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 The key to better night sleep -2

Do you ever find that, no matter how hard you try, do not you think that you are comfortable to sleep? Did you buy countless sleep aids and still find that you wake up with a stiff neck, lower back pain, numbness in your arms or legs, headaches, or even sinus overload? Since we spend almost a third of our lives, and another ten percent of our lives are in bed, this is an amazing amount of time not to feel comfortable. Poor posture during sleep can lead to a variety of secondary conditions, primarily musculoskeletal pain and numbness.

Sleeping in a poor spinal condition for long periods of time can lead to neck arthrosis, degenerative disc disease, and neurological damage to the upper limbs. Studies show that 65% of the US population suffering from chronic neck and back pain report inadvertent sleep disturbance and that 62% of the population report waking up earlier than expected time due to pain in the neck and back. In fact, pain is the cause of insomnia number one. Although it is important to have a comfortable mattress, the posture you are sleeping should be prioritized to prevent further discomfort.

Lying on your side: Your spelling should be as direct as possible on its side without any twisting or turning. Place two long pillows on your side, one on each side of you, and place it between your knees and hug it to align the spine to avoid twisting. Place another pillow behind the spine, so when you roll over, you can use this pillow instead of fighting with a pillow on the bed. The arms should be bent 90 degrees around the pillow to avoid pinching the shoulder and wrist under the pillow. A specialized contour cushion is preferred, and the head should be exactly in line with the chest. Make sure that the glabella (the center point between the eyes), the filter (the center of the upper lip) and the rib cage are in a straight line when you are on the side. If the pillow is too big or small, it can lead to the displacement of the neck and the displacement, which will lead to muscle spasms and pain.

Lying on your back : Use a contour cushion that emphasizes the natural curve of the neck, such as a temporal cushion. The skull should be at the back, as the pillow fits under the neck. Avoid nudging and heavy pillows that push your head forward. Try to avoid hibernation in the stomach, as this causes rotational stress and pressure on the discs and nerves. In fact, snoring can occur if the head moves too far forward or if there is no natural circular curve in the throat.

Reading and using the screen in bed: The most preferred method of reading and other screen use in bed is to put a pillow on your stomach, raising your head like the prone position of a cobra in yoga. This will increase the natural curve in the neck area, which helps to eliminate anterior head syndrome , Anterior head syndrome is one of the leading causes of neck, shoulder, upper back, as well as pain in the hand and numbness, due to the increased activity of vision during our normal lifestyle.

It is important to check with a chiropractor or other health professional who specializes in correcting the spinal structure in order to try to correct the primary condition. In our office, we conduct a thorough examination to see what the spinal structure looks like, and then develop an action plan to correct the causes of most cases of neck and back pain, as well as shoulder and arm pain. Sleep quality is one of the important parts of health, as well as a change in mental habits and minority postures; you can find more energy, better mood and less pain throughout your life.

 The key to better night sleep -2

 The key to better night sleep -2

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