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 How does whole-body cryotherapy increase basic metabolism (BMR)? -2

It goes without saying that the rapid cooling of the surface of the body causes the blood vessels to shrink as the body goes into protection mode, and then once from the CryoTherapy sauna of the whole body, blood flows back to heat these areas. Without a doubt, this action increases metabolism. Now, continuing to regularly use the Whole CryoTherapy sauna sessions, the body strengthens the immune system and the blood delivery system. This will increase your body's long-term basal metabolic rate (BMR).

So why do you need an elevated BMR? Well BMR is your daily calorie burn when you do something, simply existing without training. If your base is 1500 calories, you automatically record this amount. If you increase BMR, you burn more calories every day. Of course, you will burn more calories that warm your body after a CryoTherapy sauna session, but this is just one day. How about the rest of the year?

If you can raise your BMR, you burn more calories, you can burn more calories, burning them more efficiently. Let's discuss it for a minute. An increase in BMR means that you burn fat faster, your body heals itself faster, and you are more efficient with energy as you demand from your body. Increasing your BMR is not difficult; You can do this with a selective diet and exercise with high intensity and / or improve your system when converting energy and direct this energy where you need it. The latter is where all body cryotherapy comes into play. It is interesting to note that one 3-minute full-body cryotherapy session burns as many calories during and after as high-intensity anaerobic work.

If you create more muscle in your body, you will find that it requires more calories to maintain. You can build muscle through intense training. You can make more difficult workers with faster recovery times when you use Whole CryoTherapy of the body as part of your strategy. Since your body replaces white fat with brown fat, you need more energy to heat your body, so you burn more calories. Suffice it to say that there are many ways that cryotherapy for the whole body will increase your BMR.

An interesting article for this: "The impact of cryotherapy on the levels of certain hormones in professional football players" Ilona Korzonka-Shlakhety, Tomas Velikimoski, Agat Stanek, Elzbeta-Vyutokhov, Yacek Karp, Alexander Sieron Endocrinology Polska 2007; 58 (1): 27-33.

In conclusion, this study notes: “Cryotherapy of the whole body leads to a significant decrease in serum T and E2, without affecting the levels of LH and DHA. Probably due to the alternations caused by cryotherapy, when blood is supplied to the skin and subcutaneous tissue, as well as to modulation of the aromatase activity, which is responsible for the conversion of testosterone and androstenedione into estrogens. ”

It is getting harder and harder to deny that whole-body cryotherapy is just a fitness hobby, the results seem to speak for themselves, so all professional sports teams now use it.

 How does whole-body cryotherapy increase basic metabolism (BMR)? -2

 How does whole-body cryotherapy increase basic metabolism (BMR)? -2

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