look at the uncircumcised fine, you will notice something interesting that is not obvious in the criminal, which is cut off. In the uncircumcised execution, the entire penis consists of an almost continuous shell (or shell) that starts at the base of the penis, extends over the surface of the foreskin and reaches the tip of the head of the penis, the only area in this cover (or shell) that is not broken is where the foreskin ends at the head of the punishment. In this region there is a small “stepped” effect, when the thin skin of the foreskin “falls” and ends, and the scalp of the penis again lifts it.
In other words, the penis almost completely lacks a solid coating. The foreskin is an integral and important part of this.
Now, if we look at the circumcised penis, what do we see? What happens to our continuous penis shell? This is easy to see, since the shell of the penis was broken and is no longer a solid structure. Just follow the penis, starting at the base of the penis, and follow it along the shaft to the head. Now, as we approach the head of the penis, what do we see? We see a furrow (or groove) where the shaft meets the head. This is Penile Moat, as there is no flaw in this particular penis.
In the uncircumcised penis, the foreskin creates a bridge that crosses this furrow in the shaft of the penis. When the foreskin is missing, the “bridge” is removed, and we stay with this corrugated area behind the head of the penis. This is important from the point of view of the sensory receptor, because this area (in the groove) will have no contact with the vagina during sexual intercourse. Since the striated muscles of the vaginal walls (which run with the length of the penis) are closed on the penis, this groove will not have any contact with the walls of the vagina. This is especially true because this corrugated area runs perpendicular to the vaginal muscles. Since this area is not in contact with the walls of the vagina, no sensation arises in this area. So, if we had two identical penises, one circumcised and one uncropped, circumcised penis would have less surface contact with the walls of the vagina. This lack of contact means a lack of perception and, thus, a lack of sexual sense pleasure.
In an uncircumcised person, this furrow is covered with foreskin. That is why it is called Penila Bridge. It connects this area between the shaft and the head of the penis. So, when an uncircumcised penis is in the vagina, this groove will be covered, and this edge of “extreme power” will perceive the sensation and, thus, convey the sexual pleasure from its contact with the vaginal walls. No bridge means a decrease in sensation and a decrease in sexual pleasure due to the residual penis created.
Since the penis is not very large, to begin, even a small amount of surface area that has been compromised will definitely be transmitted with less sensation and less pleasure. Although this region is small, nonetheless, it is still important to allow a person to perceive and experience an increase in sexual pleasure. Without this penile bridge, he loses what was naturally put in place to help him enjoy as much sexual pleasure as possible.
Georg von Neumann