The treadmill deck is the material that forms the hard surface on which you run. In other words, it is an auxiliary surface. This article describes the flooring of the tread, which is a belt that moves along the flooring.
Treadmill manufacturers do not provide much information about the real building materials of their decks. Nowadays, most of the treadmills, especially if they are above $ 1,000, are built with decently strong tread decks (usually a medium density fibreboard with a phenolic coating of a duet), as detailed below).
However, strength is not all, but the end. If strength were most important, more treadmill manufacturers would use metal. Metal is used, but not widely.
What are the goals of building a flooring?
As I said above, if power was the only goal, metal or steel decks rule this day. But power is not the only goal. The quality of the flooring should:
- Stay strong
- Be durable
- Have some elasticity (i.e. slightly flexible, but not elastic)
- Minimize noise (i.e., If possible, muffle the sound)
- Apply a smooth surface to reduce friction of the tread belt.
What materials are used?
Often you see a link to solid wood, medium density fibreboard (MDF) and metal as materials used for treadmills. To cover, you usually read about phenolic coating. The article explains these different materials.
1. Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF)
MDF is created by breaking wood into fibers (sawdust), and then forming fibers into the hard deck of a treadmill with wax and resin. Normal thicknesses range from 3/4 "to 1". Here you can learn more about MDF.
MDF is the predominant material used for treadmills.
2. Hard wood
The deck is made of solid wood 3/4 "to 1". The problem with massive wood is that it’s hard to find the perfect wooden piece of wood. MDF, although not perfect, ensures consistency that is hard to find using solid wood.
DSP: DSP does not match with MDF. Chipboards are not fiber based. This is a composite material of solid wood. The result is that chipboard is much weaker than MDF. MDF is denser and stronger.
Avoid treadmills with chipboard decks. You will be able to get a year out of this.
3. Metal
Metal decks are not as durable as massive firewood or MDF boards. It is heavier and does not create a “soft” surface like wood or MDF. Running metal or steel is simply not as pleasant as on hardwood or MDF.
What material would I recommend?
MDF-deck, which has a double or triple coating with a coating of phenolic resin.
Some treadmills are covered on both sides (duet cover, sometimes also referred to as triple cover), and lower treadmills cover only one side of the treadmill. The best deck is covered on both sides, which helps reduce distortion. It is also better to reduce friction with the tread deck over the entire surface on which the tread moves.
The best material used to cover:
Phenol: this is the best material to cover. You pay more for the phenolic coating, but it's worth it.
What is a phenolic resin coating?
The phenolic resin coating is a plastic resin. When the treadmill is covered with phenolic resin, a wooden deck is not needed.
Can you build your own if your original deck breaks?
Yes, but this is not recommended unless you really know what you are doing. Just slapping a sheet of plywood or MDF is not going to do that. Proper deck coverage and securing it securely to the treadmill.
The last thing you need is to break a deck while running or walking.
That is why it is important to have a lifetime warranty on your treadmill. Decks often break or crack (especially with cheaper treadmills).
Replacement frequency
The range in hours using treadmills is good for astounding. Some lower treadmills are rated for 500 hours, while others guarantee their decks for life. Naturally, the intensity of use and weight of users will affect the length of the treadmill deck.
Is it reversible?
Some treadmill manufacturers make reversible tread decks so you can get more miles from them.
Is it reversible?
It depends. Some manufacturers make tables for a treadmill that are guaranteed for life without the need to cancel them. Others do not come with a lifetime warranty and cannot be canceled. They may have the shortest lifespan. Then there are treadmills with reversible decks that theoretically double the life of the treadmill deck.
Ideally, the treadmill you buy will have a lifetime warranty on deck. This indicates that the manufacturer is behind the deck, and in case of failure of the deck, you get a replacement.
Gasket Technology
Nowadays, the technology of depreciation is pretty cool. The treadmill depreciation technology includes the quantity, type, and quality of the treadmill strip.