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 Biblical discoveries of archeology -2

"Brothers, I can tell you with confidence that Patriarch David died and was buried, and his grave is here to this day." Peter used the evidence of antiquity to prove the meaning of the prophecy about Jesus in Acts 2:29.

Abel Beth Maach - unloaded mound, a city saved by a “wise woman” in II Samuel 20: 14-22.

Absalom - Located in the Kidron Valley east of Jersullum, mentioned in II Samuel 18:18.

Accho (now called Acre) is the city mentioned in Judges 1:31.

Aczib - the city that the Asher tribe did not take, mentioned in Judges 1:31.

Deullam - David's secret cave in 1 Samuel 22: 1.

Artificial Intelligence - Joshua burned this city, mentioned in Jesus Nawab 8:28.

Akeldama The Potter Field, where Judas hanged himself, is mentioned in Matthew 27: 6-10.

Amarna - Tablets (dated 1400 BC) in this Egyptian city contain a letter from the head of Jerusalem (Jerusalem) warning Pharaoh that all the cities of Canaan are besieged by Kabiri (Hebrews).

Anafof - the hometown of the priest Aviar, mentioned in I Sam. 2:26, ​​and the prophet Jeremiah, mentioned in Jeremiah 1: 1.

Antioch - mentioned in Acts 11:26, excavated in 1932, the city where the disciples were first called Christians.

Antipatrida - mentioned in Acts 23:31, the city where Paul was arrested.

Arabah - dry valley, named in Joshua 18:18.

Ararat - The mountains where Noah's ark rests in Genesis 8: 4; large stones used to stabilize the ancient ancient ship are located in the area of ​​Mount Lyubar (Mount Ararat).

Areopagus - also called "Mars Hill" in Athens, mentioned in Acts 17:17, where Paul preached about the monument "Unknown God", opened in 1903 in the city of Pergamum.

Ashdod - The Philistines took the ark of God here in I Samuel 5: 5, excavated in 1962, which confirmed the destruction of Uzziah, king of Judea, mentioned in II Chronicles 26: 6.

Ashkelon - excavated in 1921, the city mentioned in Judges 1:18.

Acai - The impression of the seals was discovered with the words “servant of king Asaiah” mentioned in II Samuel 22: 12,14 and II Chronicles 34:20; he was the one whom Josiah reigned to ask Gulda the prophetess about the lost Book of the Law.

Ashur - the son of Shem in Genesis 10:22, the first capital of Assyria and named in Numbers 24:22, excavated in 1853.


Babylon (Babylon) - excavated in 1899, first mentioned as Babylon in Genesis 10:10, also discovered the foundation of the “House of the foundation platform (tower) of Heaven and Earth” in Genesis 11, as well as clay tablets with reference to Jehoiachin. King of Judah is mentioned in II Samuel 24: 12,15.

Baruch, son of Niria - The seal of this scribe was opened, who wrote down the words of Jeremiah, as mentioned in Jeremiah 36: 4.

Beersheba - named by Abraham, who dug out well preserved there, mentioned in Genesis 21: 30-32, discovered in 1874.

Bethany - The city of Mary, Martha and Lazarus, mentioned in John 12: 1.

conventicle - God revealed himself to Jacob, who named this place in Genesis 35: 2-7, excavated in 1954.

Beth Shearim - In this city is the tomb of the family of Rabbi Gamaliel. He was the grandson of Hillel, the founder of the sect of the Pharisees. He was also a teacher of Paul and a member of the Sanhedrin. Gamaliel gave his opinion and warning about the ministry of Peter and the other apostles in Acts 5: 34-40. A simple inscription on the grave reads: “This [tomb] this is Rabbi Gamaliel. "

Bethesda - discovered in 1888 with its columns and porches, the pool in Jerusalem, where Jesus healed a sick man for 38 years, mentioned in John 5: 2.

Bethlehem - the location of Jesus. the birth and tomb of Rachel, still standing, mentioned in Genesis 48: 7 and I Samuel 10: 2.

Beth Shan - The city mentioned in Judges 1:27, and the temples discovered in 1937, where Saul’s armor and torn head were mentioned, mentioned in I Samuel 31:10 and I Chronicles 10:10.

Beth shemesh - the city, excavated in 1931, mentioned in Judges 1:33, the can handle was found with the inscription “belonging to Eliakim, the governor of Jehoiachin”.

Beth Zur - a city excavated in 1931, fortified by Rehoboam to protect Judea, mentioned in II Chronicles 11: 7.


