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 Career outside Onitz kingdom -2


Onitzha City, located east of the Niger River (original nomenclature: Onicha Ado n & # 39; Idu) is an ancient kingdom of the most unique Nigerian people who have developed from the 14th century with a very rich culture and customs, strengthened by a clear hierarchy and demarcation of duties among traditional administrative cadres. At the top of this cadre is Obi, whose greatness depends on the skillful support and cooperation of various institutions led by leaders called Ndi-Ichi.

Consequently, the various levels of administrations that help give instructions to the Obi-on-Council in providing sensible advice, while providing exemplary democracy based on participation in various institutions of sociocultural conditions and other interested parties, such as Agbalance-Onicha (for the male sex), From -Oda (for female) and society age group.

The collection of Onitsha’s rich cultural heritage and the unique institution of the kingdom is jealously held in the MINDUL prospect by people who invariably cause the envy of many today because extraneous factors and the pressure of modern modernity could not diminish the importance and respect attached to Onitsha’s unique stool.

From the above, it is not surprising that Onitho Indigen always distinguishes and prides itself on its fields of activity, regardless of place. It is synonymous with a person’s lifestyle that is aware of its heritage and core values. Such a person always seeks to stand out in a crowd.

Having said that, in this joke it is appropriate to refer to Onitsha’s tremendous problems with real problems, especially in the topic of this article: "Career outside the Oniktian kingdom."


The choice of this topic was made from a special passion in order to positively convey my modest quota to the body of existing knowledge in the field of development of children and young people with an emphasis on career. In addition, in accordance with the name given to this first magazine of the Onitsha-Ado Pupils' Association of the University of Nigeria, Campus Enugu, I could not make an effort to present the document in accordance with my VISION, which in this case, in my frank opinion, is plausible .

Currently, two questions may come to mind. First, what is a career? Second, what is a career outside the Oni kingdom?

Well, then, if you are as curious as I am when you are trying to collect this paper. Now we will try to make some clarifications.

2.1. CAREER. There are various definitions of the term “career”, starting with the dictionary “Chambers”, which expresses a career as “professional life”, progress in work or progress in life in general. However, for the purposes of this paper, I would like to look at a career from the point of view of UNESCO in this way:

"The interaction of working roles and other life roles throughout a person's life"

including paid and unpaid work in individual life. ”

The above definition of UNESCO assumes that people tend to create career models because they make decisions about education, work, family and other life roles. Recall that it was found that the people of Onithi for many years jealously held on to their rich cultural heritage and unique royal institution with the MINDFUL point of view, which in general influences the interaction of their working roles and other vital roles to the extent that envy arises in many neintsevskikh indigenous.

The use of the term “MINDFUL” is intentional and pedagogical so that the word set out in its alphabetical and adverbial terms is a listing of security points to inform a career choice that will potentially provide prestige, pride and height outside the kingdom and s boundaries. For example, a need that informed the conceptualization of life outside of the Oni kingdom can only be met when every young man of Onitsha (graduate students / graduate students) is able (consciously) to participate in the interaction of working roles and other life roles based on some carefully created care patterns, based on actual decisions regarding education, work, family and even recreational roles.

To be attentive (ly), dealing with the prevailing analogy, is before being able to consistently perform a self-assessment of a position:

  1. motivation
  2. interests
  3. needs
  4. requirements
  5. Future
  6. Utility
  7. Training
  8. heritage
  9. Yield
  • motivation - it is the underlying force that causes or stimulates a person to act in a way that normally would not be obvious. It is therefore very important that people consider all aspects of the discipline, course or work role (s) that may be required from time to time to encourage them to do more than usual. Thus, a person can go beyond his career. Therefore, as a guide, find below some specific aspects of the work that must be considered before making a choice:
    • The nature of the work - this includes the job description, work schedule, hours to be sent to work, tools available for use at work, etc.
    • Prospects and prospects of work - both students and energetic young people will not be wise to spend all your young people crawling along the hierarchy of ranks in any organization. Before you it is important that you know in advance how many years you need to work before you get a promotion. It is also important to know what you need to do at work in order to facilitate the promotion both fast and regular.
    • Salary and other benefits - studies have shown that one of the motivating factors for choosing a job is the economic benefit attached to this job. Despite this, borrowed funds and other benefits are also very important factors to consider.
    • The danger of work - as students, you should know that there is no work that does not have its dangers, which by definition can relate to any danger, difficulties or harassment perpetrated by the worker, to the extent that it creates a threat to human life.
Maybe it will ever be seen that in most of the guides listed above, the student can be better equipped to determine the career path that can best motivate him.

