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 Infertility from a sick uterus -2

If you suffer from infertility, you can look at your uterus. If it's great, it's your best friend, but if he's sick, it can cause problems with pregnancy. Given that you really can't get pregnant without him, knowing about your uterus and its problems can help you understand and treat her if she gets sick.

The uterus is the uterus. This wonderful organ is what will keep your unborn child happy and healthy during their nine-month stay inside your body. It is there that the egg fertilized by sperm remains and remains until it develops. So, as you can see, if a problem occurs in the uterus, you can bet that this will be a problem for your fertility.

If you are trying to get pregnant for about a year without success, you may want to examine the uterus. This is done in several ways. Sometimes vaginal ultrasound is used to provide an image for your doctor. Ultrasound uses sound waves passing through your body to make an image inside your body. Sometimes a hysterosalpingogram is used. It uses a special dye that is injected into your cervix and allows flow into your uterus and other reproductive organisms. This is done in such a way that when you get X-rays, reproducible organs appear (usually they will not, as they are not bone). In another method of examination, a small camera is used, inserted into the cervix in the vagina. This is called hysteroscopy, and it allows you and your doctor to really see what is inside your uterus.

One of the common problems your uterus can have is the presence of excess flesh or organic tissue. An example is endometrial polyps or uterine fibroids. These are harmless sprouts of your own flesh that sprout from the walls of your uterus. Since they are harmless, you can sometimes live with them and have children without problems. However, sometimes they become too large and begin to adversely affect pregnancy. Another form of extra tissue that can begin to develop in your uterus is scar tissue. This is called Asherman syndrome, where the walls of the uterus develop scar tissue, usually from previous damage that it has supported. The uterus can be damaged from several things, such as surgical procedures to repair the uterus and other reproductive organisms or cesarean section.

These sprouts can be removed using the surgical hysteroscopy procedure. However, since this procedure involves the reduction of some parts attached to your uterus, further scars and development of scar tissue may occur, and sometimes you need to take additional measures to prevent this. These measures include the ingestion of additional estrogen and the insertion of a special ball inside the uterus during its treatment.

Sometimes the defects are already in your uterus when you were born. They are called birth defects, and if you are born with it, you need to undergo some form of treatment to help you in the uterus. Sometimes people are actually born without a womb. But it is very rare. Other birth defects usually affect the shape of the uterus in some way. Sometimes you are born with unicornuate of the uterus, which has only one fallopian tube and ovary. It will look as if you have only half of the uterus. In other cases, the uterus, apparently, is divided into two parts, as in the case of bicornate or septic uterus. Bicornate uterus will look like the uterus is divided from above, forming a Y-shaped. The septic uterus forms the same shape inside the uterus, but may look normal outside. This happens when the uterus does not fully develop and ends with the additional growth of tissue inside the uterus, called the septum. Although you are born with these conditions, you can still be treated with surgery.

Knowing more about the womb and the problems that it may encounter, you can begin to figure out your solutions. But remember that your entire body is a factor in your fertility or infertility. Looking at the uterus is just one of the steps you may have to go through.

 Infertility from a sick uterus -2

 Infertility from a sick uterus -2

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