Caesarea - a city excavated in 1960, where Paul appeared before Felix, Festus, and Agrippa, mentioned in Acts 23:33; there was a stone inscription naming the “Prefect of Pontius Pilate of Judea”.

Caesarea Philippines - the city where Peter declared that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God in Matthew 16:16.

Kala - The city excavated in 1845, mentioned in Genesis 10:11 as one of the first cities built by Nimrod.

Capernaum - A city located on the northwestern shore of the Sea of ​​Galilee, and mentioned in John 6:59, an ancient synagogue was discovered, built on the site of the place where Jesus preached. The names of Alphaeus, Zebedee, and John are found on one of the pillars (see Mark 3: 17-18).

Carchemish - a city excavated in 1914, where the decisive battle successfully ended with the Assyrian empire, mentioned in II Chronicles 35:20.

Colossae - determined the location of the church in 1835 so that Paul would write a letter to the Colossians.

Corinth - inhabited before the earthquake in 1858, excavators discovered a limestone block of the 1st century, with reference to Erastus as commissioner of the city mentioned in Romans 16:23; a court was found in which Paul was adopted in Acts 18:12.

Circus Cylinder - binds the decision of Cyrus about the return of the prisoners of Babylon (including Jews) to their land and the restoration of works to their temples, as in Ezra 1: 2,3.


Damascus - The oldest continuous city mentioned in the Bible, from Genesis 14:15, a street called Straight, still existing (in a higher place) mentioned in Acts 9:11.

Dan - The northernmost city of Israel and where Jereboi created the golden calf, mentioned in Genesis 14:14 and in Kings 12:29, only surface studies were carried out.

Dead Sea Scrolls - found near Qumran began in 1947, manuscripts or fragments of each book of the Old Testament (except Esther), dated between 100 BC. and 68 AD, other scrolls repeatedly tell about their expectation of the appearance of the Messiah.

Derbe - A mound, located 15 miles south of Lystra, where Paul preached in Acts 14: 6.

Dibon - a city excavated in 1868, the Moabite stone was discovered in Hebrew, refers to the House of David; describes the rebellion of Mesha, the king of Mesha, and names Omri, the king of Israel, mentioned in II Samuel 3.

Dothan - The city was excavated in 1953, when Joseph was thrown into the well mentioned in Genesis 37: 17-28, and where Elisha had the vision mentioned in II Samuel 6:13.


Ebla - clay tablets dug out in 1964 with names similar to the names in the Bible: Ebrum in Gen. 10:21, Abraham, Esau, Saul, Michael, David, Israel, Ishmael, and the gods El, I. (who was above other pagan gods named in the Bible, such as Dagan, Astar, Adad, Kanis, Malik. the names of places mentioned in the Bible, and in one table, 5 cities of the plain are mentioned in the same order as in Genesis 14: 2 (these names were first found outside the Bible).

Ecbatana - the city in which the scroll of Cyrus was found, which issued a decree on the liberation of the Jews from Babylon and the restoration of the temple in Yersualiem, mentioned in Ezra 5: 13-6: 14.

Ekron - the city where the ark of the covens was mentioned in 1 Kings 5:10. In 1997, the inscription was found in the buried ruins of the temple of Baal, which identifies it as being in the city of Ekron.

Edreya - The city where Og, the king of Vashan, was defeated by the Israelites, mentioned in Numbers 21:33.

Hilt - a city excavated in 1863, where the church was located so that Paul wrote his letter to the Ephesians; the Temple of Artemis was discovered and inscriptions and a theater were identified, where Paul was dragged out at 19: 23-41.

Erech - A city excavated in 1852, founded by Nimrod, mentioned in Genesis 10: 9-10, clay tablets show that early monasteries worshiped only two deities.

Ebion geber - a city excavated in 1937, the seat of the Navy of King Solomon, mentioned in I Samuel 9:26.


Gallio - an inscription from 52 years AD. was found at Delphi in Greece, in which it is mentioned that Gallio was proconsul of Achaia, as indicated in Acts 18: 12-17.

Gerazim - The mountain where the Samaritans are worshiped, says the Gospel of John 4:20.

Gezer - excavated in 1909, the chariot city of Solomon, mentioned in I Samuel 9: 16-17.

Giveaf - excavated in 1933, the capital of Israel in I Samuel 10:26, King Saul's castle discovered with an audience where David played the harp.

Gibeon - excavated in 1957, the tabernacle, located here before the temple of Solomon was built, Solomon chose wisdom here, in II Chronicles 1: 3-13, the handles found with the name of Gibeon, as well as the personal names of Amarius, Azaria, Ananias in Jeremiah 28: 1; the pool of Gibeon, found of stone, is mentioned in II Samuel 2: 12-17.

