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 Preparing for Camp 101 For Beginners - A Beginner's Guide -2

Do you want to try your hand at camping and camping? Does the magnificent appearance, the smell of fresh air, the smell and the sound of a fire under the stars sound on you? Will it be your first walk? Well, maybe this article may be helpful.

First of all, one of the most important things you need to do before planning your camping or camping trip is to let someone find out at home or work details about where you plan camps or camping trips, how long you will go and what or other details about your trip that you can leave, which will be useful in case of an emergency or you will not return when you say what you want.

So now plan your trip. Where will you go? How do you find out about the area in which you are planning a hike and camps? Where can I get a card? Make sure you have a map for the area in which you plan to go hiking or camp. Most American forest centers have free wildlife maps. You can also find maps on the Internet and in most outdoor stores. You will also want to check the weather of your location at the campsite and plan accordingly.

So what do I need? What equipment do you need?

Camping requires equipment, and basic equipment is the same for experienced experts or those who are just starting. While there is a lot of high-quality camping to make your stay outdoors much more comfortable, most of these items are not necessary, especially for beginners. Choose good quality equipment, but don’t pay your budget by buying the most expensive equipment. Remember that cost does not always mean high quality.

Here is the basic equipment you need for your trip:

Tents: decide how many people will sleep in the same tent. You may want to have one tent for adults and one for children if you get along with the whole family. For a more convenient arrangement, buy a tent that will have two more people than the amount you expect to sleep inside. See My article on camping tents for more information.

Sleeping bags: sleeping bags are graduated for temperature and have different shapes and sizes. Choose sleeping bags that are suitable for the season and are of a convenient size. See My article on tents and sleeping bags for more information on these camping items.

Equipment for cooking and eating: a small portable propane stove is very convenient and eases the meal, as if you were cooking in your kitchen. You can also buy a barbecue or find a stove that has both burners and a grill. Choose washable dishes and utensils to be environmentally conscious. Do not forget about two plastic bins for washing!

Coolers and food storage: select coolers large enough to provide blocks of ice. It is a good idea to have two separate coolers in different sizes, one for frozen products and one for chilled products. Choose coolers with a latch and handles. Purchase plastic silos for storing products that do not require refrigeration.

Luggage: the best luggage for camping is a fabric bag like a hockey bag. Rigid luggage can not stand so much clothing and takes place.

Optional: buy two tarpaulins - one to use as a mat under your tent, and the other to protect the tent in case of rain. Bring a rope for temporary clothing. The night lamp is always convenient, especially for trips to the bathroom. You will also need a basic survival kit, a cell phone and a flashlight in case of emergencies. If you go on a trip that lasts more than two nights and three days, bring biodegradable soap and shampoo.

Considering additional items to bring, try to think about functional items that fit your lifestyle, such as sunscreen, a spray for sprays, a pair of extra sandals and a mat for entering the tent. Review the passages in the sporting goods section to determine which other items will be good to take with you.

Do not get carried away with gadgets and unnecessary items. They simply take up space and are likely not to be used more than once, if at all.

Clothing and packaging

Determine how many days you are going to hike, determine how many sets of clothes you will need during this period, and then cut that number in half. Pack only the essentials, minimum lgear is the key to a great camping holiday. Transportation, packaging, storage and trying to put everything in the car, before you go on a trip, and when it comes time to go home and unload, all this is not fun at all. When you pack, fold each piece of clothing — and then roll it up. Rolled clothes take up less space than folded clothes.


Camping includes a lot of planning, and this also applies to meal planning. Prepare your menu in advance, and you have a menu for each meal that includes all the items you need. The more details you find in your menu, the better you will prepare exactly what you need, no more and no less.

Choose dinner, which you can prepare in advance, and freeze, and freeze as much as you can, in plastic bags, to save space. The advantage of freezing food is that you have “ice” ready for your cooler, and you don’t have to buy as many blocks of ice, and food can be safely defrosted in a cooler. If it is frozen, and you plan to eat it that night, transfer the food from the cooled food cooler to a fridge for fresh food. Alternatively, thaw it by placing the plastic bag in a bucket of cold water.

