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 Car terms and definitions -2

  • A-line: also known as Contour or Center Line; This is a car silhouette.
  • A-Pillar: a pillar in front of the car that attaches the body to the roof; also keeps the windshield in place.
  • Approach / Departure Angle: The angle at which the front or rear end runs a steep driveway.
  • The ratio of the axis to the bar: the distance from the center of the front wheels to the A-pillar; Usually longer front engines.


  • Beltline: the top of the curvature on the side of the vehicle body.
  • "Bling": this is a more modern word used to describe chromium, LED or other shiny materials on a car; often used in luxury vehicles.


  • Cabin (cabin): the inner area in which passengers sit.
  • Line of characters: Aesthetic line or surface modification on the body of the body, created by the designer.
  • Cowl: the area where the windshield meets the hood.


  • Deck (trunk lid): The trunk lid or rear compartment.
  • DLO: open daylight or "greenhouse"; all areas of glass in the vehicle.


  • Facia: the front symbol or face of a car.
  • Front / rear overhang: distance in front of the front wheel of the vehicle in front of the front wheels.


  • H-point: Hip Point; the position of the passenger's hip relative to the vehicle floor and the ground.


  • Powertrain: collect traction to the vehicle; Engine, transmission, drive shaft, differential.


  • Rake: windshield angle
  • Rocker Panel: Housing under the door.


  • The shoulder line: the curvature of the top of the body when it meets the side glass.


  • Track: distance measured from the center of the front or both rear wheels.
  • Tumblehome: side window angle relative to the roof.


  • Wheelbase: the distance between the front and rear wheels, measured from the center or axis.
  • Wheel arch: a curve on the side of the body, this is a gap for the wheels.

 Car terms and definitions -2

 Car terms and definitions -2

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