Gihon - excavated in 1867, Solomon crowned here; the tunnel found leading from spring to Jerusalem, mentioned in II Samuel 5: 8.

Gilgal - excavated in 1955, the first camping in Israel after crossing Jordan; confirmed by Joshua 4:19, Josephus and Eusebius.


Hamath - excavated in 1872 and 1938, the Hittite inscriptions mentioned in Genesis 15:20; King Hamath sent gifts to David in II Samuel 8: 6.

Guarani - Abraham lived here on the way to Canaan, mentioned in Genesis 11:31, Mari tablets are often mentioned in this place.

Hazor - excavated in 1955, the city was destroyed at Joshua 11:10 and restored by Solomon in I Samuel 9:15.

Hermon - the highest mountains of Palestine; its slopes and peaks were the “high places” of Baal worship, mentioned in Numbers 22:41; The numerous ruins of the shrines and the temple of Baal at the highest peak were opened in 1934.

Hosea - The seal of Minister Hoshi, the last king of Israel, mentioned in II Samuel 17: 1, was discovered.


Jawney - unloaded mound, location confirmed by many ancient sources; mentioned in Joshua 15:11, conquered by Osia in II Chronicles 26: 6.

Jacob - located near Sychar in John 4: 5,6; one of the most authentic places, as evidenced by the ancient traditions of the Samaritans and Scripture.

Jerahmiel - The impression was found of the son of this king, mentioned in Jeremiah 36:26, who was sent to arrest Jeremiah and Baruch (see above).

Jericho - excavations in 1868, 1911, 1936 and 1958; the first city captured in Joshua 6: 1-27; fallen walls and charred remains were found during the Israeli siege, which corresponded to 20.24.

Jerusalem - numerous raids since 1838, references to biblical times - this is part of the temple wall, the stone inscription “Haggai the Son of Shebania” in Haggai 2:23, the pool of Siloam in John 9: 7, the designation of the inscription and the tunnel, built by Hezekiah in II Samuel 20 : 20, the inscription in the Temple of Herod prohibiting the Gentiles, the inscription indicating the burial of Uzziah, the king of Judah, the inscription of the tomb of the son of the high priest Caiaphas, who presided over the trial of Jesus in Luke 3: 2 and John 18: 13,14,24,28 .

Jezreel - an unqualified city at the foot of Mount Gilboa, the location of the palaces of Ahab and Jezebel, where Elijah ran for his life in I Samuel 18: 46, where Jezebel was trampled and eaten by dogs, as Elijah predicted in I Samuel 21:23 and performed in II Samuel 9 :thirty.

Jaffa - port city, minor excavations; from where Jonah went to Tarshish, mentioned in Jonah 1: 3.


Kedes - partially explored, one of six refugee cities in Joshua 20: 7, captured in Joshua 12:22.

Khorsabad - excavated in 1842, the capital of Sargon, king of Assyria, discovered the chronicles of his capture of Samaria, confirming Isaiah 20, which was the only previous evidence of the existence of Sargon.

Kiriath jearim - minor studies, in Joshua 9:17, the city where the ark of the covenant remained before David brought him to Jerusalem, mentioned in I Chronicles 13: 5-8.

Kiriat Sefer - excavated in 1932, mentioned in Joshua 15:15.

Kish - excavated suburb of Babylon, dating back to 4000 BC. e., clay tablets show a pictographic scenario from which cuneiform developed, evidence of a rapid decline from monotheism to three gods (sky, earth, sun) to 5,000 gods (see Erech).

Korazin - synagogue and stone place, discovered as Moses; the place mentioned by Jesus in Matthew 23: 2.


Lachish - excavated in 1938, captured by Israel in Joshua 10:32, the Lachish letters written by Hoshaia, mentioned in Nehemiah 12:32 and Jeremiah 42: 1 and 43: 2 and describing difficult years before the Babylonian seizure of Jerusalem were discovered; repeat the words of the princes as “weaken our hands” mentioned in

Jeremiah 38: 4.

Laodicea - non-residential city, the house of one of the seven churches mentioned in Revelation 1: 4,11; You can trace the plan of the city walls.

Lydda - a lifeless city known as Lod in I Chronicles 8:12, the city where Peter healed paralytic in Acts 9:32.

Lystra - discovered in 1885, when a Roman altar was found with “Lystra”, inscribed in large letters, on an embankment 25 miles south of Iconium; where Paul was taken as a god, then he was stoned and left dead in Acts 14: 8-20.


