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 The fight against cellulite and victory -2

Cellulite is a word that most women are very familiar with. Cellulite is the formation of tiny dimples on the skin, usually appearing on the thighs and on your bottom.

Now the dimples were very nice when we were children, but the swollen buttocks that we find on our body are a curse for most women. Statistics say that more than 80% of women develop cellulite.

Cellulite is very difficult to treat. Cellulite is built from small pockets of waste, and studies show that they are associated with poor circulation and sluggish metabolism.

The most effective treatment includes increasing your natural cellular function and speeding up your metabolism, so it is better able to eliminate toxic waste from the body.

There is a huge selection of anti-cellulite products on the market that claim to reduce or eliminate the body from cellulite. It is quite easy to prepare in the noise of the miraculous treatment of cellulite.

So, how to determine what will or will not help? Below is helpful information that will help you make a sensible choice.
Until recently, the majority of treatments for sale were purely relevant procedures, which themselves are not very effective in the treatment of cellulite.

It is important to remember that so far very few, if any means were more than just for local treatment, which in themselves are not very effective in the treatment of cellulite. On the market there are many creams that combine combinations of vitamins, herbs and antioxidants. Some of them will do nothing more than make your skin smoother and healthier.

Despite the excellent treatment, it will reduce the appearance of cellulite.

The best creams will contain antioxidants, anti-inflammatories and ingredients that stimulate blood flow. Cellulite areas are damaged by skin pockets, which are usually dehydrated. Increased blood flow and reduced inflammation help the skin to heal itself. The best treatment comes from the inside.

We have all heard commercials or ad campaigns claiming that “their cream” can reduce hip size and restore cellulite.

What these products really do is to drain wastewater from the area, thereby temporarily reducing the size of the thigh and the appearance of cellulite. T

His "not" medicine, and a temporary fix. Any size you lose will be restored as soon as you drink the water. Body size is not related to the presence or absence of cellulite.

Topical anti-cellulite remedies may be useful, but they are ineffective if used separately. Creams reach only the epidermis [top layer] skin. They can not penetrate the dermis, where most of the damage.

Since they cannot penetrate the dermis and fight skin damage, many of these treatments have not been successful. Surface damage caused by cellulite is clearly a symptom of an impending cause.

To reverse the damage, you must go beyond the treatment of the top layer of skin. Internal procedures and technological procedures can be very successful in treating problems with disruption. Combine science and nature with your current treatments for real help.

To "really" fight celluloid, you need to go to the body. By working inside and out of the body with the help of local procedures, you will have more chances to fight cellulite.

The more of them you use, the more you will seek to reduce, prevent and even eliminate cellulite.

It is very important to strengthen blood vessels / increase blood flow. By strengthening blood vessels and increasing blood flow, you increase blood circulation.

Increased circulation will then allow more blood flow in the celluloid areas so that the body can better destroy the toxic areas.

The first stages of cellulite are not visible to the naked eye. The first stages are the result of the destruction of blood vessels. Nutrients penetrate the skin through the blood vessels and when the blood vessels cannot nourish nutrients to damage the skin. This damage is called cellulite.

It is very important that the right nutrients really reach the areas they need. Feed your antioxidants, anti-inflammatories, water and collagen. They will act as reinforcements to help nutrients reach the affected areas. etc., the skin is unable to reach reinforcements. He always loses the battle with cellulite

It is important to encourage the production of connective tissue. This can be done by increasing the production of the matrix (GAG), which forms connective tissue in your body. Strong derma will help in the prevention and restoration of cellulite.

Connective tissue is the main reservoir for the entire body, so it is reasonable if you have healthy connective tissue, your body will be much better moisturized, when necessary, to keep all your cells, from your liver to your skin, equipped with their ideal water component. most functioning at an optimal level.

The most important internal factor necessary for the formation of GAG in your body is glucosamine. Glucosamine is the main building block of GAG. Your body also needs B vitamins and trace elements so that your body can metabolize glucosamine in the GAG.

It is also important to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin. Your body needs large collagen and elastin to keep the connective tissue strong. When the dermis is strong, fat cells cannot break through and appear on the surface, with familiar dimples.

Your need to supply the body with amino acids to create collagen and elastin.

Make sure your cells are fully hydrated. Dehydrated cells become weak and then cannot keep fat from ascending. By drinking plenty of fluids, you keep your body hydrated, which revitalizes your cells.

Then they can push cellulite, forming fat cells back below the surface, into deer skin layers. Keeping your body hydrated has other benefits, it will keep your skin young and beautiful and allow you to better fight diseases and infections.

By optimizing the health of your cells, they can function at peak levels. Your skin will look younger, smoother and more beautiful overall.

