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 Garden Design Ideas for Clumsy Shaped Gardens -2

A temptation with an awkwardly shaped garden should either make as little as possible - perhaps a lawn surrounded by flowerbeds - or add too many hidden corners and details that can work well in an intense plot, but do not make a better medium sized garden. The ideal is to come up with a mock-up that is simple, but uses designer tricks to correct the shape of the garden. Even better, a smart layout can make an uncomfortable shape an advantage, using odd angles for hidden storage or elevated levels to determine areas of the garden.

We asked Katrina Wells of Earth Designs to develop three solutions for three classic problems: a sloping plot, an L-shaped garden, and a tapered plot. Our advice is to simplify the appearance of the garden, where possible, using similar shades to combine various elements such as flooring, paving and walls. As for the budget, we suggested where you can make savings. Now all you need to do is choose a plan that is best for you.

Design for a sloping garden

Make the most of the sloping garden, creating different levels, each with its own purpose. This design has an area near the house for outdoor dining and barbecue. Then, wide steps lead down (or up, depending on how your garden slopes) to an area with built-in seats (with raised covers for extra storage) and water, or a sandbox if you have children. At the last level there is a playground and lawn, as well as a shed and a compost pile. Hardy plants that do not need large amounts of water, such as osteospermum, are great for a low-maintenance garden. It will take a lot of time? The lawn will need to cut up to once a week in the summer, but if you choose raised boards, built up with hardy perennials, such as the host and astilbe, they will not need much care or constant maintenance. Add a spray of color with drought-resistant osteosperm and gazania. How can I cut costs? Shifting the ground and strengthening the terraces can be quite expensive. In a flat garden, save money by simply laying the upper part of the old surface and changing the folding planters to the pots (which you can always add later when you have saved).

L-shaped garden design

The problem with L-shaped gardens is that the thinnest part? L is often used in vain. Try to use it to remove things you don’t want to see from the patio, such as an urn and a barn or a playground. Keep the rest of the garden simple and lay out straight lines with a curved patio, curbs and lawn to make the most of the space and give it a relaxed feel.

It will take a lot of time? In the summer, you will need to cut the lawn, but if you use a pinch of bark, the playground will not need maintenance. For borders, choose long blooming, carefree perennials, such as yarrow, bleeding heart, and black-eyed Susan. How can I cut costs? This garden should not be expensive to create or maintain, if you keep the boundaries rather narrow. You can make them seem deeper, though, by planting evergreen climbers such as Clematis armandii.

Design for a shrinking garden

The best design for a tapered garden uses strong diagonals to fool the eye. The main border enters the middle of the garden, and the lawn expands when the garden narrows, balancing the tapering shape. The shed is hidden behind a water feature at the far end, making the narrowest part of the garden a useful place.

It will take a lot of time? In summer, the lawn will need to be cut once a week, and plants within the boundaries will need regular watering. Put a weed-suppressing membrane (from garden centers) to reduce weeding, then plant a border with soil cover plants such as geraniums or fireplaces. Geraniums, in particular, provide good soil coverage and color during the summer. Use tall pots planted with herbs for an attractive display. How can I cut costs? Replace the pots with tall plants set in the ground - bamboo will be a good choice because it is evergreen and makes a good screening. Increasing the lawn area and narrowing the border will also save money.

 Garden Design Ideas for Clumsy Shaped Gardens -2

 Garden Design Ideas for Clumsy Shaped Gardens -2

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