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 Model of spiritual growth - 4 areas of personal growth -2

There are four major areas of development that we all need to develop. Jesus experienced a full and healthy range of discipleship by His parents and any instruction He could receive by visiting the local synagogue. One thing is certain, that Jesus was well brought up in his Jewish faith. The standard for personal development is contained in Luke 2:52:

And Jesus grew up in wisdom and growth and in favor of God and people.

This passage shows something about Jesus. personal and spiritual development. He was only twelve years old when he encountered and discussed the Fa issues with the Fa teachers. Jesus advanced in four ways:

a.) Jesus grew up in essence.

The purpose of the discipleship is to produce people of spiritual substance who can rule in Christ. When you are a human being, you have something valuable to say to another that carries weight with people. Jesus grew up in wisdom, which means that He developed intellectually. He had something substantial to give to others. Wisdom comes from the Greek word Sophia, and it includes both the lower and the highest form of wisdom. The lower form of wisdom is the wisdom of man and the understanding of life, whereas the highest form of wisdom comes from the Father above, it is pure and insightful in form. Vertical or heavenly wisdom is an understanding of life from the point of view of God. In the context, the Greeks were known as “smart people,” but as Christians, we must be “smart.”

The record in Luke 2:47 says: "All who heard Him were amazed by His understanding and His answers." Jesus and # 39; the words carried weight with their hearers. He had something significant to say that he bought life and value to others. Do your words raise people's ears? When you speak, do you attract the attention of your audience? You cannot gain respect for the world without the life of a being. You must evolve properly so that you can say something. Others should be involved in your message.

b.) Jesus grew in stature.

Jesus developed his character and was found to be more mature than most young people of his age (twelve years). When we reach a certain age, do we act and live up to what is expected at this stage in our life? For example, the apostle Paul says: "... until we all accept the unity of faith and the knowledge of the Son of God, to the perfect man, as the fullness of Christ grows, that we should no longer be children ..." (Ephesians 4 : 13-14).

Growth is associated with growth physically, but it is also associated with a degree of anxiety commensurate with our spiritual age. Jesus far exceeded the spiritual expectations of those around him at an early age. He sat among the spiritual elite at the tender age of twelve and struck them with His wisdom and knowledge of the Scriptures.

c) Jesus is spiritually heavy.

We need to develop our spiritual person; this is the "smart mind." Jesus grew up in favor of his Father, which meant that he had God. Jesus was a man of divine presence. He spent time knowing the Father. Jesus was found at an early age of twelve in the temple courts speaking and surprising similar scribes and teachers of the Law.

At an early age, Jesus was able to discuss and discuss spiritual issues with people who sent their own lives studying the Law of Moses. Jesus was spiritually and intellectually able to hold His own even among the great teachers and scholars of His days. Was Jesus just a child prodigy or a model of what a normal person should be? I believe the latter. In other words, Jesus developed Scripture competence at an early age.

e.) Jesus grew up in society.

We must develop socially; It is about being “smart.” Jesus developed the skills of his people; therefore He has grown in favor of man. People sincerely loved being around him, and he got along with people. Jesus learned how to deal with people and became what we know today as a “human person.” He possessed the skills of people and loved and loved those who encountered Him. Jesus was in no way socially uncomfortable. He understood the social dynamics of his culture and was well integrated with his family, friends and society as a whole. Even those who later became His worst enemies were treated with dignity and respect when Jesus was among them. Social development is an important aspect of discipleship that we cannot ignore.

 Model of spiritual growth - 4 areas of personal growth -2

 Model of spiritual growth - 4 areas of personal growth -2

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