Do you have a habit of underestimating yourself and underestimating your own value? Are you stuck in fear of something or something wrong? You wonder how it would feel to be relaxed, strong and capable in the face of any challenge? Or, do you find that you have resigned just to go through the day because you lack the confidence to venture much more?
In this article, you will learn the secret, where self-confidence comes from, and how you can use this secret to break into an empowered life with great success, value and purpose.
Moments of competence
Now, most likely, you have certain areas of your life in which you feel quite competent and self-confident. You have a certain degree of confidence.
For example, you can feel confident in your personal style - knowing the clothes, food or music that you like. You may have a skill that you have created, or a specific area of knowledge or experience. You may have family, friendship or work relationships in which you feel comfortable and safe.
There were times, even if they were brief, in which you were confident about who you are, what you do, and about your place in the world. Even if it is a passing memory, you can rely on it.
Take a moment and remember the time when you were sure of who you are, what you do, or about your place in the world ...
Go ahead and write it down. If more than one moment comes to you - great. Write down one or three of these self-confident moments ...
Pay attention to what you feel in your body, remember one of these high moments of self-confidence ...
Pay attention to any sensations and location of these sensations in your body ...
Moments of failure
Now, on the other hand, you had moments that made you doubt who you are, your value, or your place in the world. In a pinch, you may have doubted your cause. Everything is fine. Do not worry. We all had these moments. It is important to learn from them, so we can move forward with a great understanding of what is not working.
Take a moment to remember at least one moment when your self-confidence has declined. Perhaps you failed to complete the task or were criticized for what you said or did. Maybe you were made to feel like an outsider, as if you were strange, different, or just did not fit.
Go ahead and write from one to three of these low confidence points ...
Notice how you feel in your body when you remember those low moments of trust ...
Pay attention to any sensations and location of these sensations ...
Good. Now that you have a feeling of contrasting feelings of self-confidence and self-doubt, let us use this experience to go a little deeper.
Where is trust going
What if I told you that the secret to deeper self-confidence lives in your gut?
Does this sound crazy?
Let's try experimenting a bit, so you can start to see and feel what I mean.
If you want, put your hands on your lower abdomen, focus your attention there and take a few slow deep breaths. Feel the gentle rise and fall of your hands in rhythm with your breathing.
Now, when you inhale, imagine that your stomach is filled with Life Energy, Life Force from the Source of your being. When you exhale, imagine that the life force spreads throughout the body, filling every cell. Go ahead and do it in ten, slow, deep breaths ...
Notice how you feel ...
Pay attention to any sensations in your body and where they are located ...
Do you feel a little more relaxed and empowered?
Now that you have a taste for this feeling, this little-known secret of self-confidence.
Ultimate source of self confidence
The disadvantage of the principle of self-confidence is the knowledge and confidence in the Great Power that dwells within you and is the Source of your life and purpose. This Great Power gives each of us gifts for the benefit of all.
Self-confidence is a feeling that comes from the recognition and execution of "who you are" and "what are you doing here." It is a feeling that comes from recognizing and fulfilling the qualities, skills, and resources that are given to you. This is due to the fact that you were sent here specifically to perform certain tasks for the benefit of those around you. This is the feeling of the discovery of the Great Life Force flowing through you.
In our little experiment, you have a little taste of that feeling. Hope you enjoyed it.
Check out the link below to learn how to take your practice to the next level and increase self-confidence on the deepest, most sustainable and life-changing path. It’s all about cultivating your core energy - the universal life force within you!
Enjoy your practice!