It is a good idea to prepare food, which you can free for a couple of weeks ahead of time, and the rest of the food the day before departure. Remember, the more you can cook at home, the less time you have to cook during the camps.

There are many other camping tips for newbies, but most camping trips involve common sense, creativity, and peace of mind when things get tense. Camping is an experience that you should try at least once. If all goes well, you probably want to do this year after year!

Camping can be an interesting and educational holiday for the whole family. However, in order for this to become a reality, it is important that each family member knows some common and useful rules to follow. Camping tips can keep you from frustration and make the experience more fun for everyone, especially if you have small children. Here are some camping tips you should consider before leaving:

1. Choose your tent wisely

When choosing a tent, the most important things to keep in mind are size, weight and weather forecast.

2. Consider the position of the step.

When you set up a tent, one of the best tips to remember is to choose a place very wisely. If you can, try not to sleep on the slope. Think about where the sun rises and goes down. Think of some kind of shelter during the day, it is often useful to have trees on one side of you, to provide natural protection from the heat or any feeding animals that may decide that your tent looks interesting enough to explore. If you plan to open fire, make sure that the flame does not reach the overhang of branches that could cause a fire. Take note and follow any published warning signs and find traces of animals on the ground. Do not disturb the nature of the mother.

3. Rent a manual!

An obvious but often overlooked camping tip is to read the instructions to learn how to set up your tent before you even go on your camping trip. If you have a new tent that you have not used yet, and you are not familiar with how to put it up, it is a good idea to make a backyard tent to practice. When you do this, see if each column is marked, and if not, take some masking tape and mark each part so that it is reliable. Mark the pole 1 ab, pole 2 bc, pole 3 cd and so on. Also, if you return from your trip and your tent is wet, it is a good idea to install it in the backyard and allow it to dry before storing for your next trip.

5. Satisfy your food needs.

Perhaps you do not know the area in which you will be well camped, and therefore do not know which stores, if any, are in the vicinity. If so, try to bring along a few basic foods so that if you cannot get excess food, no one will be hungry. If you are planning to cook all your own meals, make sure that the gas bottles are full, and you have collected everything you need to cook from scratch. Do not forget about the matches and do not forget to keep them dry! When you leave your campsite, make sure that all food is out of the reach of wildlife. They will break open boxes and climb trees to get food if they really want it! It is a good idea to carry your food in a plastic container so that it is kept safe, especially if you will be camping in places where there are large animals, such as bears. Keeping food in place (and smell) will prevent these dangerous creatures from reaching your resting place. If you are camping in a place where there are bears, you must use boxes with bears. Bears can break a car in search of food and can easily open the cooler and eat its contents if left overnight.

6. Stay organized.

Be neat, tidy and organized inside your tent and outside in campgrounds. Although too much routine can be annoying, having a few general rules is one of those camping tips that will prove invaluable in the long run. Simple things, such as avoiding dirty shoes inside the tent, will not only make the trip to the campsite more clean and enjoyable, but also protect the material of the tent, making it longer than otherwise. Assign all the space inside the tent. You also have specific places where you can often find the things that you need so that you do not mess around in the dark and not wake up others looking for a flashlight or spending hours on matches.

7. Do not leave marks.

Once your hiking trip is over, make sure you clean yourself up, not leaving a trace that you were there. If you are using a private or public camp, this is necessary, as people arriving will come to use the same place after you have stayed.

8. Prepare next time.

You have to prepare for the next hiking trip since the end of the current one. This means that you remove all your equipment, including a tent, so that you can easily and simply start the next hike. Make sure the tent goes out in dry weather (if you take water, when you sit down, let go of the tent after you go home) and clean it so that it will not be used in the future without any fuss. When you pack, pay attention to any equipment that you may need to purchase, for example, new pins or a spare gas bottle. Also pay attention to the items that need to be repaired.