It is also important to ensure proper disposal of waste from the body. If your body conserves wasteful water, it can cause problems such as bloating, weight gain, swelling and swollen eyes. It also prevents your body from repairing cellulite damage.

We all suffer damage caused by free radicals. Free radical damage comes from many sources, such as exposure to the sun, smoking, and poor nutrition.

Free radicals damage the skin, making it more susceptible to cellulite. The best way to prevent and repair free radical damage is to use antioxidants, both local and internal.

Your body reacts to damage by throwing protective nutrients into the affected area. This is achieved by dilating blood vessels and releasing certain chemicals.

What you are observing is that the skin becomes warm and red. This is inflammation. Prolonged infection causes free radical damage and deterioration of the cell wall, which it is trying to prevent.

That is why it is so important to use soothing ingredients, both locally and internally, to calm the pollution before it does more harm than good. Anti-inflammatory drugs are widely available in various products.

Exfoliation is required. By the time we came of age, the speed of our cell movement had drastically decreased, leaving us with the surface of dead skin cells, which not only looks dull, it no longer provides an adequate barrier against the elements and the loss of water.

The most effective way to deal with this is peeling. Exfoliation removes the surface layer of dead cells. There are many ways to exfoliate. Chemical formulas use mild substances to dissolve dead cells.

Textured soaps, sponges and brushes separate the surface cells. When you remove dead cells from the surface of your body, a message is sent informing your body to make substitutions.

Dead cells are replaced by strong young cells that look healthy. But more than that, these cells are better equipped to withstand the onslaught of cellulite.

Many effective ingredients include essential oils and botanical extracts. Before using the product, it is always wise to perform a test on a patch. Some botanicals and antibacterial agents can cause reactions in sensitive skin types.

Aloe vera juice or oil is extracted from the aloe vera plant. The leaves are made up of water, enzymes and minerals such as calcium, aluminum, iron, zinc, potassium, magnesium and sodium.

But wait there. Aloe vera juice also contains twenty amino acids. Aloe vera is well known for its healing and anti-inflammatory properties.

Alpha and beta hydroxy acids are used in many cosmetic products. Some combinations of AHA products increase the fluidity of cells and increase the thickness of the epidermis.

The effect depends on the pH of the product, the concentration of AHA, be it cream or detergent, and how the product is used. AHA products make skin smoother and younger.

Lactic acid is usually found in milk, pickles and other products made by bacterial fermentation. Lactic acid can help reduce the effects of photoaging and can play an important role in the treatment of sun-damaged skin.

Glycolic and salicylic increase in the rate of cell exchange and the ignorance of younger skin.

Hydroxy acids break the implanted cellular sediments from the pores and shed the outermost layer of dead skin.

Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) is a powerful, fat-soluble antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. ALA penetrates the skin cells, the lipid-rich cell membrane, and continues to be effective inside the cell due to its water solubility. ALA works with vitamins E and C, increasing their antioxidant abilities.

Basil extract is used to relieve pain and muscle spasms, as well as to stimulate blood flow. It is also known for its restorative and anti-inflammatory properties.

Bioflavonoids & # 39; possess strong anti-inflammatory properties, and also are strong antioxidant.

Niacin improves the ability of the epidermis to retain moisture. When used topically, it produces softer, smoother skin with less dryness and flaking, and this reduces the appearance of fine lines.

Butcher root extract strengthens and tones blood vessels. In Europe, it is a popular treatment for varicose veins and hemorrhoids.

Carnitine is naturally found in the body. It transports fatty acids to your cells, where they are metabolized. It burns fat and strengthens the cells.

Cat claws is an effective anti-inflammatory agent that also increases blood flow through the body. Recently, it has successfully stimulated the immune system of cancer patients.

The active ingredient in cayenne is capsaicin. Capsaicin not only increases blood circulation. It also changes the effect of a body substance that transfers pain messages to the brain. As a result, it is effective in reducing pain and inflammation by shorting the pain message.

Coenzyme Q10 is a powerful antioxidant. Studies have shown its ability to increase resistance to disease and strengthen the heart. It creates a substance known as ATP in the cells of the body, which is vital for energy. It also has great antioxidant abilities, and also increases the antioxidant effect of vitamins C and E.

Peptides are an amino acid, a building block for collagen and elastin. Copper peptide is a trace element that helps the body convert amino acids into this connective tissue. Copper peptides are an excellent source of collagen and elastin production.

Essential fatty acids are so important that they are called vitamin F. They have amazing moisturizing abilities in topical creams, and when taken internally, they help build up cell membranes and attract water to the cells.

Fennel is a diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent that requires additional research to find all its capabilities.

Ginkgo Biloba is an antioxidant, but it also increases the flow of blood through the body, expanding the availability of any nutrients in the food you eat.