Mareshu - excavated in 1900, the house of the prophet Micah and Eliezer, mentioned in II Chronicles 20:37 and strengthened by Rehoboam, mentioned in II Chronicles 14:12.

Mari - excavated in 1933, depicts life in patriarchal times; discovered the statue of Ashtoret, mentioned in I Samuel 11:33, and official letters, which often mention the cities of Haran, Nahor, Serg, Peleg and Terha, mentioned in the Bible, as well as the personal names of Reu, Farrah, Nahor, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob , Joseph, Benjamin, and David.

Medeva - The city of Moab, mentioned in Numbers 21:30 and Isaiah 15: 2.

Megiddo - excavated in 1935, the seal of the “Shema officer Jeroboam” was found in I Samuel 11:28, the inscription of Shishak mentioned in I Samuel 14: 25,26; massive stable compounds for the chariots of Solomon, mentioned in II Chronicles 9:25.

Memphis - The capital of Egypt, huge cemeteries, mentioned rhetorically in Hosea 9: 6, were discovered.

Mitspa - excavated in 1935, where Samuel judged Israel in 1 Samuel 7: 5-6; they found a massive wall built by Asa, mentioned in I Samuel 15:22, a handle with “Mizpa” in Hebrew, a seal with an inscription “Jaazaniah, an officer of the king” mentioned in II Samuel 25:23.


Nazareth - The house of Jesus at the age of 30, some well that is still in use, has always been the only source of water for the city.

Nineveh - excavated in 1845, the city built by Nimrod in Genesis 10:11 and where Jonah preached, were inscriptions and stories about the capture of Hezekiah and the cities of Israel with careful descriptions of the trophies obtained, but not explaining its failure to capture Jerusalem, which was caused by the miracle of God , described in II Samuel 19: 35-36; The last days of Sennacherib, described in ver. 36-37, confirmed by the clay cylinder found in the Esarhaddon Palace; Ashurbanipal library was found, in which early stories about the great flood and about creation.

cone - The undiscovered city of believers near Jerusalem, where David fled from Saul, mentioned in 1 Samuel 21: 1-9.

Nuzi - excavated in 1931, the city of the same culture as Haran, where Abraham lived; the tablets show similar practices, such as the transfer of property done at the city gate to Genesis 23: 10-18; a maid may have children for a childless wife in Genesis 16: 3; a couple could inherit a son, but would replace it if would a natural son be born as in Genesis 15: 2-4, changing a small gift for inheritance, as in Genesis 25: 30-34, the blessing of a dying father as a legitimate way of testament of property, as in Genesis 27: 30-33, possession of household gods as evidence of ownership of property shedding light on Genesis 31: 30-35.


olives - to reunite in Yersualem with the 1st-century Christian cemetery and burial chests with the names of Jairus, Simon Bar-Jonah, Mary, Martha and Siloam.


Pergamum - excavated in 1878, the city of one of the churches, described in Revelation 2:13 as “where Satan has his throne”; found many pagan buildings and altars.

Persepolis - excavated in 1935, the capital of Darius the Great in Ezra 4: 5 and Xerxes, husband of Queen Esther, where their inscriptions were found.

Petra (Village) - excavated in 1934, city mentioned in II Samuel 14: 7.

Philippi - excavated from 1914 to 1934, the city of the church letters to Philippians; the gates to the river were opened, where Paul preached, mentioned in Acts 16: 12-13.


Rabbah (Rabat-Ammon) - Minor excavations, the name of this city today is Amman in Jordan, the ancient capital of the kingdom of Ammonites, mentioned in Deuteronomy 2:19 and 3:11, whose people come from the son of Lot in Genesis 19:38.

Ras Shamra (Ugarit) - excavated in 1929 and 1939, the temple library, the temples of Baal and Dagon, faith in El as the Creator and Father of All with Ashera as his spouse and which Israel condemned in Judges 2: 12-15 and I Samuel 12: 10 were discovered.

Rome - The city where Paul was under house arrest in Acts 28:16; church town letters to the romans; five million Christians were buried in the catacombs discovered in Rome.


Samaria - excavated in 1910 and 1935, the capital of the northern kingdom of Israel, found the foundations of the palaces of Omri and Ahab mentioned in I Samuel 16:24, thousands of pieces of ivory, intended for decoration, as stated in I Samuel 22:39 and convicted in Amos 3:15 and 6: 1,4; the pool of Samaria, in which the blood-outlined chariot of Ahab was washed in I Samuel 22:38; inscribed pieces of pottery with the biblical names of Ahaz, Sheba, Nimsha, Ahinoam and Homer.

