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 Rice processing equipment -2

Rice processing cycle

Rice processing consists of cleaning, sorting colors, polishing and packaging. A number of machines performs various processes. The following is a typical processing cycle.

Hopper: The rice is unloaded into the hopper where it should be sent to the cleaning section. From the feed hopper, this raw material is guided by a bucket elevator.

Bucket Lift: Bucket Elevators are used to move material vertically. The elevator is fed to the inlet spout and lifts the raw material using buckets that are bolted to a belt, driven by two pulleys at each end of the elevator (upper and lower ends, called Head & Boot, respectively). This bolt-on bucket picks up the material and releases it to the outlet.

Aft bunker: the raw material (ricel) is lifted by an elevator and stored in a bunker (capacity 25 tons) for further continuation. The raw material is unloaded into the receiving pit, and then the pit is emptied and the raw material is stored in the bunker whenever it is processed.

Combination / pre-cleaner: the primary impulse is first fed to the combined / pre-cleaner. This machine performs the initial cleaning of the source material and separates various impurities. Stocks are served at the entrance, which oscillates with the car. The flow of material is directed exactly to the center of the machine, and the stock is distributed across the entire width of the screen. The upper screen removes jute yarns and other larger particles. On the lower screen, light particles, such as bran, etc., are removed. An aspiration channel removes dust and light particles, such as the body, and the aspirated and separated product is collected at the outlet. Dust particles are sucked from the system and collected for disposal.

Magnetic separator: it organizes material from iron with mechanisms with permanent magnets and stacks in such a way that all the material flows evenly across the entire width of its magnetic field.

Body Separator: It separates the body grain / paddy from the paddy. This separation is carried out by passing the grains through a series of deflector compartments (usually Z-shaped) mounted on an inclined castor table, using the difference in specific gravity, surface, grain texture and gravity.

De-Stoner: De-stoner is used to remove stones, metals, glass and other heavy impurities from rice. It is based and operates on the principle of vacuum. Vibrating fluidized bed gives a floating rebound to the incoming materials, and therefore the pulses are continuously separated from heavier materials with a certain mass.

Grader in thickness: after removing stones, an elevator impulses raises impulses to feed thickness to graders that separate larger / smaller grains other than super basmati impulses, such as beans, red impulses, immature and wrinkled grains, etc., rotating cylindrical screens produce smaller / larger grains through the slits of the screens, and mature grains are grouped separately.

Polishing section

Bucket Lift: Elevators are installed in front of each machine to provide feed. First, materials are taken from a certain height and collected in loading tanks above the machine, so that a continuous stream must be available for machines to process.

Feed Tank: Also referred to as feed feed bins, with a conical hopper are used to ensure a continuous and balanced supply to the equipment.
Abrasive Polisher: This polisher is used for impulse drilling with optimum output. The rice passes through the polisher, and it removes the bran with the help of friction between rice rice and emery roll. The rice enters the polisher and is guided into the chamber with a screw feeder. The intensity can be regulated by two adjustable means, a counterweight to the holding output and the gap between the emery roll and the screens.

It is also equipped with an aspiration system for efficiently performing the task of cooling the impulses and thereby reducing the breakage. It also supports the transport of bran from the chamber.

Water Polisher: A polishing machine is used to finish polishing impulses to get shine, smooth and dusty surface impulses. This machine removes loose bran and dust from impulses and increases the brilliance through a humidified controlled stream of air and friction during the process. Humidity produces a uniform water mist with control of the flow of air and drinking water.

Section sorting and sorting colors

Bucket tank: the newly polished pulses are transported vertically up through the elevator to sort and sort the colors.

Rotary flat sieve: this machine separates small broken and long grains from the rice stream. This machine can effectively and accurately filter russified, heavy and light impurities, a mixture of head pulsations, large, small and medium broken, tips and bran, etc. The machine works more efficiently when there is a clear difference in size, for example, the separation of small broken ones parts from bran impulses.

The horizontal circular motion gives rice grains an active game in the spacious screen area, which results in precise and fast sifting. Free-moving rubber ball cleaners prevent mesh clogging, which speeds up the smooth passage of rice through the nets.

Any combination of sieves according to the required specification, both in the number of sieves and in the cell sizes, gives the choice for the combination that is most suitable for sifting needs.

Grader Length: designed for precise sorting by length and separation of rice according to the size of the indent. The pic enters the inlet cylinder at the feed inlet located at the upper end of the inclined cylinder. The granular grain is captured in size by indentation and transported upwards when the cylinder rotates until a point is reached where the grain is forced out by gravity and is collected in the unloaded screw conveyor and unloaded. And the full grain remains at the bottom of the cylinder and is collected separately.

Two sorted cylinder indents are used to sort rice into three categories:

- 1st quality impulse Full size of rice in standard tolerances
- rice 2 size
- 3rd quality Impulses for the size of rice and flour

Compressor: used to supply compressed air to color sorting and packaging scales, etc. It is completed with actuators, an electric motor, a water filter, a dryer, a pressure gauge and valves, etc.

Color sorter: it is used to separate bleached grains and body from treated ric. The color sorter is an automatic microprocessor, 256-channel machine operating on the monochrome principle of the light spectrum to separate bleached grains.

Scale of packing: an automatic weighing and packaging machine used for packing the impulses of the head. Digital design for an externally controlled control panel provides very accurate measurements. Very efficient and fast work gives the possibility of packaging in a short time compared with manual weighing and packaging.

Nazaz Rees Engineering

 Rice processing equipment -2

 Rice processing equipment -2

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