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 Why better is better than better -2

Regardless of your present circumstances, the first step to becoming better is an obligation to do just that. It's amazing how many businesses, marketing gurus, mentors, lawyers and doctors, even rocket scientists like to present themselves as “the best.” Demanding that you are the best in any industry or field of knowledge is simply not correct - or at least there is no way to actually measure it, even if it’s true. After all, no business or individual can say that they offer the best of anything - service, quality, or function. There are no standard indicators, and we really do not know who all the competitors are. Your competitive juices should constantly flow to be better than others.

The good news is that you don't have to be the best. You can be better. The “best” is an impracticable standard that is not credible, although it can be supported by recommendations, approvals and awards. Think about it; “Better” is a more realistic statement and much easier to compare. You can say that you are driven, determined, forced to offer better service or products than any other in the area, and, more importantly, transcend your own excellent service every year. This seemingly lower demand is actually much more realistic, much more believable and much more attractive.

The “better” standard also keeps you on your toes and keeps you moving fast in the direction of the direction. You are fully aware that to think that you are better means that you need to continue to push, learn and improve, because there is still room for improvement. Being the best is a note of the limb and gives only a short-term advantage.

As soon as you become the best, there will be no incentive to move forward, and laziness or complacency begin, and you risk being overwhelmed by every competitor ... who everyone works to be better. Now you know that for all those "bestsellers" who believe that their motivation is to remain the best, they are only deceiving themselves. The motivation to improve to become better is always stronger than a false incentive to stay in one place, even if it is the best.

Any great athlete, company, or leader who is actually able to outperform a package for any remarkable period of time can do it not because they think they are the best, but because they appear better every day than their most important rival of all: themselves. Pushing yourself and those around you to be better is the only way to be better than better.

When I remove this message in my brain, you remember that every time you want, you can become better than better, that is, if you remain committed to the cause. Most of us at some level are either familiar with what commitment means. We used to talk about 3 "C" in life. Choice, chance and change. Well, here's another "C", "Commitment." Commitment is where ty meets tar. If you want to achieve the desired success in any area of ​​your life and become better at everything you do, you need to understand the basic elements necessary to make it real, to seize its magic. You must be committed, sincerely committed to getting better and better day by day.

A commitment also means promise, pledge, vow, commitment, assurance, word and guarantee.

A genuine commitment requires three things. The first is desire. The very fact that you are still reading here is more than sufficient proof that you have a strong desire, a desire. It is so good, isn't it? You are on your way to truly exciting, invigorating, refreshing, invigorating, energetic, enjoyable, most rewarding and unforgettable experiences in your life. Stay with me when you realize that desire also means desire, desire, longing, craving, desire, need, desire, and prayer.

You are better than this. You may have the desires of your heart. You can realize all your dreams.

The second is faith. You need to stay true. You need to believe in this process. With your desire and your willingness to believe in yourself, your desire to become better will appear in order to become stronger and stronger. You will feel a sensation, and you and it will strengthen and rise above you when you take responsibility, possession of all and all of your extraordinary talents and abilities that are unique only to you.

The third is faith. On one of my many visits to the US, I was suddenly called from the west coast to go to Houston, Texas. I had to make three connecting flights on the east coast and landed in Atlanta, Georgia, to catch the last connecting flight to Houston. The plane was not as complete as other flights, and I sat in a four-seater section with a two-seater next to the other side of the aisle. A young lady, similar to her last twenties, was sitting by the window on the other side of the aisle next to me and seemed to be lazy looking through one of the magazines. We drove for half an hour about 15 minutes, when the plane flew sharply and leveled off as quickly as it began. The first warning about the upcoming problems came when the inscription on the plane flashed: "Fasten your seat belts." Then, after a while, a calm voice said: "We will not serve drinks at this time, as we expect a little turbulence." When I looked around the plane, it became obvious that many of the passengers were wary. Later, the announcer’s voice said: “We are very sorry that we cannot serve food at this time, turbulence is still ahead of us. “And then the storm broke out: the ominous cracks of thunder were heard even over the roar of engines, like a cork thrown around on the heavenly ocean. One day, the plane was raised to tremendous air currents, and then it fell as if it was about to collapse. Were upset and alarmed. Some prayed.

By now, people were sitting in front of them. Natulki turned pale when I realized that I had never experienced such violence in all my years of traveling by air. Then the plane seemed to have passed a series of invisible strikes on speed, and the time when all the passengers were in a panic, but no one said a word, and I laughed out loud. A young lady next to me at the window looked at me and asked how I could laugh when we found ourselves in such a difficult situation. I told her not to worry and that this plane would never crash, especially when I was on board. “What do you mean,” she asked. I told her that everything was safe while I was on the plane. She unbuckled her seatbelt and rushed across the aisle to sit beside me. I knew that she was going to ask me more questions, but before she could, I asked her whether she was studying in high school or whether she was going to college. By now, as if by a miracle, the plane was flying smoothly, and I recognized her name as Jessica, and we were in a friendly conversation. Jessica said that she had problems when she left because she was 32 years old, a trained psychologist who had her own practice, but looked 18 years old. I laughed again when I told her that I had a connection at the highest point and that she was safe while I was on board. My faith in God and my faith in His ability to protect me prompted me to speak out and confirm my faith. My faith was my comfort. My faith was my guiding light. What prevented me from panicking was what I believed. Hansu Selye, who is a pioneer in understanding human stress, is often asked the following question. “What is the most stressful condition a person can face?” His immediate and unexpected answer: “You don't need to believe in anything.”

The good news is that you don’t need to believe what others are saying about you, you can believe what you can say about yourself. What you need is desire and enough faith to believe in the steps you need to take in order to be better and better. When you do this, you will be on your way to achieving almost everything you want.

 Why better is better than better -2

 Why better is better than better -2

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