Sardis - excavated in 1908 and 1958, the city of the book of Revelation; the temple of Artemis was found with crosses engraved in many places, which indicates its transformation into a church building.

Shechem - excavated in 1909 and 1913 and 1934 and 1956, the first place Abraham visited in Palestine in Genesis 12: 6-7 and where Joseph was buried in Joshua 24:32; large walls and gates were discovered, where Hamor and the son of Shechem conferred with Jacob in Genesis 34: 20-24, and the testimony of the tower of Shechem was mentioned in Judges 9: 46-49.

Awl - раскопан в 1931 году, место в городе, указанное в Судей 21:19, и молодой Самуил служил здесь в 1 Царств 3:21; обнаруженный был свидетельством отсутствия останков после 1050 г. до н.э., когда он был уничтожен филистимлянами, как указано в I Царств 4: 10-11.

Siloam - раскопанный в 1896 году, этот бассейн в Иерусалиме, где Иисус послал слепого, чтобы мыть в Иоанна 9: 7, легко идентифицируется в конце туннеля из деревни Силоам; имеет 34 шага, вырезанных из камня и хорошо отполированных ногами.

Суза (Шушан) - раскопанный в 1852 и 1901 годах, столица древнего Элама (сын Сима), сцена многих библейских событий во времена Даниила, Неемии и Эстер, упомянутых в Есфире 1: 2; были обнаружены дворцовая крепость, описанная в главе 1 Есфири, этаж тронного зала красного, синего, белого (порфира) и черного мрамора, как описано в Эстер; кости, используемые Аманом; ворота короля, где сидел Мордехай; внутренний двор короля; внешний двор двора короля; дворцовый сад, описанный в Книге Эстер.


Таанах - раскопанный в 1904 году, захваченный Евреями в Судей 1:27 и город снабжения во времена Давида и Соломона в I Царств 4:12; были обнаружены конюшни, как в других стратегических городах (см. Мегиддо).

Tadmor - город, построенный королем Соломоном для торговли и обороны, упомянутый во II Паралипоменон 8: 4, руины над землей.

Тафниса - раскопанный в 1886 году, Иеремия и оставшиеся в живых от Иуды бежали сюда в Иеремии 40: 3 и 41: 1-3 и 43: 5,7; и здесь Иеремия предсказал свержение Египта в Иеремии 43: 8-11; в подтверждение фрагментарная клинописная табличка рассказывает о вторжении Навуходоносора в Египет.

Фессалоники - город церкви писем к Фессалоникийцам; Люк определил чиновников города как «политиков» в Деяниях 17: 6,8, которые, как полагали, были изобретением Люка, до тех пор, пока над городскими воротами периода, который гласит: «во времена политиков ...»

Фирца - раскопанный в 1949 году, столица Джеребоама в I Царств 14:17, были обнаружены правительственные здания, начатые, но не завершенные, когда Омри перенес свою столицу в Самарию; очень бедные и очень богатые дома, упомянутые в Амосе 5:11; разрушение ассирийцами, упомянутое в Осии 8:14.

Troas - найдены руины городского театра, храма и стен; место, где Павел имел видение македонского в Деяниях 16: 8-11.

tire - морской порт, известный из II Царств 5:11 и Матфея 11:22 и Деяния 21: 7, теперь небольшая рыбацкая деревня.


Ур - раскопки в 1854 и 1919 и 1934 годах, родной город Авраам; были обнаружены цилиндры с надписью города, и молитва о том, чтобы Валтасар был «сохранен от греха», отражает Даниил 4:27 и 34-37.


Zarephath - город между Тиром и Сидоном, где Илия поселился в I Царств 17: 9.

Зоан - раскопан в 1860 и 1929 годах, город, упомянутый в Числах 13:22.

Цору - местонахождение древнего скального алтаря со времен Судей, где Маной мог предложить всесожжение, упомянутое в Судей 13: 19-20; дом Самсона в Судьях 13: 2.


Обзор библейской археологии, Vol.21 , № 6, 1995 и Vol.22, No. 2, 1996.

Библия и археология Дж. А. Томпсоном. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans Pub., 1982.

«Археологическое дополнение» Г. Фредерика Оуэнса в Справочная Библия Томпсона , Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan Pub., 1983.

«Верны ли истины Библии?» в Time , Vol.146, No.25, Dec.18, 1995.

 Biblical discoveries of archeology -2

 Biblical discoveries of archeology -2

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