Setting material
Most of the paver projects will vary depending on access, site conditions, project size and, of course, weather. These situations can have a general impact on your project from a time base. It is necessary to carefully analyze the start time of the paver installation. Always try to minimize or avoid movement on prepared sites.
The master or project manager should always have materials (sand / asphalt pavers) distributed throughout the project site for simple and efficient installations. Deck pallets / packs should be placed so as not to interfere with the installation of the stacker. Proper placement of pallets / packages can simplify and speed up the actual installation of the project by reducing the overall workload of the material.
Brick Stacker
Pavers can be placed in many different models depending on their shape. Each form of the handler usually has several different hatching patterns that are provided by the manufacturer.
Laying and shape stacker is very important for application performance. Contractors need to take into account the load on freight transport for asphalt pavers. In all street and driveways, it is recommended to use herringbone patterns at 90 or 45 degrees, since these patterns will provide the necessary maximum load and will resist creep from turning the tires and starting or slowing down traffic. In most applications around the world, it has been shown that paving stones laid in a pattern on a Christmas tree are adequately made.
Asphalt pavers with a thickness of 60 mm (2 - 3/8 inches) are suitable for pedestrian use. Pavers to be used for commercial or industrial purposes should be 80 mm (3 - 1/8 inch) thick.
Link / starting point for installing brick stacker
There are a number of conditions that define the starting point of a project for the handler.
When you start installing pavers, it’s best to hook a real straight line of chalk on the sand surface for sand or pull the true straight line of the string above the sand surface of the litter on the finished elevation of the paving stone. This will help as a guide for maintaining straight connection lines, as well as allow the installer to make adjustments to the alignment of the pavers.
Buildings and concrete structures are usually not straight and should not be used to install straight connection lines. The use of string lines is necessary to determine the true brightness of the edge. As the stacker installation progresses, string lines will help minimize the need for small details.
The width of the seam between the pavement should be between 1/16 and 3/16 inch (2 and 5 mm). There are several pavers with struts on each side. They will maintain the minimum width of the seam and allow bedding and joint sand to penetrate between each paver. Pavers with spacer rods, as a rule, do not fit each other, since the string line provides a consistent distance between the seams.
Installation of brick asphalt pavers
One of the most widely used methods for installing pavers is the manual installation of each paver. It is best to install one row of pavers along one of these straight lines that you have dropped or above the sand. This will give you a straight and true line to work with. Once this line is installed, you can continue to work in the field with the rest of the pavement. Always check the regular checks of your lines to make sure they are correct and correct. If not, adjustments to the paving stones can be made as the installation proceeds. Pavers must be installed manually. The best way is to place the paver on the other, and let it slide down into the sand of the sand. Do not kick or push the paving stones into place, as this can bring your lines out of true brightness.
When installing pavers on a steep class, they should be installed on the basis of a class that goes uphill. This will prevent the paving stones from creeping as they are stacked.
In large commercial and industrial applications, handheld storerooms will not be cost-effective due to labor input. The best way to install pavers for large projects is to install them mechanically. The use of mechanical pads can install about 6000-7000 square meters. Feet per day. Before installing the pavers mechanically, you must consider the contractor,
1.) Mechanical installers are able to install pavers on specific designs.
2.) The contractor must ensure that the manufacturer is able to produce and bind paving stones according to the desired pattern on pallets for easy mechanical installation.
3.) Contractors may be confronted with a situation of mixing colors coming from bundles of paving stones. Poor color mixing can result in a spotted color. Most manufacturers are consistent with the color mix on each set of pavers, but the contractor’s responsibility is to ensure proper mixing in the field.
Cutting procedures for brick pavers
Contractors usually have two ways of cutting pavers. Pavers are cut either by 1). Double scapular guillotine or 2). Gas cutting saw or brick saw equipped with a diamond blade. A diamond saw or brick saw with a diamond blade will provide a much cleaner and more accurate cut. Most brick saws will have a hose overlaid on them, which will allow the operator to cut the pavers' hoes. When cutting hoe paving stones, this will help minimize dust and extend the life of diamond knives. The operator of the brick saw must always cut the pavers from the surface of the paver's field when cutting moisture due to the fact that the paving stones will create a suspension that will paint the surface of the paver. Pavers that are cut should not be tight, sufficient distance should be available to join the sand.
The operator of the brick saw must always wear the proper protection necessary for the operation of the saw, for example eye, ear, respiratory and manual protection).
Types of pruning
Limitations play an important role in the overall success of the pavement blocking installation. Fastening stops eliminate lateral movement of paving stones and firmly hold paving stones. Especially on the outer perimeter of the application for the stacker, with no limit to the edge, your project is guaranteed to fail over time.
There are several different edge restrictions from which counterparties can choose. Usually manufactured boundary limiters are most often used by contractors. Edge guards manufactured can vary from plastic edging, steel and aluminum, lumber, or precast concrete and stone. The facing type, which is used mainly in commercial and industrial applications, is sublime concrete curbs. This edge restriction is usually set by other contractors.
Edge setting
When installing the edge guard, it should be placed directly on top of the compacted gravel base. The surface of the compacted gravel base should be laid at least 6 inches beyond the perimeter of the stone blocks. This will provide the proper framework on which the border can stand. The fabricated fringing (iE Plastic, steel or aluminum) must be firmly fixed to the laid gravel base (refer to the manufacturer's literature for the recommended distance from the spikes). There are some border edgers that will go deeper into the base of the gravel or beyond the limits of the base course (iE Timbers or beloved curbs). Facing caps should never be placed directly on top of the sand layer. This can lead to sand layer migration and temporary lateral movement of paving stones. If it is possible to lose sand for sand between the asphalt pavers and the edge protector, it is recommended to use fabric for textile fabric. When the gap between asphalt pavers and trimming excludes 3/8 "(10 mm), then the space should be filled with stone blocks.
Compaction of brick pavers
After installing the paving stones must be sealed. The entire area to be collected must be cleared of any foreign objects and debris that may cause scratches or scratches on the surface of the paving stones.
It is important to have a seal that can work between 3000 pounds. And 5,000 pounds. Due to centrifugal compaction force. In addition, it is important that the first compact occur before any suture sand has been applied to the asphalt pavers. If bobbin sand is applied to the asphalt pavers before it is compacted, this can cause a jumper problem and will not allow the joint to be completely filled with sand. It can also prevent proper installation of paving stones in the sand for bedding.
When compacting paving stones, it is recommended to carry out at least two passes in different directions along the pavers. This will allow the stackers to properly place the litter in the sand and cause the sand to fall into the joints from the bottom of the paving stone.
Compaction of paving stones is very important for the final work of paving stones. Failure to perform proper compaction can lead to deformation and destruction of the road surface over time.