Delayed motherhood is becoming very common as women become more career oriented, but you need to know that the risks of late pregnancy are associated with both the mother and the baby. A middle-aged woman finds her pregnant in difficulty, and later makes sure that the child gets tired. You must be looking for early symptoms after 35 years due to an increased risk. The chances of complications during pregnancy almost doubled from 10.37% for women between the ages of 20 to 29 years old and more than 23% for women in the 35-39 age group.
Let us take a look at the risks associated with late pregnancy -
Genetic diseases are more common in late pregnancies. The likelihood that your child will get Down syndrome or Patau syndrome or other chromosomal abnormalities becomes very high if you become pregnant after 40 years. In many cases, you may have to terminate the pregnancy after screening tests. Late mothers suffer from fibroids, diabetes and high blood pressure. Moreover, since their skin loses its elasticity due to their age, it may affect the mother later. Women with late pregnancy are also at higher risk of developing breast cancer. Other associated risks are miscarriages, stillbirths and an increased risk of mother dying after childbirth. The length of your job is longer if you are pregnant, and you are also at increased risk of having twins or triples. Many women need to be given induced labor. Also increases the rate of cesarean section and delivery of forceps. Preeclampsia (very high blood pressure) is a significant risk of late pregnancy. This can lead to convulsions, renal and hepatic complications, which even leads to the death of the mother. Infants of such mothers are premature or with slower growth, and then face problems in social adaptation. Fetal growth restriction or the fact that you can simply prescribe as an undernourished child is due to problems with the placenta (low-lying placenta) in older women. This prevents the passage of food to the fetus. Ultimately, such a child suffers from heart problems, high blood pressure, diabetes and many other health problems. Another risk associated with this is a premature child caused by an immediate premature birth, which can lead to death of both the child and the mother. Premature babies have other growth problems in later phases of their lives. There is currently no screening test that could detect which late pregnancies will develop this kind of complication. The best solution is to take regular prenatal tests with a doctor. Although many problems arise suddenly, but at least they can be detected early, and the risk of further serious complications can be reduced, if not eliminated.
Doctors advise that the best age for a child be before you turn 33, so that you can safely avoid the risks associated with it. However, if for some unavoidable reason you are a deceased mother, then take part in pregnancy tests that can help assess your risks for probable diseases. In addition, precautions can also help you reduce the risks associated with late pregnancy.