  • interests - This desire to pay personal attention to the details. This is a factor that determines desires and gives a scale of preferences in accordance with the order of priority. It became obvious that people work very well in areas where they have an interest. Interest is much interesting when you go to a certain job, because the assumption is that you can fulfill your satisfaction and make a positive contribution to society. Interest compels a person to seek more knowledge and acquire new skills that will certainly provide him with an excellent position in the region and society.
  • needs - This is a paradigm related to the study of social needs and emerging trends in the economies of countries, such that they are irritated and challenged to continue the career path that will allow him / her to provide goods and / or services to meet these needs as they arise. This model creates a professional identity or niche.
  • requirements - It is important to conduct periodic studies to determine the demand patterns for products / services. Having identified various social needs, he must carefully analyze demand and / or trend analysis in order to equip a student or potential employee from time to time with appropriate market statistics that will inform about a good career choice.
  • Future - When making a career choice, you need to think about what kind of future there is for this particular role (s) of work. As a rule, it is safer to have long-term ripening goals, despite the fact that short-term ripening enterprises usually provide for daily expenses. Speaking of the future, caution should be exercised with regard to unanticipated legislation and state fiscal policies that may not favor some students or enterprises in the long run.
  • Utility - A good career should be very profitable and able to serve useful or practical purposes. This beneficial impact should be positively reflected in various aspects of social efforts, especially to achieve:
    • Your personal goals
    • Your organizational goals
    • Your community prosecutor's office
    • General national strategic objectives

  • Training - The term may simply refer to gaining experience, knowledge or skills that will affect an almost permanent change in behavior. Therefore, a good career should be able to present different learning opportunities for a person. Training opportunities are motivated, and organizations that have a culture of learning and retraining are more likely to attract more experienced professional work than their competitors. Through continuous learning, you will encounter bodies of knowledge that will make you different from your peers, thereby making you different in a crowd.

  • heritage - for me, this is not just any word in the English dictionary, but rather a transforming seed, sown for positive reasons, which will perpetuate life immensely. According to the Dictionary of Chambers, this is something that has been handed over or abandoned by an unfinished past owner or predecessor. Therefore, a good career should provide a person with the opportunity to leave what is worthy for society so that he or she will forever be remembered by him. This is invariably a kind of structure that must be in place in order to bring it beyond its kingdom.

  • Yield - It is a function of the ability to produce a certain amount of natural, artificial, material or financial products for a certain time. A good career should be able to produce expected incomes and / or significant dividends for the individual, the Organization and the Community.

Therefore, it is very important that a student or youth have to make a reasonable self-assessment in relation to the above, in order to make a rational career choice that will completely take him outside his city. Therefore, for a disciple of Onitsha-Ado, a valid self-assessment in accordance with the above will allow him / her to take the correct position in a career outside of the Oni kingdom.

2.2 CAREER FOR THE ONITS KINGDOM - pending from the foregoing, it is safe to say that a career beyond the Oniktian kingdom is a career that will open a man to horizons beyond the known prodigy of the Onitsha-Ado monarchy, because the career was deliberately created to ensure:

  • motivation
  • Interest rate
  • Satisfaction Required
  • Demand analysis
  • Future relevance
  • Utility
  • Training
  • heritage
  • Yield
I would like to take this opportunity to repeat that the choice of a good career rarely happens by chance, and the process involved is a deliberately busy paradigm. You are all sons and daughters of a great monarchy for more than six hundred years of remarkable status. Please do your best to keep the flag flying no matter the hazards or problems.


In conclusion, you should keep in mind my humble quote:

"A dense fog cloud can temporarily blur the spontaneous visibility of a star
but I must completely give way to the glorious glamor of its dazzling brilliance. ”

Always remember that you are a star from birth and heritage. Go ahead and show off the glamor of your dazzling brilliance with a career beyond Onitsha Kingdom.

Thank you.

 Career outside Onitz kingdom -2

 Career outside Onitz kingdom -2

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