Dust is everywhere, literally. In our homes, on the roads, in the markets, in offices, parks, and parking lots: you call it, and you will find it. Nothing contains dust. Everything is loaded with them - a computer, kitchenware and household appliances, furniture and wall coverings, decorative elements and bookshelves. Dust is not a monopoly to the East; she also has a niche in the West, although not so unrestrained and obvious. Indeed, dust is not limited to our planetary planet, but is distributed on our planet by neighbors, comets, meteorites, stellar relatives from space and in intergalactic spaces, as well as cosmic dust - the star equivalent of our earth material. After air, it is the most omnipresent composite material on earth, sometimes barely distinguishable from it.
Dust in residential areas is constantly whipped up by wind and human activity. It rises and settles all the time, and while air travel moves from house to house. It consists of skin flakes, fabric fibers, flour and food dust from mixers and grinders. This comes from cleaning, sweeping, cooking and, of course, dust. All this is homemade; there is also dust coming in from the outside, such as dust from a street raised by traffic, blowing winds carrying industrial bullets, things bought in stores, and, of course, people who walk. Once in the house, he finds several things to settle on: carpets, furniture, shelves, window sills, walls and ceilings. Dust bubbles are collected in dusty rabbits in under-used corners, under beds, built-in pillows and seat cushions, on top of shelves and cabinets and, of course, in the attic space.
Fighting dust is not an easy task as we pursue a moving target. The dust whips him and spreads, exposing himself and other things around the place so that he calms down again. Vacuuming is a limited, energy-stimulated activity to reduce energy consumption, which leaves us exhausted, even leaving unattainable places as dust stores. Closing doors and windows and closing yourself is also not an option, as it shuts off the flow of air, and the dust that is already in place will surely force you sooner than you think. You can not leave them open, because with the air flow more dust appears, and rabbits begin to appear more often and in large quantities. Some of the measures that we take in addition to the aforementioned activities are carpet cleaning, carpet cleaning, furniture cleaning and kitchen waste storage, but dust remains a losing battle. Most of our energy is spent on keeping the house dust-free, which is of course an ideal state. It is a myth to expect the place to be completely free of dust, because dust collects faster than you can clean it, always. And professional dust sucks you dry; it cuts your wallets and leaves you to deal with it again after its completion. With dust nothing is over.
There is nothing more shocking to see than sunlight flickering through a gap in a door or pane. This is a revelation to know that tiny insect-like particles dancing in their path are dust that we breathe right now. You blow on them and watch them with passion when they scatter and group together again to continue their terrible dance. Obviously, they are everywhere. What are these particles? Is there anything in the world that is more vulnerable and tenacious at the same time than the little things that made our lives miserable? We gained control of nature, mastered the laws of science, invented ways to explore the depths of the oceans and outer space, invaded the furthest reaches of the Earth, and from the very beginning extended our scale of exploration to giant objects in the universe; However, we could not contain this threat from these tiny particles that have a tyrannical hold over us. They do not win; does not get rid of them; in fact, there is no life without them, no matter what chaos they unleash on us.
Dust particles are waste. When we push our liquid waste into the sea, we therefore release our solid waste into the air. Nothing ever goes away forever; no matter where we throw him, he returns to us. Ash, burned rubber, dandruff, kitchen waste, decomposing substances (leaves and flowers), contaminated shoes, broken cobwebs, skin abrasions (human and animals), rocks (erosion) and metals (rust), industrial waste as air pollutants human and animal hair, textile and paper fibers, soil minerals, and many other materials specific to the environment. Thus, we see that dust consists of organic matter, as well as chemicals and other natural substances that are thrown into waste.
This floating landfill is a mobile breeding ground for germs and a coat hanger for harmful chemicals that pose a constant health risk to us. Not only industrial areas, but even household dust contains hazardous chemicals, as reported by some pollution and health groups around the world. Therefore, it is not surprising that diseases such as asthma, allergic reactions, hay fever and endemic flues carry our life to a great extent. The dust, the all-pervading omnipresent dust, is not only replete with life, but also a life-threatening material.
There are two ways to deal with this fluffy material universe in which we live:
• Go to him with missionary zeal, eradicate him from your life by preparing a strategy to minimize, if not eliminate it, from your life and watch it carefully.
• Take it easy. Consider it chic to have dust. Stop vacuuming your bookshelves. Let it accumulate on your property - it adds a protective layer of gray matter that protects the surface under scratches. As a newspaper columnist, he quite lightly said: “You no longer need to take a brush, brush, pollen or vacuum cleaner to fight a lost battle.