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 3 critical areas for fast break -2

Many men think and are interested in preparing for the summer future. A new edition of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit has just appeared, and, of course, we all dream of the perfect female body, and she heads us in love when she sees our new six packs. Every person knows how much our torn abs brags, which can drive women crazy.

In your approach to getting six packs and breaks, it is important to consider a balanced and holistic understanding of what will produce the desired results. Three main areas in which 1.) increase your metabolism. 2.) Weight training and 3.) Exercises Let's take a look at each of them in order to achieve the goal of quickly breaking and avoiding common mistakes that many people make, leaving them unbalanced and unattractive.

To expose your abs, the layer of fat that covers them must be blown up. Clear? When you effectively remove fat, your abs will begin to manifest. The fastest way to reduce your body fat is proper diet and exercise. This, in turn, will increase your metabolism. In other words, you do not need to starve to get rid of fat.

Increase metabolism

In our culture, today it is considered that three balanced meals per day is a healthy diet. To increase your metabolism and burn fat, change your diet and regular food to six small meals a day. Each meal will increase your metabolism, and this means that six times a day you will receive this impulse that burns your fat.

Eat a good balance of good carbohydrates, good protein and good fats. If you don’t know the difference between good carbohydrates and bad carbohydrates, there are several examples of good protein and bad protein and good fats and bad fats. Good carbohydrates are things like oatmeal, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Good protein is things like milk, beef, and chicken. Good fats are things like peanuts, fish oil, and seeds.

Power training

A balanced approach for all muscle groups is important. In addition, to avoid injury and mistakes in training, make sure that you have a day of rest between each day of recovery. In addition, do not underestimate the importance of muscle groups that are not related to your abs, such as leg muscles. Work on building muscle in each muscle group all the time, doing ab exercises.


Weight training as well as cardio and abdominal exercises such as crunches fall into this category. Cardio is vital, and it is important for you to develop different cardio procedures to keep it creative and not become boring in your routine. This boredom can be a motivational killer. Stay motivated and don't forget to rest one day between workouts. Your muscles will continue to burn fat even on the day of rest and allow them to rest the next day.

 3 critical areas for fast break -2

 3 critical areas for fast break -2

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