Fibroma diagnosis can be frustrating and scary for many women who want to have children. However, the fact is that fibroids are found in 20–50% of women who are estimated to have them. Given that many women have diagnosed the diagnosis, women with fibromia have many pregnancies. In most cases, these women have no complications associated with the condition. Any woman diagnosed with fibroma may want to evaluate the risks associated with this disease. What are some of the risks of fibroids and pregnancy?
Some common risks of early pregnancy include increased bleeding and miscarriage. Submucosal fibrosis represents the greatest risk of problems in early pregnancy. It is a type of fibroid that grows under the lining of the uterus. Growth in the uterus can cause problems with implantation, and can also interfere with the growth of the placenta, which is vital for the baby.
The risks associated with myomas and pregnancy become more serious when the woman is further into the pregnancy. The main risk of late pregnancy is premature birth. This is due to the fact that fibrosis takes place in the uterus. When the baby grows inside the uterus, the space also shares with the fibroma. This leaves less room for the growth of the child. Sometimes the child’s growing room ends and the mother goes to work before the due date. There is also a risk of separation of the placenta in the later stages of pregnancy.
Delivery can be very serious if certain complications associated with fibroids occur. The main complication that results from this is a cesarean section. The presence of fibroma can cause the baby to turn out to be a shutter or to be in a transverse position, which will prevent the development of the baby through the birth canal. Sometimes, when the baby is positioned correctly, fibrosis can block the birth canal, preventing the baby from entering. Any of these situations is likely to result in a cesarean section. Other risks are postpartum haemorrhage, the inability of the uterus to contract effectively after delivery, and complications of displacement of the placenta due to blockage of fibroids. When weighing the risks of fibroids and pregnancy, these complications upon delivery enable a cesarean section at the top of the list.
All of these risks are serious and can bring women to anxiety and fear. It is good to remember that in most cases a woman can go for a full term and have a normal delivery with a diagnosis of fibroids. Fibroids can be found in many different places and different sizes, which will determine whether pregnancy affects everyone, and if so, it may just be minor discomforts associated with fibroid growth. This is usually temporary and can be treated with a pain reliever. While under the care of an experienced doctor, you will be monitored and receive all necessary support. No need to worry too much, but it is always good to be aware of the possible risks associated with fibroids and pregnancy.