Camping Code of Ethics

When traveling to a favorite camping spot, stop on certain roads and trails. A good idea is to follow advanced territory negotiation methods for your type of travel. Do not disturb the natural habitat by creating new routes or expanding along the existing path. When you come to a creek, just cross paths in Fossey, where the road or path crosses the creek. When you come to the sign, complain about all the signs and barriers, they are not just. It is always a good idea to go camping with two or three campgrounds. Solo travel can leave you vulnerable if you have an accident or have failed. Always leave the parts at home before leaving; where you plan to go camping, how long you plan to leave, and any other details that may be useful in case of an emergency or if you do not return when you are planning. Respect the rights of others, including private property owners and all recreational trailer users, vacationers and others, so that they can enjoy recreational activities without hindrance. Be alert to others on the road, trail or campsite.

Keep noise to a minimum, especially in the early morning and evening hours. Be attentive to other tourists. privacy, keep your distance and avoid traveling around the camps.
Camping facilities in natural colors blend in with the environment and are less intrusive to other campsites. an experience.

Leave the gate as you find it.

If you cross private property, be sure to ask permission from the landowner.
When moving the harvest of horses, tourists and bikers.

Enlighten yourself by receiving travel cards and instructions from government agencies, planning your trip, passing recreational skills, and learn how to safely use and manage your equipment.

Get a map of your destination and determine which areas are open to your type of travel.
Make a realistic plan and stick to it. Always tell someone about your travel plans.
Contact the land plot manager for restrictions, closures and area permits.
Check the weather forecast for your destination. Plan clothes, equipment and materials accordingly. Carry a compass or global positioning system (GPS) unit and know how to use them. Prepare for the unexpected by packing the essentials. Avoid sensitive areas such as meadows, lakeshores, wetlands and streams, if only on certain routes. This protects wildlife habitats and sensitive soils from damage.

Other vulnerable habitats that should be avoided without designated routes include cryptobiotic desert soils, tundra, seasonal nesting or nesting areas. Avoid disrupting historical, archaeological and paleontological objects. Avoid the “frightening” livestock and wildlife you encounter and stay away. Motorized and mechanized vehicles are not allowed in areas designated for the desert. Do your part by leaving the area better than you found it, properly dispose of the waste, minimize the use of fire, avoid the spread of invasive species, restore degraded areas, and join the local enthusiast organization. Pack what you pack.
Take the garbage bag and take the litter left by others.

Repack snacks and food in bags. This reduces the mass and amount of garbage to perform.
If possible, use existing campgrounds. Camp on sturdy surfaces and place tents on uninjured territory. Do not dig trenches around tents. The camp is at least 200 feet from water, hiking trails and other campgrounds. Use a fireplace stove for cooking. They are always preferable to the fire in terms of impact on the land. Observe all fire protection restrictions. If you must build a fire, use existing fire rings, build a mound, or use a fire pan. For fires, use only fallen wood. Collect firewood away from your camp. Do not cut standing trees. Let your fire burn to ashes. Make sure your fire is completely leaking. Do not wash in steam and lakes. Detergents, toothpaste and soap harm fish and other aquatic environments. Wash 200 feet from streams and lakes. Scatter the grayish water so that it seeps through the soil. In areas without toilets, if possible, use a portable restroom and pack your waste, otherwise you need to bury your waste. Human waste must be removed to a shallow hole (6 to 8 inches deep) at least 200 feet from water sources, campgrounds, or trails. Cover and mask the hole with natural materials. It is recommended to pack toilet paper. High usage areas may have other restrictions, so contact your land manager.

I hope this was useful information for camping. Наслаждайтесь прекрасным отдыхом на открытом воздухе, и, пожалуйста, оставьте его на открытом воздухе, когда вы упакуете и отправляетесь домой.

 Preparing for Camp 101 For Beginners - A Beginner's Guide -2

 Preparing for Camp 101 For Beginners - A Beginner's Guide -2

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