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 Chia Seed - Food Dense Food of the Future - Introduction to Chia - Part 1 of 5 -2

As a nutrition researcher, I often tried to find the easiest and most inexpensive way to provide our organisms with foods that are nutritionally sensitive and have the ability to keep us in the smallest quantities.

My motto is not what you eat, but “we are what we absorb and assimilate.”

Our bodies are equipped to fight the onset of illness and disease. We only need our cooperation in ensuring proper hydration and the necessary nutrients to effectively maintain a healthy environment.

Since the question of what can be an optimal diet can sometimes be emotionally complex and confusing, I truly believe that we should keep it simple and straightforward from nature as best we can.

Yes, it is difficult, especially for those who live in urban areas. this
It is very difficult to access all food and optimum quality. I, for example, have this task and decided to absorb the best of the best in super-products that are simple in work and taste.

On my journey I met a lot of superfoods, but one, for me, is the leader of them all because of its nutritional density, low cost and flexibility in using it in our daily lifestyle.

I would like to introduce you to the "super" food, which I strongly feel, is the food that will be here to stay for a long time. Today I will tell the story of this amazing food in the first part of my 5-part series:

This seed is Salvia Hispanica L., known as Chia Seed, valued by Native Americans and Aboriginal peoples of Central and South America. So valuable that it was used as currency, this unique small seed has exceptional nutritional and structural benefits.

Chia, familiar to most of us as the seed used for the novelty of Chia Pet TM, clay animals with germinated tia seeds covering their bodies. Little is known, however, about the colossal nutritional value of the seed and its healing properties. For centuries, this tiny little seed has been used as a staple for Indians in the southwest, in central and south America. Known as jogging food, it is used as a product with high energy endurance, which was recorded in the ancient Aztec. It was said that during their conquests, the Aztec warriors were seated on the seed of Chia. Indians in the southwest would eat as much as a teaspoon when they set off for twenty-four hours, forcing Martha. Indians running from the Colorado River to the California coast to trade turquoise for sea shells will bring only Chia seed for their food.

When I first heard about this, I was really amazed and needed to learn more about this amazing seed, because I was looking for something that the body could use in small quantities and bring us the most benefit.

I was able to interview one of the leading Chia seed researchers, William Anderson, and here are some of the information and data he told me about using Chia.

If you try to mix a spoonful of Chia in a glass of water and leave it for about 20 minutes or so, when you return, glass will appear, not seeds or water, but almost solid gelatin. This gelling reaction is due to the soluble seed cell. Researchers believe that the same gel-forming phenomenon occurs in the stomach when there is food containing these resinous fibers, known as mucus. The gel, which is formed in the stomach, creates a physical barrier between carbohydrates and digestive enzymes that destroy them, thereby slowing down the conversion of carbohydrates into sugar. In addition to the obvious benefits for diabetics, since it stabilizes blood sugar levels, this slowdown in the conversion of carbohydrates to sugar makes it possible to create endurance. Carbohydrates are the fuel for energy in our bodies. The duration of their conversion to sugar stabilizes metabolic changes, reducing bursts of highs and lows, creating a longer duration of their refueling effects.

One of the exceptional properties of Chia seeds is its hydrophilic properties, which are capable of absorbing more than 12 times its water weight in water. The ability to retain water makes it possible to prolong the hydration. Fluids and electrolytes provide an environment that supports the life of all cells in the body. Their concentration and composition are adjusted so that they are as constant as possible.

With Chia seeds, you retain moisture, more effectively regulate, absorb the body with nutrients and body fluids. Since there is great efficiency in the use of biological fluids, the electrolyte balance is maintained.

Example: An imbalance of fluid and electrolyte occurs when a large amount of fluid is lost as a result of vomiting, diarrhea, high fever, or more often from perspiration! Under these conditions, there is a loss of excess cellular fluid. Then the extracellular fluid is displaced from the cells to compensate, causing an abnormal distribution of electrolytes across the cell membranes, which leads to cellular failure. Thus, the preservation and efficient use of biological fluids contributes to the integrity of extracellular fluids, protecting the intercellular balance of the fluid. The results of which provide a normal electrolyte dispersion on the cell membranes (electrolyte balance), maintaining fluid balance, which leads to normal cellular function.

As you can see, Chia has a very interesting history and has great potential and advantages. Stay with us next time for the second part of the fifth series.

 Chia Seed - Food Dense Food of the Future - Introduction to Chia - Part 1 of 5 -2

 Chia Seed - Food Dense Food of the Future - Introduction to Chia - Part 1 of 5 -2

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