Candidiasis is a medical term that refers to a yeast infection. It is caused by a group of microscopic fungi or a yeast called Candida. In fact, there are 20 species of Candida, but it is Candida albicans that is usually present in the human body. Under certain conditions, the growth of fungi and reproduction occurs at a faster rate, usually caused by a disorder in the normal conditions of the body. Infection usually occurs on the body and in warm and humid areas. Sometimes certain conditions cause an imbalance regarding hormone levels and body pH. These conditions usually cause the signs and symptoms of a yeast infection.
It usually develops in dark and moist areas of the body, such as the mouth and genitals. The observed signs and symptoms of a yeast infection vary by location:
Among women, a yeast infection is in the form of a vaginal infection, characterized by white and raw discharge and feeling itchy in the vaginal area. In certain cases, the patient notes pain and a burning sensation when urinating or during sexual desire.
Like women, men are also susceptible to yeast infections, infecting them from unprotected sex or poor nutrition and hygiene. Signs and symptoms of a yeast infection in men include constipation, bad breath, dyspepsia, frequent diarrhea, very loose stools, frequent intestinal gas, irritability and mood swings, sexual dysfunction, itching, dry itchy scaly skin, and prostate problems.
A type that develops in infants and adults is manifested as an oral yeast infection and a skin infection. Oral candidiasis or thrush is a thick lace patch that is observed on a red base inside the mouth. This infection is observed on the tongue, palate and anywhere within the mouth. Sometimes an infected area looks like a curd culture that cannot be simply erased. Because the infection binds the pain to the infected area, the patient may experience difficult meals. When it comes to a yeast skin infection, babies are most susceptible.
Yeast or candida naturally live on a person’s skin. And since babies still have to develop their immune systems, Candida tends to grow. The diaper area and skin folds are usually infected. For superficial infection, there are red flat rashes with sharp jagged edges. Smaller spots may be observed in surrounding areas (satellite damage). As usual for a yeast infection, infected skin may feel pain and itching.
For people with a weakened immune system, the infection can be infected by some internal organs, causing pain and dysfunction. It was found that 85% of people suffering from AIDS develop a yeast infection in the esophagus and in the upper gastrointestinal tract (GI) system. Its difference from thrush is that the infection penetrates deeper into the stomach. It usually causes painful ulcers through the GI system, which leads to poor absorption of food. This condition represents a serious risk of dehydration.
Like any form of the disease, there are no exceptions when it comes to the development of signs and symptoms of a yeast infection. This can happen to babies, men and women. It is important that the infection be treated immediately to prevent more aggressive yeast attacks. As a rule, a yeast infection does not pose a serious health hazard because it is easy to treat. However, there are cases where the condition recurs and looks very difficult to treat. Consult a doctor to prevent further complications.