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 Proper oral hygiene - 10 common mistakes -2

Brushing your teeth is not just a habit. This is a special procedure. Regularity often leads to carelessness and even neglect, and since there is only a step towards tooth decay and gum disease. There are a few mistakes we make when brushing our teeth:

Error 1: Do not use the right toothbrush
When choosing a toothbrush, consider the size of your mouth. If you press to open it wide enough to insert a brush, then sometimes it is too large. The goal is your comfort. Which brush is better electric or normal? Experts say this is a matter of personal preference. Proper cleaning does not depend on the type of brush, but on who uses it.

Error 2: Your brush does not match the correct thread
Some brushes with a corner thread - some of them with a straight line. What's better? According to scientists, it does not matter. More important is the cleaning technique, not how the hair is located.

Error 3: you do not brush your teeth often enough or long enough
Brush your teeth gently at least 2 times a day. If you do it 3 times, it is even better. If there is too much time between each brush, the bacterial plaque accumulates and increases the risk of inflammation. Cleaning should last at least 2 minutes, but even better 3.

Error 4: brush your teeth too often or too much
Brushing your teeth 3 times a day is fine, but if you clear them more, it can be a problem. More than 4 times a day is too much. Excessive brushing can irritate the root of the tooth, which often causes gum irritation. Too evil cleaning can damage tooth enamel.

Error 5: you do not brush your teeth properly
Brush your teeth gently, without crossing them. Friction should be vertical, not horizontal. Be sure to clean the outer and inner surface of the tooth and tongue.

Error 6: start from the same place every time
Many people start brushing their teeth from the same place in their mouth again and again. Start from different places. Until you reach the last part of the mouth, you are already bored. Therefore, you are stuck in one area, but this is undesirable.

Error 7: miss the inner surface of the teeth
Most people forget to clean the inner surface of the teeth - where the tongue touches them. A sticker that you do not see is equally important to remove. Most often, the missing zone is the inner surface of the front teeth.

Error 8: after using the toothbrush after using
The bacteria multiply on an uncleaned toothbrush, and the next time you brush your teeth, you are actually returning the old bacteria in your mouth. Rinse the brush after use!

Error 9: you do not leave the brush dry
If you have a brush that is constantly wet, it will multiply more bacteria. If the hair remains wet, it will also quickly deteriorate. So do not forget to dry the brush.

Error 10: You do not change the brush too often.
Dentists recommend buying a new toothbrush every 3-4 months or even more often. Instead of observing strict time limits, it is best to monitor the condition of your brush.

 Proper oral hygiene - 10 common mistakes -2

 Proper oral hygiene - 10 common mistakes -2

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