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 43 Natural Ways to Increase Energy -2

While sugar, caffeine and other more extreme substances can give you a temporary boost in energy, there are many studies that show that side effects are simply not worth it. This is usually a lost sentence, as these substances will surely leave you in worse shape than you were when you started. Why rely on an unhealthy source of temporary energy when there are so many ways to increase your energy naturally? Give these 43 proven tips to try if you want to boost energy without energy failure and crazy side effects.

  1. Alternate hot and cold shower - This is a great way to boost metabolism, heart rate and blood circulation. It is also great for muscle pain!
  2. Instead of green tea for coffee - It is lower in caffeine and produces more physical energy. The reason is that there are blockages in it that activate chemicals in the brain to increase nerve action and blood circulation.
  3. Horror something - Chew a little strong resin of peppermint. It is known that peppermint has a beneficial effect on energy levels.
  4. Scratch your head, or better yet, get someone else. A good head scratch will stimulate your brain. This is due to the fact that the action of scratches stimulates blood circulation in the area. Also related for the same reasons, scratch your temples and ears.
  5. Eat banana - Banana is a great energy booster because it is rich in potassium.
  6. Do not oversleep - To catch a dream, staying in bed longer than usual, can lead to unpleasant consequences and make you feel more tired. Have you ever noticed how you feel in those days when you wake up? Changing the sleep cycle for more than a couple of hours is a mess with you with a circadian rhythm and makes you feel more tired no less.
  7. Take a quick power nap - Focus on fast. Sometimes a quick afternoon nap is all you need to charge. Society may make you think that you are lazy or relaxed, but many of the most successful people in history (Edison, Ford, and Churchill among others) swear to take a hard nap. Make it shorter than 30 minutes, though, as an extra long sleep can make you feel awkward to remind you of the day. Long sleep can also interfere with your sleep schedule at night.
  8. Skip sugar - If you crave carbohydrates, go to whole-grain products, and if your sweet tooth cannot be satisfied, take a piece of fruit. These complex carbohydrates take longer to digest, so they keep your energy level steady.
  9. Go to Quick Walk - Before you fall into this decline in the middle of the day, get up and say walk. Going out in the sun and breathing fresh air, you will definitely feel more energetic.
  10. Always eat breakfast - They don't call it the most important meal of the day for nothing. Breakfast is very important. If you think about it, your body does not receive any nutrition for 8-12 hours, depending on when you ate dinner the night before. And sleep is a lot more work than most of us know. Start the day with a healthy breakfast. If you don't like it, start with something small, manageable and working from there. You simply cannot reach your full energy potential without a proper breakfast.
  11. Eat nuts - Cashews, walnuts and almonds are full of protein and good fats. They are great for increasing stamina as well as some of the best snacks available to you. Make sure these energy snacks are available at any time.
  12. Snack Read more - People trying to lose weight are always surprised that one of the best ways to do this is to eat no more. Food most often is a great way to achieve your metabolism. The whole process of increasing your energy is related to your metabolism. Get this cruise rate at full pace, consuming 5-7 small meals every day, unlike traditional 3. Make sure you eat foods that have nutritional value and will not force you to use energy like candy, chips and soda . Instead, keep the nuts on hand, grab yogurt and keep fresh fruits and vegetables to the fullest.
  13. Learn some stress management techniques. - One of the fastest and most reliable ways to feel a lack of energy is to consume stress. Although we cannot always completely avoid stress, we do not need to wallow in it. There are many ways to manage stress. Here are just a start. Find an image of a place where you feel safe, peaceful, calm and beautiful. Whenever you work, children, husband, etc. Get to you, go to your place in your mind. The image helps, but you can often do this only with your imagination. For bonus points, be sure to apply to all of the different senses. Look, smell, touch, sound, tastes. You will find that the tension melts and you feel great.
  14. Drink lots of H2O - Do you know what is the first sign of dehydration? Fatigue! Drinking plenty of water is essential for high energy levels. Do not make the mistake of thinking that you are getting wet from other drinks. No water to replace.
