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 Calculators - A Boon or A Bane -2

A calculator is a device, usually manual, for calculating mathematical expressions. Previously, calculations were performed in the head, on paper or semi-automatic machine. But this process of semi-automatic calculation was time consuming and error prone. The development of large sums in the head was not for everyone, and the calculations made on paper were also not absolutely flawless. Then came the calculators, designed to simplify all these complex mathematical calculations. In the beginning, these electronic devices were very expensive. This is because the mechanical and electrical parts of the calculator were expensive to produce. However, since the prices of these parts fell, and production methods became better, calculators also became less expensive and in fact were very soon accessible to the average person.

Previously, calculators were as big as computers, but soon pocket-sized devices appeared. Calculators can be supplied with hardware or software versions, and they can be mechanical or electronic. They are built into computers, mobile phones, pagers and even wrist watches. Modern calculators are usually electrically powered and can range from small models with a wallet to strong models with the addition of a machine. These powerful calculators can also have printers built into them.

The basic calculator has a power point, a display, an electronic circuit and a keyboard. The keyboard consists of ten digits from 0 to 9, equal signs, decimal points, cancel or clear buttons, on and off buttons and offers basic mathematical calculations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and addition, including calculations with a square root and a percentage.

Currently, there are many advanced options calculators, each of which performs a specific function. For example, a scientific calculator is designed for advanced mathematics, such as trigonometry and statistics. Financial calculator will help in accounting and real estate transactions. Mortgage will show you exactly what you have to pay for your house. In addition to them there is a loan, rent, time, love, area, temperature, and the most advanced ones, graphing calculators. These are all mostly online calculators, but they have certain anomalies, for example, if the numbers become too large or too small, some errors in the calculations may occur.

The easy availability of calculators has made people depend to a certain extent on them, and most of them do all their calculations on calculators. This has its followers, as well as detractors. Some believe that the use of calculators hinders the basic mathematical skills of people, especially students, making them poor in instant calculations.

In many countries, students are allowed to use calculators in their school work, because it is believed that problem solving and assessment methods can be more easily taught using calculators. Others fear that students might misuse the calculator incorrectly and, nevertheless, believe in the answer, because this was the result. This type of error can occur outside of school premises. Anyone who uses the calculator incorrectly will consider the wrong answer correct. This can happen in shopping centers or even during business operations.

In schools, teachers try to cope with this by asking students to first approximate the answer manually and then compare it with the calculated result. But in general, it interferes with the child’s learning process, because he or she may not understand the logic of the answer. In this case, calculators become more of a hindrance than a help.

Of course, when it comes to lengthy financial calculations, these devices are very useful. Even if you are on holiday abroad, calculators are convenient for quickly moving currencies and saving you valuable time trying to determine conversion rates.

 Calculators - A Boon or A Bane -2

 Calculators - A Boon or A Bane -2

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