Grapefruit oil and extract are used for muscle fatigue, stiffness, acne, fluid retention and skin tightening, as well as an antiseptic and astringent.

Grape seed extract inhibits the fermentation of collagenase and elastase, which destroy collagen and elastin. Because grape seed can prevent damage from ever occurring, it is very effective in preventing celluloid.
Green clay is sometimes referred to as a cellulite solution, but more research is needed to confirm this. Green clay contains many trace elements that the body needs to metabolize nutrients to a new tissue.

Juniper berry extract is high in vitamin C. It is used to treat pain and inflammation from arthritis and varicose veins, as well as to increase blood circulation.

When lecithin is taken on a regular basis, it helps your body in restoring and strengthening its cell membranes.

Kelp is well known for its anti-inflammatory properties on the skin. It is rich in minerals and in some cases is used to supply iodine to the thyroid gland. Kelp can also be used to hydrate the epidermis, nourish the skin and protect elastin fiber.

Pine oil is used as a disinfectant, anti-inflammatory, as a diuretic, and to stimulate blood circulation.

Pomegranate is quickly becoming recognized for its antioxidant qualities. Studies have shown that topical application of pomegranate extract has an effect on preventing skin cancer. Pomegranate is a very powerful antioxidant that works mainly on the skin.

Retinoids, applied topically for a long period of time, temporarily thicken and strengthen the dermis, making it difficult to promote cellulite.

All minerals are zinc, manganese, copper, selenium, magnesium, boron, chromium, molybdenum, silica and vanadium. Our body needs these minerals in trace amounts to metabolize nutrients. Tracer minerals are vital for cellulite.

Vitamin C fights the ongoing fight against cellulite and skin damage. Vitamin C destroys collagenase and elastinase, two naturally occurring substances in the body that affect collagen and elastin.

Vitamin C is also a natural anti-inflammatory and powerful antioxidant with proven research that it is effective against free radical damage to the skin.

Vitamin E, both locally and when taken orally, is a very potent fat-soluble antioxidant. Since it is fat soluble, it can make its way into the fat cell membranes in our bodies, protecting the cell walls from free radical damage. Vitamin E is also an excellent moisturizing and sealing agent in topical creams.

Many popular procedures require a reduction in cellulite. Treatment ranges from body breaks to massage to surgical procedures.

Body treatments are useful on many levels. Great for exfoliating, toning and stimulating blood flow. Great skin care regimen.

Body wraps that cause sweating, thus having a temporary diuretic effect. However, fat cells and connective tissue are not susceptible to perspiration.

With body wrapping, you are covered from head to foot for an hour in herbal or seaweed soaked in strips of cloth to increase blood circulation and firmly contours of the body. As soon as you unfold the body, you are massaged to improve circulation and send oxygen to the blocked tissues.

Make sure that your alcohol and caffeine take priority when wrapping your body as they both dehydrate. Body wraps are not recommended for those with high blood pressure, any dehydrated or pregnant women.

A deep tissue massage consists of slow strokes to create micro-breaks at surface level, making the fabric longer and smoother. Он также ослабляет соединительную ткань, так что он перемещается более свободно и больше не прилипает к структурам. Глубокий массаж, за которым следует лимфатический дренаж, может сделать поверхностный слой кожи более гибким.

Массаж может улучшить состояние и внешний вид вашей кожи, однако он не удаляет или не уменьшает жировые клетки. Он отлично подходит для увеличения циркуляции и, таким образом, перемещения питательных веществ в ткани.

Однако, если глубокий массаж слишком интенсивный, он также может повредить кровеносные сосуды, что наносит ущерб преимуществам для уменьшения целлюлита. Области с целлюлитом уже чувствительны, поэтому не забудьте сказать терапевту, что он чувствует, что слишком много давления применяется. Глубокий массаж обеспечивает расслабление и может стимулировать кровеносные сосуды и уменьшать жесткость.

Кожные наполнители стоят дорого. Это временный метод, который улучшает появление ямок целлюлита. Лечение состоит из серьезных человеческих жировых инъекций, которые делают ямочки менее очевидными.

Другие наполнители могут использоваться вместо жира. Ямочки кажутся менее заметными до тех пор, пока жир не будет поглощен телом, затем ямочки вернутся к их нормальному виду. Эта процедура не только довольно дорогостоящая, но и длительная процедура.

Электронные антицеллюлитные устройства - это несколько неинвазивных, нехирургических методов лечения нарушений контура кожи. Эта процедура временно уменьшает появление целлюлита.

Устройство вакуумного типа создает всасывание для временной фиксации и подъема жировой ткани, в то время как двойные ролики создают глубокий субдермальный массаж соединительной ткани. Это растягивает соединительную ткань, увеличивает кровоток и лимфатический поток и отшелушивает кожу.

