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 Attempting to rest and sleep when spending -2

How can we get badly needed rest and sleep when we spend the death of a loved one? The shock of death translates our physiology into overdrive. Our usual procedures are changed. We go to bed late, eat little or nothing, and often have to deal with various emotions, especially depression.

All of the above is part of a vicious cycle that leads to more anxiety, less sleep and increased fatigue. As a rule, the immune system is compromised, and the grieving one comes down with a cold, headaches and digestive disorders. And most importantly, energy levels are falling at a time when they are urgently needed. Here is one of the approaches to getting rest and necessary sleep, which can step on a cycle of fatigue.

1. Plan a daily rest period of at least 30 minutes. First of all, convince yourself that you are doing the right thing and in no way diminish your commitment to your loved one. This is an integral part of your sad work. Find a quiet place to lie down. Place a small pillow under your feet to raise your legs. If you want, play soothing music. Close your eyes and focus on the sounds.

2. In the evening, before you try to sleep, take a warm bath. Add lavender oil to the water. Focus on relaxing the muscles that seem dense when scanning your body. Each time you exhale, visualize your warm breath, passing through the zones of tension and relaxing them.

3. Prepare your sleeping environment. Make sure the room is completely dark. If death caused fear, the night light and the use of a sleep mask. If traffic or other noise makes you wake up, try ear plugs. (If you sleep on your side, insert the plug into one ear.) Keep the room temperature at 70 degrees. A room that is too hot or too cold only adds to insomnia.

4. Follow the usual routine bedtime routine, whatever it is. If you cannot do this, read something light if possible. Or, play on nature's tape. Remove any tight or restrictive clothing, even if it means sleeping in the nude.

5. Place the pen and paper on the night stand next to the bed. When your mind starts chasing, or you start thinking about what to do the next day, stand up and write it all. Then go back to bed.

6. If you still cannot drift, try using the single word mantra. For example, focus on your breathing, and every time you exhale, repeat the word sleep. Other possibilities may be words such as release, relaxation, calm, slowdown, or rest. As soon as you find your mind wandering and thinking about the next day or your great loss, gently return to your word. You should not be warned to say the word again, because you were thinking about something else. This is a common experience.

7. Some experts believe that electronic devices can interfere with sleep. Be sure that something like this, like a clock, is not close to your head.

8. If you go to sleep, and then wake up after a couple of hours and you can not fall asleep, start using your mantra again. It can also be a time when you can try one of herbal remedies to induce sleep, like valerian, passion flower or chamomile. Some people have successfully used the amino acid L-tryptophan.

Thus, sleep disorders are a normal part of the grief process. The emphasis is on normal. Work quietly to clear your mind by learning to focus on one word and your breath. Continue to follow a given routine and try to go to bed and rise at the same time every day. Light exercise during the day (walking 10-15 minutes) can also ease sleep. The most important thing, but difficult to do, is not to react strongly to not fall asleep. This increases the alarm response inside. Gradually your normal sleep patterns will return.

 Attempting to rest and sleep when spending -2

 Attempting to rest and sleep when spending -2

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