A caesarean section or C-section is an operation performed to deliver a baby. When there are several babies or any other problems, the woman cannot have a normal vaginal delivery, then her stomach is cut medically to get the baby out. In general, the C-section operates with unexpected complications during delivery. It can be:
- Mother's health problems that may be long term
- Abnormal fetal position
- Convicted room for a child to go through the vagina
- Any defects in a child
- Holding more than one child
It is safe for both mother and child, but it is a serious operation with many risks. Moreover, recovery takes a lot of time than with normal delivery.
C-Section Topics
A cut made during surgery may leave a stain in the uterine wall a week. This, in turn, can cause complications in vaginal delivery after the next pregnancy. However, more than half of women who were previously operated for childbirth may have normal supplies after, but with several problems that can be well handled.
For mother:
C-section can present these threats to the mother:
- Infection in the uterus or adjacent pelvic organs, such as the kidney or bladder.
- Blood loss compared to regular delivery. This naturally increases as new blood cells are constantly being formed. Often there is no need for blood transfusions.
- Anesthesia Reaction : Maternal health may be in a dangerous place due to anesthesia or the use of several drugs during surgery. Blood pressure drops rapidly, sometimes difficult to treat.
- Respiratory problems such as pneumonia, can be caused by general anesthesia.
- Longer recovery time this is another risk that every woman who passes through the C-section certainly has.
- Additional operations: This is likely to require more surgical interventions, such as bladder repair, hysterectomy, and others.
Some risks can be avoided, but not all.
For a child:
The child also has certain risks during surgery. These:
- Preterm delivery: When the estimated date is not calculated, early delivery may occur. At the same time, the week-old child is kept in special care, without attributing to him a normal weight and ending with the usual term.
- Respiratory complications: Transient tachypnea, a disease characterized by abnormally fast breathing during the first few days after birth, can have an adverse effect on the baby.
- Injuries: Fetal damage is rare, but possible. The surgeon may mistakenly affect the child when performing a uterine incision.
Many other problems are also observed, but they are either unusual or mild to be easily cured.
Precautionary measures
It is better to avoid any compression before it reaches a higher level in order to minimize the C-section. The odds of dying is one out of every 2,500 women compared to every 10,000 for normal delivery. The risks are higher, so is mortality. After that, every four pregnant women in the United States get a child through the C-section. How strange!