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 Tips for attracting cardinals to your outer zone -2

The Northern Cardinal is a very common bird found in most eastern and central states, in the entire south, and in most of the southwestern United States. They can be in yards, gardens, forests, even deserts, and over the past 80 years have significantly increased their breeding range. The Northern Cardinal does not migrate in the winter, before providing shelter, proper nutrition and fresh water will make them visit your yard with enthusiasm and continue to do so for a year.

Northern cardinals prefer shrub areas such as forest lands, overgrown fields, hedges, backyards, marshy thickets, mesquite and decorative gardening. Cardinals nest in foliage of leaves at heights from 3 to 12 feet off the ground in many species of trees and shrubs. You will find that they nest in kishlaks, vineyards, vines, red cedars, spruces, bushes, blackberry blackberries, elms, sugar maple trees and elders. They do not nest in bird houses or nest boxes.

The diet of these beautiful red birds consists mainly of seeds and fruits for adults, and the chicks are fed mainly by insects. Cardinals eat many types of birds. A strong, thick bank of the northern cardinal is ideal for large seeds. Black sunflower seeds, striped sunflower seeds and safflower seeds are three of them. Other food cardinals prefer to include cracked corn, pieces of peanuts, fresh berries, pieces of apple, and small pieces of lard. Offering a mixture of them in wide feeders with a place for them to perch, they will attract them to your yard or garden. Do not use small feeders for pipes if they do not have a large tray below. Platform feeders and span feeders are also good choices. Since the cardinals are ground feeders, the power source that you supply must be kept at ground level or below 5 feet. Excellent opportunities - serving chips outdoors, mounted on a pole. It is also important to note that due to their bright color, it is safer for the northern cardinal to feed very early in the morning or very late in the evening. They will often be the first to feed in the morning and the last bird in your feeder at night.

Cardinals, like all animals, need fresh water. Provide water in the birdbath a few yards from the feeder. Clean the bird bath at least once a week and add fresh water to make it attractive to birds.

 Tips for attracting cardinals to your outer zone -2

 Tips for attracting cardinals to your outer zone -2

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