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 Should I continue with traditional MLM methods or internet marketing methods for my MLM? -2

I was very lucky that I had a taste of both traditional MLM and Internet MLM, and they are both great tools for a network marketer. Unfortunately, there are those who have no experience in the world, so they have nothing to do with work in this industry.

Not knowing what to choose can leave someone with a disadvantage, but for those who know the choice of difference is not an option, they know what to choose.

Should I choose the MLM internet instead of the traditional MLM hearing, which is the last no more? The answer is no! People who made traditional MLM are called baby boomers, and for some it can be a problem for someone to leave how they do their network marketing to accept something new, especially now on the Internet. These people know and have proven that their method works, still works and will continue to work. They understand that any new thing is just an asset for their MLM, and not a substitute.

Some may think that this is a threat to the introduction of Internet MLM, and will remain far away from it. Others, on the other hand, will at least go see if that helps. Truth is the traditional MLM that is still relevant in our society, people find this refuge and an alternative to their vacillating, once-secured jobs.

The good thing about network marketing in general is that people can join an MLM company today by doing their other work, building up their MLM business, and after a while, when the business is booming, it is able to leave their work behind.

What to do with confusion

If you are engaged in network marketing today, you will understand that there are both offline and online MLM. What you may need is to choose which of them you are most effective with and work with. If you do the traditional MLM method, and it works for you, then go with it, if you do internet marketing online, and it works for you, then do it. If you can mix both, then it is also a victory.

Today there are people who are experts in the field of network marketing in the network, and nothing that you can tell or present to them can throw them away from the MLM methods that have always worked for them. The same applies to people doing online marketing on the network; you can't get them to do traditional MLM, even if it’s the only one, because it’s not their skill.

 Should I continue with traditional MLM methods or internet marketing methods for my MLM? -2

 Should I continue with traditional MLM methods or internet marketing methods for my MLM? -2

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