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 Basics of Internet Marketing - Choosing a Niche and Key Principles -2

Niche selection

You know you want to make a living with online marketing products / services as affiliate marketing, but where do you start? How exactly do you decide what to write or advertise? There are three schools of thought.

The first is to find the most profitable products to promote and use. I do not recommend this option. A lot of work begins before you start your campaigns, and best of all, if you are passionate about the subject you are working on. Otherwise, due to the daily activity in internet marketing, you may lose interest and exit before you see one cent.

The second option is to find a product for promotion, which is in an area that you know well and / or are interested in. This method works on the principle of “Start with an End in Mind”. If you already know what you want to sell, you can target your content to potential buyers.

The third way is to choose a topic in which you are passionate and to find ways to monetize (material for sale) later.

In either of the last two cases, make sure that you choose the topic that interests you! You will not be able to go through the initial setting if you do not!

In my opinion, in fact, it does not matter, first you will find your topic or product in the area of ​​interest. This is due to the fact that both methods lead to one of the most important parts of building your content: keyword research. You should check the topic to find out if others are interested. Your site will not get traffic if no one is looking for your topic on the Internet!

Keyword / topic principles

  1. Subject must be specific (minimum 2 words)
  2. Use buyer keywords
  3. Keyword / topic should generate some traffic.
  4. Focus on keywords with less competition
Keyword / topic Principle 1: Specific topic

Your topic should be specific. Let's say you are a car dealer and you specialize in German luxury cars. If you choose a large topic, such as “cars,” you will have all sorts of visitors who may not like what you have. You will have people who are looking for types of cars that you do not sell, toy cars, car posters, or even movies about cars. As a rule, the more words a key phrase contains, the more specific it is. However, you need to know that the more specific a keyword is, the less people search for it. There is an interesting balance here. You need certain keywords, but you also want keywords to have traffic. For our example, let's narrow down the topic from “cars” to “luxury cars”. Just by adding the “luxury” classifier, we have narrowed down the topic significantly. However, this is still not enough for our example. We want to focus on "German luxury cars" or "German luxury cars."

After we find our topic, we start searching for keywords that people who are searching for your topic will use. Remember, the more accurate the keywords, the better.

Keyword / Topic Principle 2: Focus on Buyer Keywords

A special type of keyword is the buyer's keyword. This is the key phrase in which people who want to buy a particular product will enter when using search engines. Remember: not all keywords are equal! The buyer's key phrases usually have the name of a specific product / service within them. Continuing our example of luxury cars, the BMW 760 Li will be part of the buyer's keyword phrase. Other keywords, such as buy, discount, discount or bonus, may also be in the buyer's keyword. Thus, the key phrase of a suitable buyer for our example would be “BMW760 Li Rebate”. There are other words that are usually not the keywords of the buyer, for example, free. People looking for the keyword “free” do not look to purchase a product.

Keyword / topic Principle 3: keywords should have some traffic

In this first section, you will find a list of specific buyer's keywords that produced approximately 10,000 queries per month or more. We will look at how to do this step by step in another article.

Keyword / Topic Principle 4: Focus on high traffic keywords, albeit with low levels of competition.

When you work on your theme and start building your site, you will work on keywords that have a combination of traffic and low competition. You optimize your site for these keywords. This will give you an impetus in the movement, as people searching for a keyword on your topic will most likely find you if there is less competition. Beware: NO competition is generally NECESSARY. This may indicate that this topic is NOT beneficial. Therefore, we will look for keywords with little competition, but we will also check a quick check of profitability (in the next article) before we include it on our site.

You (hopefully) have learned a lot in this article! You have learned how to choose your niche and how to choose keywords for which you will optimize. In the next article, we will show you how to check the traffic of your potential topic, as well as how to check whether your topic is profitable.

 Basics of Internet Marketing - Choosing a Niche and Key Principles -2

 Basics of Internet Marketing - Choosing a Niche and Key Principles -2

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