I bought Michael Rasmussen for the latest profit from MiniSite Exposed and would like to write about this product.
When you first come to the website, this is a free membership website to join. I could be wrong, but it looks like the work of Launch Formula Marketing Script, which invites participants to a closed area after successfully confirming the activation link in your email.
I was fully aware of the arrival in the membership area, it would be an OTO offer or one time waiting for me to take the offer. Since this is the work of Michael Rasmussen, and I enjoyed this product in the past, I ended up buying an offer, avoiding buying them at a higher rate later, if not acting immediately.
You could ask the question: “What's in it” for Michael Rasmussen, if you remained free and did not buy OTO. Once you confirm your membership on the site, go to its list of subscribers until you refuse email or cancel membership, so even if you remain a free member, with the help of joint venture partners, the launch Profit MiniSite Exposed continues to add more subscribers to Michael's list.
Free members Area
In the zone of free participants you can watch 11 videos. The first video is the introduction and review of the program.
The second video explains what mini-sites are and which business can use MiniSites most profitably and what tools you need to create your own. If you have ever been online, it can be quite simple for you so far.
The third video shows how to create a squeeze page to add potential customers from your site - this section of the compression video was very well combined. Only this video is broken down into eight small sections, which fully focus on creating efficient compression pages. Actually, I wanted to create a mini-report on the compression page after viewing this. But do NOT think that this will be a Camtasia instructional video “Over the Shoulder”. These videos are more about e-learning - instead of reading a PDF report, you’ll watch videos about various types of compressed pages, but this isn’t part of any download logistics, FTP, HTML, or something like that with screenshots. Again, until now, if you were online, they might not have been new to you.
I can talk about content in the free zone. However, since they are free, I don’t need to impress you with details, but you can watch them within Free Members. I just want you to remember that these videos are not Camtasia videos with screenshots. Rather, these are PowerPoint slides explaining the entire MiniSite concept.
There are four bonus videos in the paid members area. This section contains much more screenshots instead of marker points. Instead of breaking this section down into every detail, I look through the items that I like and find out what I didn’t know before.
Bonus Video: In the first bonus video, about 8 minutes in content, Michael talks about how to make “Non-Hypey” messages. He mentions the creation of 3-5 messages, each of which explains the advantages of your product, but in large content, almost like ecourse. He then explains that in the third sequence of your answering machine you can use the recommendation, in the fourth message you can answer the 3 most frequently asked questions. Message number five should include a letter of confirmation from someone who is respected in your industry. I found these tips helpful.
Bonus video two A: This section describes six strategies for capturing subscribers, such as pop-ups, selection forms, a Tell-A-Friend script, the beginning of a blog and a forum. All of these are proven modalities that all add to your list of additional subscribers. Did I learn anything new? Not personally, since I have been online for several years, but I could appreciate these steps outlined at the beginning of my internet marketing experience.
Bonus Video 3: Six marketing activities. This is the section that I liked the most. These strategies describe how to send traffic to your mini sites. If you have a stagnant website, in this section you will get more ideas for sending traffic to your mini-website. They browse things like article marketing, forum marketing and if your site hasn't used all of these activities, you’ll find out how much money you can miss.
Bonus video four: This is the last video, but finally it is the most advanced material. Michael is being tested with separation, increasing conversion, adding upsell, OTO, what to include in the download page and how to effectively promote within the product itself. Learning this section takes the novice to a mid-level marketer.
Other bonuses : I really liked these other bonuses of the 16 videos that I watched. I'm not sure where you are personally in your business, but whenever I buy a product, I start to see fewer and fewer items that I find “new”, as far as I know, just because I was online for pretty many years.
Therefore, I dug more into additional bonuses, which consist of graphic packages, scripts, templates, PLR products. It actually took longer because the files were heavy. I started adding these graphs to my site, and I also received several products that I could deploy and distribute.
Internet marketing is becoming more and more competitive every day, and even a successful marketer, like Michael Rasmussen, is invited to demonstrate his value in the market by offering a valuable and useful product at a reasonable price. In Michael's Free Membership Area over content import with 12 Power Point presentations. It blends well and regardless of whether the member is updated, it is worth a look. The Paid Member section, which not only adds four additional videos, but also includes graphics and templates, allows new and average Internet marketers to have the most tools needed to launch their own MiniSite.