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 Search for love and deeds -2

If I ask you to describe God in one word, what would it be?

For me, there is only one: Love. God is love. God pours forth with love. God cannot stop sharing love with everyone. He has so much love for every lost person that He was willing to sacrifice his son so that no one would die if they believed in Him. There is no greater act or proof that someone loves.

All of our relationships with God are based on a solid foundation of love. God covers us in love. The secret, however, is not to preserve this love for yourself, but to share it with the people around us. With our Christian sisters and brothers and with any other person.

It is easy for me to love the brethren of God, because we are together. But it is not always easy to show disinterested love for people who do not belong to us.

We can never do this on our own. We need reinforcements. Therefore, we need to pray with Paul: 12 And let Master pour love to fill your lives and splashes on everyone around you, as well as from us to you.

We must be in search of places where we can sow the love of God. Like what happened in the life of Annecy. According to Annecy (not her real name), she and her husband fought a lot in the early days of their marriage:
My husband earned very little and we could not afford much. We didn't even have money for food.

One afternoon, when Henny came home during lunch, he was accompanied by an elderly woman who worked with him. She wanted to meet me because we just moved to the area. She saw that we had Pronutro for our child, because that's all we could afford.

She lived on a farm in the countryside. The next morning, she bought me a whole basket full of food. I never forgot it. The Lord heard my prayers and sent us food.

Just a simple story, but still something that had a big impact on the lives of the people who fought. The act of love. The woman did not just visit her - she looked around, looking for a place where she could show love. That is why she saw their need and did something.

Can we also look for places where we can show Jesus? love

Let's pray and ask God to make love visible among us. But even more - the love of God will become visible in our actions towards other people, people with whom we work and play, as well as a stranger with whom we occasionally meet along the way.

Holy Bible

1 Thessalonians 3: 11-13


Do you like others?

How can they see it?

Where can you show love today?


Lord, You are the best example of living love. I would like to convey all the love I receive from You to others. But it is not always easy to do. Can I learn more from You so that I can really change the lives of others. Amen.

 Search for love and deeds -2

 Search for love and deeds -2

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