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 5 places to massage your pet -2

You can massage them just as you massage people, with the same sympathy and deep care. They are the same as we, a living being with a soul. You can provide a great service to your pet by giving them a massage.

Here are 5 spots you didn't know about. You can massage these spots.


The jaw has the shape of a triangle. Just under the intersection of the two sides you will notice an area where you can start. Try using your little finger to rub back and forth with steady pressure. You will find that your pet (cat or dog) becomes very obedient to you while you continue the massage.


The tail is a rather long part of the body. Where is the place you should massage? Well, the right place for stimulation is the base of the tail, where it connects with their body. Use your finger to apply pressure, and you will see that your pets immediately straighten the tail, telling you that they like it very much.


If you notice, you will see that dogs and cats constantly lick their hand holes all the time. Help them do a favor! Use 4 fingers and place them on the hand pit. Then grow by massaging the tendons, muscle fibers and ligaments in the area.


You can also massage your nose. In doing so, you should avoid nostrils to prevent irritation. Rub up and down.


You can be a pet chiropractic. How to do it? Use your fingertips to massage each vertebra, while working on one spine. You can make circular and kneading movements.

 5 places to massage your pet -2

 5 places to massage your pet -2

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