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 Linking Bloom's digital taxonomy to media and educational technology -2

Ecclesiastical (2007) - an intellectual and timely revision of Bloom's Digital Taxonomy is a consequence of the evolution of various areas of instruction dictated by rapidly changing times. This modern taxonomy aims to raise the thinking skills necessary for each student. With the proliferation of new technologies and media interfering in pedagogy, changes are inferior to paving teachers. innovative ideas about prosperity. These changes allowed the alliance of media and technological tools in pedagogy to form common goals for the viability of absorbing knowledge. Because of these two factors, inextricable interconnection, technological achievement - the spread of the media; Both are used as training toolboxes. As a favorable outcome, traditional learning is systematically replaced by 21st century methods and strategies in formal and non-formal classes as a manifestation of propaganda among teachers around the world.

Benjamin S. Bloom (1956) The taxonomy of the cognitive field, which classifies the order of thinking from lower-order thinking skills (LOTS) to higher-order thinking skills (HOTS), was previously restored to determine the current learning environment of students. Previously, it was knowledge, understanding, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation. In the 1990s, L. Anderson, D. Kratvol, P. Airasian, K. Cruikshank, R. Mayer, P. Pintrich, J. Ruts and M. Vitrock conducted a study of their resilience and came up with some changes to the original hierarchy of thinking skills. Proponents of innovative and transitional steps were later published in 2001, thereby subjecting the cognitive region to a taxonomy of a number of verbs instead of the former nouns that were originally used. Words such as memorization, understanding, application, analysis, evaluation, and creation replace the terminology of the thinking skills of an order. Moreover, the new taxonomy evaluates the replacement of synthesis from the old taxonomy with the addition of creation as higher-order thinking skills.

While the 21st century appears with technological changes along with the disclosure of media forms, the Church further revised the taxonomy of the revised Bloom and created subcategories of digital skills that define the digital taxonomy to synchronize the intrusion of technology and media to facilitate Instruction 21 century for extracurricular education (OBE).

To realize these modern changes, Digital Taxonomy as a modern taxonomy of the cognitive area began to focus on learning in an environment that manipulates technological tools to improve learning and learning processes. Here, Churches have reformed MANY and HOTS by adding digital verbs to previously recognized verbs to Bloom's original taxonomy by creating subcategories found in each ascending thinking skill.

Consequently, thinking skills contain combinations of previously recognized and numeric verbs used to develop the hierarchy. Some of these thinking skills can be found in each classification of newly formulated thinking thinking skills along with digital actions to explain the core of the digital taxonomy. Initially, memorization means using a student's memory to create values, present facts, a list and state or restore materials or their sources. It includes, keyword search, bookmark marking, bullet marking, listing, matching, naming among others. To find out through digital activities, a student sends YouTube to search for videos from the solar system. He also adds a URL to remember the source of his study material, when he needs a video, he has Google for easy access to the site. He uses his thinking skills to perform these technologically related tasks. Secondly, “Understanding” returns to the statements of values ​​from different uses. These consequences can be expressed in written form or schematically. Signing, tagging, tweeting, sharing, commenting, comparing, contrasting, discussing, detecting, expressing and explaining, and more. As an example, you can mark an image from an online source, which he may have signed or gained access to on his Facebook. He comments to express his thoughts for his friends to read. He can share what he noted. Processes such as subscribing to an online international magazine, subscribing to a job posting site, subscribing to emails, using a messenger are some forms of digital understanding. In addition, Applicationing uses extracted resources through recreation, reproduction, performances among others. Editing, downloading, interviewing with a painting, choosing, collecting, conducting, dramatizing, transforming; for example, uploading a resume to an e-mail or website to apply for a job, or a researcher may wish to upload his research papers to an international journal for further editing before being accepted for publication. Editing the script before filing, painting using the Paint application, cutting the film by editing, placing inscriptions on films, paintings and posters. In addition, analysis is equivalent to splitting materials into smaller parts in order to understand the relationship of these parts with the whole. Advertise, evaluate, classify, analyze, calculate, display, explain, differentiate and express. To illustrate, after a researcher generates his bibliographic sources, he classifies each source according to subject areas, themes, or types of sources. The student may have watched the film and, by structuring the elements of the film, he creates a diagram of his approach to writing a review of the film, or the student watches the film "Tales of Two Cities" by Charles Dickens and breaks the story in a sequence of events. Using the timeline, you can link important dates and events that make up the whole story. Events related to history can even be further explored on websites using more intertwined thinking skills besides simple analysis. In addition, assessment means assessment / assessment based on the principles adopted. Revision, commenting, conclusion, persuasion, evaluation, evaluation, justification, verification and analysis. To set an example, a student reviews his research work. documents noticing some errors in bibliographic records. To solve this problem, he follows the principles of documenting sources from the American Psychological Association (APA). Mass media students created a music video. When they first saw their project, they noticed that the voice of the performers was not synchronized with their actions on the screen. They also noticed that there is a distortion in the music competition. The group reviewed what they had originally done. Finally, Creation represents an assembly of related elements together to form a whole or a production. It includes blogs, construction, animation, development, development, integration and development. To typify, the student mixes the background music into a short film project with the integration of subtitles for the audience to fully understand. At the beginning and end of his video project, he creates opening or closing credits, creatively introducing animations in various movements. In addition to a short film, there can be many digital events that can be created, for example, voice over school videos, blogs of interesting articles on websites, animation cartoons, PowerPoint presentations with text, video, effects and transitions; extracting scenes from long films and remixing two films together and so on.

One particular example, which generally explains the interplay between the thinking skills of a digital taxonomy, is a variety of e-learning systems that contribute a lot to collaboration. To be specific, Blackboard improves students' digital thinking skills as they approach processes when performing tasks assigned by a teacher. Some of these important procedures demonstrate the interconnected thinking skills of an order, such as opening a computer, viewing the Blackboard site, opening a Blackboard account when logging in, reading the Blackboard menu, before proceeding to the next step, finding files in audio and in visual forms, recognizing color codes that the teacher used to classify the nature of the file, connect to a URL where lessons are connected from websites, download files to get personal copies, respond to various types of loaded tests, create f Projects such as videos and PowerPoint presentations, downloading these project files, checking marks as the results of their work, printing a copy of the files, saving files on an external drive to get personal copies, creating audiovisual projects and loading them for instructors to check bookmarks URLs for easy access and connection of the computer to the projector when re-submitting reports in the classroom, among other tasks that determine the level of their thinking skills. In other words, the Blackboard LMS provides a wealth of interlocking thinking skills from the Bloom digital taxonomy, which allows you to remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate and create.

As technology on a global scale provides other investment capable of instructions, the media will constantly be essential partners in the evolution of learning. As you can see, innovative teachers can not defend themselves with the help of these tools. to facilitate training in all areas of disciplines at the academy. The status of education today will be a prelude to further development depending on what technologies are offered to future generations. Meanwhile, as far as they currently exist, they define what digital taxonomy is for the progress of 21st century students.

 Linking Bloom's digital taxonomy to media and educational technology -2

 Linking Bloom's digital taxonomy to media and educational technology -2

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