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 Millionaire Wheel Of Life - Do you live in all areas of your life? -2

If I intend to have a net worth of at least a million dollars, then this is a great analogy for me to think of my whole life as a wheel. My life can be divided into ten separate, but interrelated areas for which I need to set fierce goals if I have achieved tremendous financial success.

Each of the ten areas of my life is a separate spoke inside the wheel. Depending on how successful my life is in any one area, this will determine how long and solid this particular word is. An ideal, harmonious life will lead to a round fully overpriced wheel with ten full spokes. Fully overpriced is a full dozen points out of ten for every area of ​​my life.

These ten areas of my life:

1. Physical

2. Financial

3. Business

4. Career

5. Mental

6. Social

7. Spiritual

8. Family

9. Material

10. Adventure

Once each area has been identified and analyzed, you need to start thinking about what goals I set for my life in each area. This achievement of my aspirations, which will fill me with a dynamic sense of growth and will impel me to a magnificent and irresistible future. The following are examples of goals that can be set within each area, both short-term and long-term.

1. Physical

This area covers my health and well-being, my fitness and stamina, my body and my appearance, and everything related to my physical condition and health.

 Immediately stop smoking

 Until July 1, reach weight 160 pounds

 Launch of the London Marathon in less than four hours

 Be healthy and dynamic in the century.

2. Financial

This area includes everything related to money and income related to my life. Profit, savings, investments, stocks, bonds, accumulated wealth and financial freedom are all aspects in the financial sphere of my life. What levels of financial abundance do I want to achieve?

 Invest $ 10,000 on the NYSE this year

 Look for annual fifty percent total revenue growth.

 Save ten percent of my earnings on a special account.

 accumulate one million dollars of net worth by age fifty five

3. Business

The business area is best defined as my financial tool for a lifetime income, as opposed to a career that is basically a day job for the day. If I am self-employed, my business is the car in which I have a career. Do I want to be a tycoon who controls the global empire? What are my biggest business goals?

 Develop a business that positively benefits humanity

 Create a fully equipped professional office in my home

 Create your own multi-million dollar global business empire

 Organize a corporate partnership with a Japanese conglomerate

4. Career

My career is what I do for daily income. Career can be a day job or a lifetime job. If I am self-employed, my career is an occupation I have in my own business. What is the dream of a career that ignites my lights of desire?

 Become the managing director of this company

Reach annual income of $ 250,000 per year

 Being a # 1 seller for my company during this decade

 The author of a series of bestsellers for children

5. Mental

My mental field relates to every activity related to my mind. This concerns my mental state of being and my emotional well-being. All learning, learning, attitudes, skills, intelligence, knowledge and emotions are in this very important area of ​​my life.

 Earn a university degree in psychology

 Learn to speak and write fluently Portuguese

 Strengthen my mind until I get the entrance to Menza

 This year, read a hundred personal books about achievements

6. Social

The social sphere includes many recreational activities and social activities. Playing golf as an example, while it may be an adventure, is a social activity because it includes an informal gathering of people and revolves around a golf course and a social club. Most hobbies and amateur activities are mainly related.

 Become the president of the local Rotary Club

 Shoot eighteen holes in golf under eighteen strokes

 Organize a 25-year school reunion session for July

 Play the lead role in the amateur drama of the annual pantomime

7. Spiritual

This area relates to church and charitable affairs. The spiritual domain focuses on what I can personally contribute to the benefit of humanity and society. It revolves around improving the world as a whole. With a sincere goal, I can make a positive contribution to people's lives.

 Attend church every week during this year.

 Ten percent of my total charity income

 Organize a sponsored litter cleaner in my area

 Create a worldwide charitable foundation for abused women

8. Family

The area of ​​the family, simply stated as it relates to me, covers all circumstances, events, events and relationships in my immediate family, extended family and all my relatives, now and in the future.

 Treat my wife to my second honeymoon in Japan

 Send my three children to study at a university in Europe

 Develop special relationships with all close relatives.

 Spend every sport this Sunday with my children

9. Material

All the things I could imagine belong to this area. Tangible enterprises are all assets and liabilities, not counting monetary wealth. Here they love cars, houses, boats, jewelry, furniture, electronics, clothing and sports equipment.

 Observe the luxurious 40-foot catamaran and name it Top Cat & # 39;

 Get one carat bracelet for my beautiful wife

 Live in a luxurious 7-bedroom villa with ocean views

 Give an ocean cruise to parents for their anniversary gift.

10. Adventure

This area covers all the exciting activities and entrepreneurship that I have ever dreamed of dreaming about my life. The most interesting goals and unusual activities are included in this area of ​​adventure. This, in particular, includes travel and holidays.

 Learn to scuba diving in the Red Sea

 Hiking in the Himalayan mountains of Nepal

 Ride on the white water through the Grand Canyon
 Travel to Europe this summer and ride the Orient Express

 Millionaire Wheel Of Life - Do you live in all areas of your life? -2

 Millionaire Wheel Of Life - Do you live in all areas of your life? -2

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