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 Guide to the Modern Man to Care -2

How important is only the appearance of a person? Well, a person cannot lie to himself - very important. A dermatologist carefully examines products and processes designed to make a person enjoy being around; and spell out AB-C good care.

It seems your bathroom mirror is a place where you approach with trepidation every morning, for fear of what he said? Namely, what would your appearance be a bit customized?

Well, stop worrying about being a pimple and stop thinking about this bald pate. If you really want to turn around a new look (and women don't have a monopoly on good looks!) You have nothing to stop.

Let's go to the nitty-gritty:


In dusty cities and other polluted areas, it is a good habit to wash your hair every day. “Daily washing does not destroy hair,” says a dermatologist. "In fact, it is hygienic and makes the head less prone to infection."

Many men shy away from shampoos, considering them exclusively female. But, basically, shampoo for hair and hair has no gender. Shampoos produce foam better than soap, and because the surface tension is less, it makes hair cleansing easier.

Conditioners destroy the disulfide bonds of the hair, so the hair becomes more manageable and comfortable for the groom. Today, shampoos are available with built-in conditioners, which makes them a convenient cosmetic help.

No woman loves a man with dandruff. Dandruff is one of the great obstacles. But, contrary to popular thinking, “dandruff is not a disease,” says a dermatologist. "This is an accentuated physiological problem, that is, the skin is spilled regularly under normal circumstances, and when spill is excessive, it is called dandruff." Most so-called anti-dandruff shampoos available on the market only wash dead cells from the head. The exception is selenium sulfide, an ingredient that reduces turnover or cell formation, thereby slowing down, although it does not eliminate the problem. The best advice that you can follow is to cleanse the scalp with a daily wash.

Bald head - every Achilles heel! Quite a lot of failures. turned into minoxidil as a hair restorer. While regular use of minoxidil sprouts fine hair on bald areas of the sclp, as soon as the application is stopped, the hair begins to fall again. Even more important, minoxidil affects the heart and heart problems. Therefore, it should be used only under medical supervision.

Go for a haircut in your area of ​​the salon, and in most cases you will be given a head massage as a perk (sometimes you pay extra). Indeed, the massage effect increases blood circulation, but it is mistaken (and guaranteed by hairdressers) also to improve hair growth. “This is a myth,” says the dermatologist, “because the growth and life of your hair is determined by your individual genetic pattern.” Thus, enjoy the relaxing effect of massage in all ways, but do not expect miracles to sprout over your hair.


Now for blood and tears, otherwise known as shaving. Your grandmother probably used soap, but today it is more fashionable to use shaving creams. There are ordinary ones that need to be wound on a brush, and there is also a kind of spray that spreads with foam at the touch of a button. In essence, however, “soap and water will do the same,” the dermatologist said. Like shaving creams, they simply fulfill the basic requirement of softening hair for a better shave. The only advantage that shaving cream has over soap is that it produces a thicker foam that does not drip or dry as quickly as soap.

Use a sharp-edged shaving device. Too cold a blade can cause irritation due to repeated friction on the skin. Stroke the grain and wash the razor after shaving - a dirty razor can cause skin infections. “The fungus on the razor parts of a man’s face can almost always be traced to an unclean razor,” the dermatologist says.

After shaving - big business. They are advertised as a way of life. But the main ingredient for them is a high concentration of ethyl alcohol. The only differences between them are the percentage ratio of ethyl alcohol and additives used (cologne, lime, musk, etc.). After shaving, it is recommended to use two functions of ethyl alcohol. It is antibacterial, which means that it destroys microbes and bacteria on the surface of the skin. Secondly, it is a binder, which means that if you chop yourself (rather, a common phenomenon when shaving), after shaving will cause serum to coagulate in sections. This delays the wound, making it imperfect for external infection. Finally, after shaving and when you smell good, you feel good too.

Coming to skin care, more and more men are engaged in cosmetic procedures and appropriate procedures these days. They steam, massage and even whiten their faces in beauty salons. Steaming improves blood circulation due to warmth, but more importantly, to soften the plugs (white and black heads), which facilitates their removal. Please note that whitening can not change the color of the skin, because the pigmentation goes much deeper. Bleaching only facilitates melanin in the dead skin layer, which is deposited for 7-14 days when a new layer is formed.

A facial massage done by specialist hands helps to stimulate and tone those muscles that are not used in everyday life. But while the massage effect can be beneficial, oils and creams used as lubricants can form residues on the skin’s surface and block the pores. "I have had many cases in which the oils used were comedogenic (causing acne) and acnegene (causing acne) after facial care." That is why if the skin reacts negatively to the massage, it is better to avoid it.


In the human body there are two sets of sweat glands. The apocrine glands that lie in the armpits and genital areas are those that produce odor. The secretion they exude reacts to the surface of the skin, releasing what we know as body odor. Therefore, it is desirable that the area is as clean and dry as possible. Since hair provides storage space for sweat, the problem can be significantly reduced by smoothing the axillary hair.

Another set of sweat glands is the exxine glands, which lie over the entire surface of the skin. Their main function is to control body temperature. When the temperature rises, sweat serves to cool the surface of the body. Eccrine glands do not produce odors, but if skin areas may remain moist, a fungus may appear in them.

There are people who do not suffer from sweaty feet! One good hygienic habit is to wash and dry your feet when removing shoes. In hot and humid countries, cotton socks are a better choice than nylon. Cotton absorbs sweat, leaving feet dry.

Again, because of the sweat, the shoes remain wet. Most men use only one pair of shoes for everyday wear. Often, the gap between how a person takes off his shoes and puts them on again is not enough for the leather of a shoe to dry. This dampness can lead to fungal infections of the legs. You may never have thought of this before, but it would be nice to have at least two pairs of shoes to be used on alternate days.

Suits and sneakers are popular today, but PVC / rubber soles, as well as other materials used in these shoes, usually retain heat. Here, the legs tend to remain wet. If you sweat too much, put cotton sticks between your legs. Cotton will absorb sweat and, keeping the toes apart, will reduce friction between them.

Broken or dirty fingers and toes are an ugly sight. Give yourself a regular manicure so that your nails are neat and clean.

Finally, watch your style! Your lifestyle, that is. Weightless bags or puffy eyes can be the result of too many parties or too little sleep. Alcohol, cigarettes and drugs may also be to blame.

Treat yourself - but correctly. And it will look like you look. You will enjoy face to face with yourself in this bathroom mirror! And others will enjoy meeting you.

 Guide to the Modern Man to Care -2

 Guide to the Modern Man to Care -2

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