New mothers always ask this question. “When can I get back to my body before pregnancy?”
New mothers should recover from childbirth and body changes. Special dishes are prepared for recovery after childbirth, and for recovery after body changes, we will be a massage therapist to provide postnatal massage.
Postpartum massage is a traditional treatment that has been transmitted by several generations and has even been practiced today, and it was usually done in the comfort of your own home. The stress of childbirth and the time spent behind your newborn is a tax on our body. Thus, a postpartum massage not only provides support and emotional support to help mothers regain lost energy, but also returns the body to the state before pregnancy, keeping muscles and connective tissue.
Other benefits of postpartum massage include:
1. Provide relaxation for the tortured body
2. Relieves pain on the shoulders and neck from carrying or feeding your newborn
3. Adjust body weight to its original distribution.
4. Helps restore the uterus to its original condition.
5. Eliminates excess body fluids, reduces fluid retention
6. Tones more elongated skin, especially above the abdominal cavity.
7. Promote blood circulation in the body.
8. Exfoliate dead cells and restore skin renewal.
For mothers who delivered naturally, they can begin their postpartum massage as soon as they are comfortable and ready. However, it is advisable for mothers to wait at least 2 weeks after delivery, or when the incision is properly cured, before they can begin the massage.
This postnatal massage begins with a massaging of the breast, which encourages the supply of milk, and also helps to clear any blocked channels. Following the full body massage, using hot oil with lemon, lemon grass and eucalyptus. Used hot oil helps reduce water retention, burn fat accumulated during pregnancy, and dispel wind that developed during childbirth. Finally, jamu paste is applied on the stomach, wrapped with bengkung (cotton fabric 15 meters). This wrapper helps restore the uterus to its original condition, compresses the tummy and helps reduce weight. To see the effect of a flat tummy, the wrapper must be turned on for at least 10 hours and must be performed sequentially for at least 5 days.