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 Display of temperature in the pharmaceutical areas -2

Temperature is an important factor in the manufacture of drugs. Materials that are very sensitive to temperature changes can easily be eroded, as maintaining the temperature in the production area is vital.

The temperature is controlled by temperature mapping, which means recording the temperature of the storage area. Different parts of the production area will have different temperatures, some will be colder than other parts or a little warmer. Temperature display ensures that all different areas reach the desired temperature. Especially in the production area, temperature mapping is important because it is where the main work is done.

How is the temperature conversion?

Usually, for the manufacture of drugs and vaccines, storage is carried out in warehouses, in cold stores or in isolated boxes. For several weeks, data is collected in different parts of the room, and then the following tests are performed:

· Temperature when the room or compartment is empty.

· The temperature when the area is loaded up to three fifths of its total capacity.

· The temperature in the room when it is fully loaded.

· Temperature change when opening and closing room doors.

· The effect of temperature during a power failure.

Problem areas:

All these tests are carried out intensively before the presentation of the final data.

The temperature is not the same from one place to another in a closed room. The areas near the door may be slightly warmer due to constant closing and opening, while the areas around the fans are cooler. Thus, temperature mapping is performed so that all proper conditions are met all the time.

There are some things to keep in mind

· Products close to the loading points heat up longer.

· Light present in the ceiling can be a source of heat. Thus, drugs that are near the ceiling may not be in good condition.

· The temperature of the products present on the bottom of the shelf will differ from the temperature shown above.

These few areas need to be considered, since they are vital in order for medicines and vaccines to remain in good condition. Therefore, additional sensors must be stored in these details so that the temperature correlation is performed properly.

Resolving these problems:

Now, after the problem areas have been identified, and all the mapping via sensors and data loggers have been performed. Final data and graphics are presented, and then complications are eliminated.

· Products are removed from areas with irregular temperatures, for example, near the ceiling.

· Do not make the shelves too high and make them much more horizontal to maintain regularity.

· Ensuring minimal opening and closing of doors.

· Add humidifiers and proper ventilation system.

· Add more fans or heaters depending on what is required.

Temperature display results must be accurate. No need to exaggerate the report. Temperature mapping is very important and has many advantages. Medicines and vaccines that are produced and shipped are consumed by humans, so it is important for pharmaceutical manufacturers to provide intact medicines.

 Display of temperature in the pharmaceutical areas -2

 Display of temperature in the pharmaceutical areas -2

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