Sticking magnets together means that you combine the power of two magnets and create a stronger one. The forces of the combined magnets will certainly be doubled, but there are restrictions on how much energy can be obtained by doubling.
What are neodymium magnets?
These magnets are most commonly used in commercial applications, and they are made from a special blend of neodymium, iron and boron alloys. These magnets are commonly used in areas where strong ones are required, such as cordless telephones, etc. Neodymium magnets are preferred because they have higher energy and higher coercivity. However, as with the other, the magnet strength decreases towards the center of the magnet and is the highest at the periphery.
Why is power doubled?
Using two neodymiums can increase the power of the magnet as a whole. This is also called styling. For example, using a magnet with a diameter of 10 mm and a width of 2 mm and adding another with a diameter of 10 mm and a width of 2 mm would mean that this magnet will always work as 10 mm diameter by 4 mm. This property has been used successfully in a number of commercial applications, and has proven to be very effective. However, along with the advantages, there are several disadvantages.
Magnets attract each other in opposition directions. This means that you will have to place them together with opposition poles. This increases the overall power. However, this creates a problem. Since the opposite poles are located together, the total magnet power is much lower than expected. If you can find a way to hold the magnets together or combine them together so that they are aligned with the same poles together, you can get much more energy in your piles.
• The cross-sectional area must be increased more than the thickness in order to get the maximum benefit from the placement of the magnets. However, if you extend the length more than the diameter of the magnet, it will not work. The magnet power is increasing, but this is the minimum difference that does not help.
Commercially large companies perform stacking to double the power of a simple magnet. This is done only for certain cases, although most companies prefer to use electromagnetics that provide the necessary amount of attraction. If you plan to fold magnets for home use, we suggest you be very careful. Neodymium is very powerful, and there are messages that attract each other with such force that they can pinch parts of the body in the middle, causing broken bones and crushed fingers. Magnets can hit each other with such force that they can be cleaned and destroyed.