Сессия может занимать от сорока до девяноста минут и включать от десяти до тридцати процедур, а также ежемесячное обслуживание. Если вы прекратите лечение, ваша кожа вернется в исходное состояние. Долгосрочные результаты никогда не были установлены клинически или научно.

Лимфатическая система - это система удаления отходов организма. Это естественная система защиты организма, очищающая бактерии, клеточный мусор, избыточная вода, белки и отходы из соединительной ткани и возвращение их в кровоток для окончательного удаления почками.

Если пути становятся перегруженными или поврежденными жидкостями накапливаются в соединительной ткани, что приводит к отеку, отеку и воспалению. Когда это происходит, лимфатическая система транспортирует поврежденные клетки, воспалительные вещества и отходы вдали от этого района. Чем скорее это произойдет, тем быстрее будет восстановление.

Ручной лимфатический дренаж - это метод, который включает в себя нежный лимфатический массаж, который усиливает и стимулирует лимфатическую систему, чтобы быстрее удалять отходы вокруг клеток и тканей, отправляя их обратно в лимфатическую систему для удаления и окончательной чистки.

Для лечения целлюлита терапевт сначала оценивает состояние кожи: цвет, текстуру, температуру, влажность и эластичность.

Следующим шагом будет просмотр контура бедер и ног и охота на утолщение кожи, хребты, глыбы и видимые шрамы, которые проходят через лимфатические сосуды и могут препятствовать дренажу лимфы.

Терапевт также исследует видимые вены, ищет покраснение, отек, жар и боль. Лимфодренаж очень полезен до и после косметической хирургии, чтобы уменьшить кровоподтеки, отек и воспаление. Эффекты являются лишь временными, и не доказано, что в долгосрочной перспективе сокращение ямочки.

Мезотерапия - это микроинъекции, инъецированные в середину дермы на проблемное место, для доставки исцеления или коррекционного лечения в определенную область тела. Они могут быть сделаны из обычной или гомеопатической медицины.

Их смешивают с изопротеренолом, витаминами и мочегонным средством при лечении целлюлита. Isoproterenol рекламируется, чтобы расплавить жир, хотя клинические исследования не доступны для резервного копирования этой заявки. До двухсот глубоких инъекций попадают в беду.

Самая большая проблема с мезотерапией заключается в том, что для формулы нет стандартизированной смеси. Длительный, хронический целлюлит и морщины могут потребовать не менее пятнадцати сеансов, прежде чем вы заметите какой-либо результат.

Microdermabrasion является популярной альтернативой химическому пилингу, который использует взрыв оксида алюминия или кристаллов соли, чтобы отшелушивать кожу сугубо, пропуская частицы через вакуумную трубку, чтобы аккуратно очистить старую кожу.

Результаты сходны с легкой кожурой. Микродермабразия устройства доступны для домашнего использования, хотя и не так хорошо, как профессиональное лечение, стоимость значительно меньше.

Неаблативные лазеры указывают лазерный луч на пораженный участок, заставляя пучки коллагена и эластина нагреваться и приближаться к поверхности. Это укрепляет кожу и уменьшает недостатки. Результаты являются временными.

Пильцы используют сильную концентрацию химического отшелушивающего агента для вскрытия кожи. Новые клетки, полученные оставшейся дермой, приводят к недавно выздоровленной поверхности и более здоровой, более сияющей коже.

Химические пилинги очень гибкие и могут быть адаптированы к различным уровням в зависимости от того, насколько глубоко вы хотите кожуру и насколько чувствительна ваша кожа. Гликолевая кислота является общим ингредиентом в кожурах, поскольку она, как правило, более мягкая и безопасная, чем трихлоруксусная кислота

Пилинг работает, нанося вред коже до стадии, когда организму необходимо построить новые коллагеновые и эластиновые пучки. Вы можете почувствовать жжение или жалящее ощущение, и в течение недели будет умеренное опухание обработанных областей и минимальное вытирание, а затем исцеление и ужесточение кожи
Талассотерапия богата морскими минералами и питательными веществами.

Терапия объединяет морские питательные вещества с теплой морской водой, чтобы расширять поры и кровеносные сосуды, открывая кожу для поглощения морских минералов.

В конце концов, лучший способ излечить целлулоид - это просто избежать его. Ешьте сбалансированную диету с низким содержанием жира, пить много воды, есть клетчатку и множество свежих овощей и фруктов.

Упражнения на 20-30 минут ежедневно, чтобы помочь сохранить тело в форме и избегать курения, алкоголя. Здоровый образ жизни будет идти в направлении предотвращения.

 The fight against cellulite and victory -2

 The fight against cellulite and victory -2

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