  15. Get a good rest - During sleep, there are so many wonderful biochemical changes that help rejuvenate our bodies. Become a protection against sleep and do not let distractions and whims throw you away. Easier said than done, I know, but it's worth it.
  16. Take a deep breath - Many of us are shallow. We do not completely fill our lungs when we breathe. This leads to the same type of symptoms that runners face when they work at a height higher than they use. Their lungs cannot extract as much oxygen from the air as they are used to, so they get tired faster. Learn to take deep diaphragmatic breaths and then exhale completely. You will have more oxygen introduced into your bloodstream and inevitably receiving more energy.
  17. Make time - Think about what you really like to do. Make sure every day you give yourself time to do it. Its about how to cut the space in your life for you. Regardless of the fact that he looks at a great movie, listens to music, runs, gets along, reads a good book, etc. When you do what you really like and the things you love, some of the most powerful personal sources are activated. energy and released.
  18. Correct position - Natural spinal curves help to better cope with physical stress. When you slouch, you cannot absorb and dissipate stress as evenly. This leads to pain, discomfort, and tiredness of muscles that need hard work than they need. Secure your energy levels through good delivery.
  19. Laugh often - This is a fantastic form of therapy for those who are in an energy recession. Laughter releases important hormones that make you feel good. If you want to take it to another level, take the time to learn good fun stories and / or jokes. Then go and share them with as many people as you can, and see what happens to your mood and your energy.
  20. Get some straight sunlight - This is the best way to get enough vitamin D. Vitamin D still underestimate its level of importance for our overall health. Doctors believe that the recommended daily amount of FDA is simply insufficient. Vitamin D deficiency has been proven to include: osteoporosis, depression, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, the thyroid gland and adrenal gland problems. The terrible part, according to one study, more than 80% of Americans are deficient in vitamin D. Although vitamin D supplements are excellent, it is simply not possible to replace them with direct sunlight.
  21. Try aromatherapy - Our sense of smell is extremely powerful. The smell of salts has long been used to help revive the unconscious. Taxi and truck drivers use smells to stay alert during long shifts. Try some good smelling oils or candles to increase your energy and alertness.
  22. Is it too hot? “Everyone had a feeling that it was too hot, and would find out how the heat could increase.” Do you fall asleep at work? You may wear too many layers. Either turn the thermostat or get a fan for your work area.
  23. Splash face with cold water - This is an excellent tool for morning sleepiness, but can be used during the day. The fast wave that you feel when cold water is washed over your face may be exactly what you need to get extra energy.
  24. Switching tasks - Low energy may just be that you are at the wheel. For a while, switch to another task. Also think about the side of your brain you are using. If you're stuck in a rut with something creative, switch to something that uses the left side of your brain for a while ... and vice versa. You will not only notice another form of energy, but you will probably just be surprised to notice unconsciously that your brain continues to work on your previous task. And when you return, the problem that you fought before was solved.
  25. Listen to music at a fast temperature. We are creatures of rhythm. Rhythms are highly dependent on our entire physiology. If you are trying to relax, listen to music with a slow rhythm. But if you want to pump it up, play with a faster and more intense rhythm.
  26. The color of your environment - Studies show that red, pink and orange are great for increasing energy levels. Take a look at your work environment or your home. If you feel depressed and tired all the time, you can bring some of these bursts of color.
  27. Take herbal supplements - Many people have already discovered the effect of increasing the energy of adaptogenic herbs. If you're looking for a natural way to stay awake, try Siberian ginseng, licorice root, kelp, rhodiola, acai, bee pollen, ginger, guta-cola, maitake, and more.
  28. Take your vitamins - Ensure that your body has all the vitamins that it needs to work properly, is an integral part of energy conservation. If your diet does not provide what you need (which is probably not), think about a multivitamin to supplement it. Then make sure you get enough vitamins of energy: vitamins of group B (B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, B12), iron, magnesium, vitamin C and vitamin D.
