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 Genetically modified foods - Americans should be very concerned -2

Genetically modified foods or genetically modified organisms (GMO) are now a very real part of your diet, whether you know it or not. If you smoke corn, cornmeal, cornstarch, corn oil or other ingredients based on corn, soybeans, soy milk, tofu, soybean oil and other soy-based products, canola oil, cottonseed oil, sugar beets, papayas from the Hawaiian islands and some squash, and yellow squash, then genetically modified foods make up a significant percentage of your total food intake.

More than half of all Americans surveyed said that they did not know that they were swallowing these GMOs, and if they know this, they will not do that. Many even expressed surprise at the fact that they did not at all understand that they had swallowed this very dubious and, probably, completely unhealthy material. The simple reason we didn’t know was that in the US, manufacturers and manufacturers of such products (food products?) Are not required to tell us that the food was actually changed at the DNA level. In contrast, many other countries require that GM products be clearly labeled as such.

Genetically modified products are obtained by inserting genes from some other species into the food DNA itself. Nearly two-thirds of all products on the shelves of your local grocer contain at least one element that has been genetically modified (modified). When engineers manipulate food crops to make them produce their own insecticide or make them resistant to chemical herbicides that kill other plants, a genetically modified organism is created that will never occur in nature.

The question is, are these GMO products safe for human consumption? The common sense answer to this question regarding this writer is NO. At best, it should be noted that no one has any idea about the potential health problems associated with eating such food. Despite many warnings about the health hazards of its own scientists, the US Food and Drug Administration decided to allow the use of genetically modified products on the market without labeling or safety testing. Genetically modified seeds, which are the product of such manipulations, are now planted commercially, so with this record most of the soybeans, corn, cotton seed (oil) and canola (oil) you buy are actually genetically modified, and There will be no way for you to know which products are and which are not, as there is no law that requires them to be labeled as such.

Studies in rats have led consumers to warn of possible dangers associated with GM nutrition. Rats that were fed genetically modified corn were compared to their parents who were fed non-genetically modified corn. GM-fed rats caused signs of kidney and liver problems, as well as heart and spleen problems. Parents who did not eat GM foods did not appear to have significant problems in these areas. Other studies conducted on test rats that fed the GM product showed various health problems. In this joke, we really cannot tell about all the health-related problems that these products can cause, since we ourselves are the rats in which the experiments are conducted.

In my personal opinion, besides the growing evidence that we are moving on a very slippery slope, there is an innate meaning that lives in me, that at any time scientists change this resource, such as food, that this manipulation brings with it many problems. I am personally fully convinced that the Creator God created everything perfectly, but suppose that you are the one who believes that all things have evolved naturally, then even if it were, the scientist has nothing to do with changing what nature has produced. In my opinion, and based on my firm convictions, scientists, of course, cannot now, and they will never improve in God's creation, and we are not dealing with the manipulation of the food that we eat at the DNA level. Of course, in terms of health, nothing good will come of it.

GMO Prevention Steps

1. Buy only products labeled with 100% organic matter, or products that are certified organic, as these products may not contain any GMO ingredients.

2. Find products that contain “Print without a GMO project.”

3. Avoid products such as corn and corn products, soybeans and soy-based products, rapeseed (oil), cottonseed (oil), sugar beet, Hawaiian papaya, zucchini and yellow squash, unless they boast a 100% organic label or do not carry the design stamp NEGMO.

4. Do not consume dairy products from cows injected with bovine growth hormone.

After all, individual consumers must recognize this dangerous problem and take precautions to ensure that they and their families are not at risk of this genetic engineering of our food supply. It takes only a small percentage of people who refuse to buy genetically modified foods to make changes at the level of the largest food companies. When the main food business begins to realize that they are not paying GMOs, they will begin to pull these dangerous products from the shelves, or at least they begin to clearly mark the products that have been so changed.

Since there is no regulation regarding the disclosure of GMOs on the market and any rules regarding their sale, we, as usual, should take the initiative and make radical changes in the big food business. Greed and the bottom line will continue to be the sole concern of large food companies, and the government has historically been very easy to buy, so your health and the health of your family will remain the least of their worries. Understanding the sad truth that a big food business and the government are ready to sell their health for their own benefit, we must stand up and say "NO" for genetically modified food in the market. Make your voice heard by refusing to buy the products listed above, unless they are clearly labeled organic or if they do not carry the stamp of the project without GMO. We must stand together and stop this madness until it progresses even further. Please do your part and hear your voice.

 Genetically modified foods - Americans should be very concerned -2

 Genetically modified foods - Americans should be very concerned -2

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