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 Tips for Using Gentian Violet to Treat Yeast Infections -2

If you can find some older books on this subject, you may well find a list of substances called gentian violet. It is regularly used regularly for the treatment of yeast infections at home, since long before modern antibiotics and antifungal procedures we actually had were actually available.

This can usually be found in a pharmacy in the same section that you can find things like iodine, and if you have trouble finding a search, most of the people who work there can properly approach the products you need.

The application of this treatment is quite simple, as are most of the procedures that inspire at home. You rub a little into the vulva and inside the vagina with a swab. You will do this for a few days so that he can work on the infection. Here the caveat is that it is stained very strongly, like iodine.

This means that you would be nice to wear black clothes and use heavy pillows for reflection, because it will paint everything in a dark purple color. This, of course, does not mean anything, that you would like to get all your good clothes or bedding, so take the appropriate precautions.

As with everything that you have not tried before, it would be wiser to try the application in a less sensitive area to make sure that there will be no allergic reaction. Vaginal itching from a yeast infection is easy to explain to you. A swollen and itchy vaginal, which has a bright purple color, may cause concern to a doctor or other viewer, so you may be safe than sorry.

It was reported that some countries over the seas in Europe have stopped selling this because of possible complications, but at the moment it has not been proven from a medical point of view.

 Tips for Using Gentian Violet to Treat Yeast Infections -2

 Tips for Using Gentian Violet to Treat Yeast Infections -2

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