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 Peak sports performance -2

In the sports arena, maximum performance in sports has always been very well deserved after the condition of players and coaches of all levels. Regardless of whether athletes are school boys or Olympians who pursue their gold medals, maximum performance in sports has always attracted athletes and coaches. In our modern age of sports, where sports science is at the stratospheric level and growing, what are the factors that, if properly applied, can lead to the fact that sports participants will achieve maximum performance in sports? Are there any secrets of sportsmanship? Is it easy for athletes to manipulate these factors? This article discusses the factors that can lead athletes and coaches to maximum performance in sports.

There were many articles and books, which set out in detail the principles, programs, success factors, and the like, which can lead to maximum performance in sports. Many authors have written in detail about them and in many ways, the principles and factors are universal. The principles of progressive resistance, diversity, targeted training, recovery, etc. are not yet determined by comparison, which allows athletes to achieve maximum performance in sports. This article goes further, exploring these universal factors in a different light. In this process, I also hope to give athletes and coaches how practical to apply these principles, and which are factors with higher weight in terms of achieving success and maximum performance in sports.

Basically there are two sets of factors that we need to explore. Technical and human factors. Let's first consider the first set of factors;

Technical factors

1. Preparing for quality
2. Mastering individual skills
3. High fitness levels
4. Understanding the overall team play
5. Filling the key positions of the team
6. Minimize gaming errors

1. Preparing for quality

Hard work in any sports season begins with a pre-season workout that is very intense. No one likes this season, as the work and training required is often very boring and painful. But this must be done in order for athletes to be optimally prepared for the harsh conditions of the competitive phase. Exposure, strength, speed and skill should be made. It is vital not only the amount of work, but also how much quality is put at the preparation stage. When players cut corners and train at face value without their heart and soul, they will appear later in the competition as fatigue, injury or lack of sharpness in their performance. Under such circumstances, it is impossible to achieve maximum performance in sports. The quality of pre-season training is even more important in youth sports.

Very often in schools, game seasons for many sports begin almost immediately when the school year begins. When our children leave for a long vacation, our athletes very often return to school to meet with competitions with a very short training time. Team play, fitness room and mental training should be carried out in 2-3 weeks, which is practically impossible and impractical in the sports world. Such training also harms the development of our children. Under these conditions, coaches and teachers (and parents, if possible) are greatly responsible for ensuring that our athletes are well prepared for the competition. Training programs for sporting events must be compiled and implemented last year. Our athletes need to understand that their season began effectively when the exams ended. With the start of the curriculum, coaches and teachers can also instruct athletes about the vacation training program. Each athlete must have one, in accordance with which they can do something to improve their playing skills during their departure from school. This may include such things as maintaining a certain standard of fitness with endurance, such as cycling, running or swimming, playing catch and backyard pitching with your siblings or even individual practices to improve certain skills. The main thing here is to preserve and improve what was achieved in the previous season, so that athletes do not return to school and start from scratch. Simple planning and training will thus provide quality training for sports teams to achieve maximum performance in sports later.

2. Mastering individual skills

In all sports and games there are certain skills that are considered essential and necessary. They must be reached by athletes before they can play at a higher level later. In basketball, dribbling and performing the right layout are crucial. Baseball and softball must be thrown, caught and gained skills. Passing and getting a pass is the necessary skills in hockey and table ball. The list can be continued. In pre-season training sessions or in the early stages of the game, these basic skills should be known to our young players, and all efforts and time should be spent on mastering these basic skills. Without these skills, it will be very difficult for a coach to perform more complex team games to achieve maximum performance in sports. If the attackers cannot even control a long pass from a teammate, as we can expect that the same player will hold the ball in a good field against defenders of the opposition and execute the dismissal transferred to the counter teams in support. It will be reasonable for coaches to develop these skills at an early stage, as well as for players to continue to improve these skills, even if they may feel that they are already good enough.

Even at the professional level, these basic skills for playing sports are important for achieving maximum performance in sports. The repertoire of required skills and the intensity of how these skills are performed at the highest level is even more acute. At the highest levels, where rivals are very evenly distributed in all areas, one mistake can often lead to victory or loss. For professionals it is even more important to master all the skills necessary for playing or playing sports. Only under such intense conditions can the maximum performance in sports be achieved.

3. High fitness levels

At the secondary school level, many athletes have not reached their maximum physical development, but no matter how much they train. Physiologically speaking, the development in this area among young people is very diverse. Some children achieve a high level of fitness faster than others, while others have body types that will respond optimally to workouts when they get older. Here we can assume that the team with the most suitable group of players will have the greatest advantage. No matter how clever your opponents are, if you are better than he or she, you will be able to overcome your lack of fitness by quickly responding to overcoming your short fall. Suppose, say, you are out of the game by a more skilful opponent in football. But if you are better than your opponent who has just led you, you can track back quickly enough to cover your position again. This edge in fitness for young people is very important in the later stages of the game, since at this age players tend to tire faster. A team of mechanics will certainly be able to anticipate and score more points in the game. Players at this age must be convinced of this need for fitness, and they should do everything possible to achieve the highest level of fitness.

What about professionals? Without a doubt, professional athletes are expected to have fitness at the highest levels. If this is not the case, their opponents will and, therefore, they will surpass them and reach their maximum performance in sports. Generally speaking, professional athletes know how to get in great shape and keep it up to the end of the season. Their physical bodies are also in the best condition, which must be fully developed.