  29. Skip the night drop - You might think that alcohol makes you more sleepy, but in fact it can reduce the quality of sleep that you get. If you drink, do it in moderation to ensure a good night’s rest and alertness in the morning.
  30. Get a massage - Massage is great for stimulating blood flow and relieving tension. This is truly an amazing form of therapy.
  31. Call friends - Being social is built into our DNA. We go crazy (remember that the movie is Cast Away?) When we don't have such a deep sense of connection with other people. For an additional loan, call a friend and find a way to help them or contribute to their lives. There is definitely a form of social energy around us that we can connect to.
  32. Stealing a quick workout Endorphins are one of the most powerful sensory hormones that our body produces. A quick start or a trip to the gym is a great way to get your heart, blood, and hormones to help you feel more energy.
  33. Get up and leave your desk - The idea that we can sit at a desk and work for 8 hours in a row is absurd. To be at the peak of energy levels, stop working and shut off completely at least every 2 hours. Take 10 to 15 minutes from your desk and see what happens to your energy. You will find that you have a steady supply of energy to hold out all day.
  34. Find a way to help - Forget a little about yourself and find out how you can give someone else a life. Service for loved ones or to a decent cause also makes some of them feel that good hormones are flowing and ... you can help someone.
  35. Communication with colleagues - But here's a trick. Do not talk about work and do not gossip. Instead, find out others. Studies show that having friends at work improves productivity and helps morale. Simply put, its just easier to be at work when you know and how people are there.
  36. Emotion Management - Negative emotions drain energy, and positive emotions create energy. Take a look at your emotional health and determine what you need to do to bring more positive emotions into your life. On the contrary, think about the steps you need to take to reduce the negative emotions that you experience every day. Here's a hint: the solution is: you need to change, not someone else.
  37. Try optimism - You are pessimist? Do you constantly complain about how bad things are? Studies show that pessimists are more likely to have diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, depressive symptoms, smoke, sedentary or overweight. Try to find the good side of things ... even the good side of bad things.
  38. Try something different - Change things, go home in a different way, eat somewhere completely new and alien to you. Directing things just for fun can bring energy back into your life.
  39. Think about what you want is not what you do not want “In sports, a common saying has always been“ a good oath is the best defense. ” This is true for life. Instead of always trying to avoid pain, try to find pleasure. Go after what exactly you want. Often just plain clarity alone will help you feel more energy. Play with some resentment of your life, think about what you do not want, what you do not want.
  40. Is your food off? - The pH levels of foods that most of us consume can lead to many health problems. When analyzing pH products are either alkaline or acidic. The goal is that the body is slightly more alkaline than acidic, we must eat foods that balance our pH levels with the level of the natural state of our body. Most fruits and vegetables are in the category of low to high alkali and it is better to consume. However, it is important to make sure that they are fresh fruits and vegetables, and not canned or processed in any way. For example, the process of canning completely changes the pH level in foods and usually makes them more acidic. Having a more balanced pH helps the body metabolize more efficiently, which helps boost your energy.
  41. Play with your beloved - If you love pets and enjoy your company, then time with them can help you with your energy. It puts you in a good mood, helps you forget about yourself and can promote the exercises and go out.
  42. Pat yourself in the background - It's easy to forget what we did, and how far we came. Instead of looking at how far you need to go in order to achieve your desired goal, think about the millions that you hit and the progress you have made. Take a moment and congratulate yourself for your great achievements, and you will definitely feel motivated to continue your journey.
  43. Your blessings - Gratitude is a natural way to get good positive energy to flow into you. It also helps rid your mind of negative, heavy and debilitating emotions and feelings that help deflate you. The next time you feel a little tired, take time to find everything you are grateful for in your life.

 43 Natural Ways to Increase Energy -2

 43 Natural Ways to Increase Energy -2

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