RV travel with pets is quite popular these days. According to a 2007 survey, 57% of RV owners took their pets with them when they hit the road. With a little planning, you and your pet can have a great time when you go to your RV.
Will you go away for a few days or a few months, here are some tips that will help your dog get ready for the RV ride.
- Trip to the vet . Ask your vet to check our dog before you travel. Make sure your dog is up to date with his vaccinations, especially in his rabies vaccine. You will need to take your pictures with you when you travel. Although this rarely happens, you may be asked to show proof of detention in case of rabies, when you cross the state line or if you are stopped by the police, make sure that you keep your dog sled documents in the glove box or anywhere, be easily made, if you stopped.
- Make your dog ready to travel. When traveling in a car or van, it is usually best to secure the dog in a crate or belt. They do not give the dog to throw and injure in case of an accident. Many people also like to use these safety methods when they travel with their dog in an RV. A box is always a good idea when you are traveling in case you need to keep a dog for some reason. If your dog is sick, you can prepare for it before the ride. Ask your vet to recommend something for the trip. Let your dog spend some time in the RV and get used to it when it is not moving.
- Collect your dog's belongings. Before going on a trip, you will need to collect your dog's belongings. Even dogs must pack! Be sure to take his bed, his favorite toys, his leash (and spare), an extra collar and his dishes from dishes and water. You will also need to bring dog food. If you feed popular dog food, then you should be able to buy more when you travel, but if you feed food that is hard to find, it is a good idea to take enough with you to travel. Also, make sure your dog is wearing a collar with good identification. He must have at least one way to contact you or your veterinarian. If your dog is a microchip, this will also help if he gets lost while traveling.
- Keep your dog comfortable When you travel, you should plan to stop for a small break every three hours. You should be able to find beautiful recreation areas with places designed for dog walks. Try to keep the temperature in the RV comfortable for your dog.
- Look for children's camping for animals You can identify these campgrounds before you begin your journey. Some campgrounds welcome pets, and some are simply more open to them. In any case, it is best to go where your dog is required.
- Watch your dog Watch your dog when it is outside the RV. There are some good ways for your dog to stretch their legs a little when you travel. You can purchase a pen or an exercise pen with several wire panels and customize it for your dog. Exhibitors often use these pens when they travel. Simply fasten the wire panels together, and you have a small enclosed area. They are not terribly strong, but they allow your dog to be outside and unplugged. You can also buy a mobile wireless fence. Such a fence works like an underground fence, but it uses radio waves, and when your dog wears a collar, he will warn him when he approaches the border. Wireless wings are more expensive (about 300-400 dollars), but they allow your dog to have more room to turn off. Remember that you should always keep an eye on your dog when he is on a trip.
If you follow these suggestions, then you and your dog should have a great trip together when you travel in your RV!