4. Understanding the overall team play

The next factor that is important for achieving maximum performance in sports is an understanding of the overall team play of the players. Imagine that the coach explains his responsibilities to clear the balls on the flanks in any invasion game. You will be surprised how many players really understand why they are being told about this. Most often, players simply do what the coaches want or say. Understanding their actions is very often very little. They may not know that playing the ball on the wings or the wing actually makes the opponents' defense spread wider, therefore leaving more gaps in the middle for the attacker to use later. Another statistical advantage is that the game on the flanks usually leads to the fact that the attacker gets the ball back if he is knocked out of the binding. This is why you often hear players or coaches shouting at their accusations to throw him in the line. Young players like the direct path to the goal, and very often this means playing through the middle. Whatever the tactics taught to the players, coaches should make every effort to explain and make sure that all players understand the tactical significance of their plays. This form of training, if done correctly, makes players better players and improves their decision making on the field. And we are always looking for new players in our field that will give the team a higher chance of achieving maximum performance in the sport.

5. Filling the key positions of the team

The fifth factor that can lead to maximum performance in the sport is actually finding the right players to fill the team’s most important positions in the first place. In any sports teams, key positions must be filled first. The guard in the basketball team is the driver of the team. he controls all the plays. The center in ice hockey is in the center of defense and attack, as it must be the best and most adapted and most dependent player. Baseball catcher is a key person because he dictates and names the ropes, and also sees the whole field situation. These key positions must be filled first, even if it means putting someone out of position. I use a very talented and strong striker who loves to score goals. Unfortunately, I also have a big gap in goal setting, and he turns out to be the best handler on the team. After much persuasion and sacrifice, he finally turned to the goalkeeper. Thanks to his selfless action, the team did very well, as very few goals were scored against us. It was not easy to do. But as a coach, I felt that the goalkeeper was too important to allow the player Tom, Dick or Harry, as he must be the best. These results were the fewest stupid mistakes in our goal-keeping department, and this led to the fact that the team has a much better chance of winning games. This brings us to the last technical factor that affects the maximum performance in sports, making the smallest mistakes.

6. Minimize gaming errors

In sports today, mistakes often determine the outcome of a game. Mistakes will be more numerous at the level of youth and children. The fact that children play at lower technical and tactical levels inevitably leads to mistakes. A team that makes a few mistakes in any game will usually perform its spikes. His mentality is to be drilled in players to make as few mistakes as possible both individually and as a team. If you do not believe in it, watch your next game, watch carefully how goals or points are scored. Most often, you will realize that the goal began with an error from opponents. Or point or run - the result of some players who fumble the ball. Creating many silly mistakes will not lead to maximum performance in sports. A small mistake. So the coach, make sure you train your players to understand this and do the right things in the game. Show them proof through video or live games, and they will be convinced that a team with a few worse games wins and reaches the maximum in their sporting activities.

So far we have discussed the technical factors that will lead your team to maximum performance in sports. Coaches and players must make sure that these factors are well understood so that your teams reach maximum performance in sports. Otherwise, it will be a waste of time and effort no matter how talented the team and the players are.

Seeking to achieve maximum performance in sports, human factors are also very important. Understanding and mastering these factors, and the success and maximum performance in sports is almost certainly. But very often these factors are often the most difficult to achieve. Here we rely on the qualities of people to succeed in different areas, so that they reach their maximum performance in sports. Very often, these qualities form the basis of all sports performances in sports. Players and coaches assiduously assimilate these factors, because we are dealing with intangible elements of human nature. He is easy to improve your pitching skills, but for improving team spirit he has much more in common with practice skills.

Fortunately, we need to focus only on two human factors in order to achieve maximum performance in sports.

Human factors

1. Players. Dedication and commitment 2. Teamwork and team spirit

The first factor concerns the presence of loyal and dedicated players. This is a very individual player factor, but it is also the responsibility of the coach to get maximum commitment and dedication to each player. We all know that every player is different, as it requires different strategies to motivate different players. For some players, simply setting goals, both team and individual goals, will suffice, because perhaps the players themselves are inherently motivated. Players with poor motivation and a stellar attitude may need some form of carrot and wand techniques to make the most of them. Whatever the strategy, failing to get maximum commitment and dedication from the players will mean that training and the match-game will not be optimal, which will lead to poor peak performance in sports.

The second human factor that leads to maximum performance in sports is teamwork and team spirit. When a team can work together to a level at which the players understand so well that the team reaches its ultimate potential. Not only tactical games will be good in everything, but efforts to play for each other in a team will be so high that the level of satisfaction and sacrifice will be so huge that the team game will improve. Players are ready to run and cover each other more, and in the team game there is almost a magical factor. Team efficiency will improve. Players will not play for selfish reasons, but rather for the general purposes of the team. The story provides wonderful elements for us to see how the team works in action. Very often these were not teams with the most skills that won the competition, but rather teams with a great team spirit and teamwork. When players are ready to customize personal differences to play for big team goals. In Euro 2004, Greece was not a team with the greatest honor or skills, but they still won because the coach was able to form a team, it would seem, no one in a cohesive unit that would be ready to play against each other.

Training and achieving maximum performance in sports are very often the dreams and aspirations of many coaches and players. At all levels of sports, from high school to professional, all athletes and their coaches want to achieve their maximum performance in sports. It is a man’s inner desire to succeed and be the best. Being the best is not just skill, but also certain technical and human factors that can be manipulated to achieve maximum performance in sports. These factors are important for any sports fans leading to maximum performance in sports.

 Peak sports performance -2

 Peak sports performance -2

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