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 Another drum sound -2

Ralph Waldo Emerson said:

“If a person loses speed with his companions, perhaps this is because he hears another drummer. Let him approach the music he hears, no matter how measured or far away. ”

Do you feel stressed, misunderstood in relationships, overwhelmed by parents or overworked as an employee? Are you struggling with depression, anxiety or negativity? Are you stuck in your career, despite the fact that you are very good at what you are doing? Do you get complaints about how you get along with your colleagues? Do your loved ones complain that you are absent or about your mood swings?

Maybe you need a balance?

Natalie Gahmann, Success Coach, says:

“Balance is a feeling arising from the full and complete, this feeling of harmony.

“Your life consists of many vital areas, including your health, family, financial, intellectual, social, work, spiritual, recreation, personal growth, romance and much more. But if in the end you spend enough quantity and quality of time in each area, your life will feel in balance. As with the table, if one leg is longer or shorter than the rest, this will make the whole table unstable. For example, if you do not care about your health, your family and social life will suffer, if you spend too much time managing your business, personal relationships and self-care may suffer. ”

Because of the stress and uncontrolled work at the gym, Bill urgently needed a few days off, but he knew that his boss would never let him take them. So he said: "Maybe if I go crazy, the boss will say that I will take a few days off." So Tom hanged himself upside down from the bar by the ceiling.

Judy, his assistant, came in and saw him and said: “What do you think you are doing?”

Bill told her that he was pretending to be a light bulb, so the boss would think that he was going crazy and giving him a few days off.

“Well, it will never work!” Said Judy and fled.

Five minutes later, when Bill's face turned scarlet, the boss entered the gym and saw Bill. He asked him: "What do you think you are doing?"

“I'm a light bulb!” Said Bill.

The boss said: "Listen, you clearly stressed: go home and get well for a couple of days."

Bill jumped and left the gym. When Mary started to follow him, the boss asked her: “And where do you think you're going, young lady?”

With a straight face, she replied: "I will go home too, I cannot work in the dark!"

Today, few people doubt that most of us are stressed and do not have enough time. We understand time as the space between events, and therefore, when this space is compressed with devices and technologies that speed up work, we tend to squeeze more and more into space.

In the recent past, we all used street mail for all of our mail. We had to take the time to sit down, write a letter, seal it, print it and transfer it to the mailbox. Then a postal person will arrive, who will send him to the truck and return it to the post office, where he will be sorted and sent to the destination, where a similar process will take place. Thus, there will be a space between the letter and its answer.

But today, with e-mail, this process is almost instantaneous. And therefore we write more letters and think that we have saved time, which in a sense we have. But in another sense, we have lost the space between events, and this is how we feel the feeling of sufficient time. And so our stress levels are rising!

Modern technology connects us all on many levels. We feel the need to respond to every personal email, every phone call, every snail email, every cell phone text message. You know what to do. We tell when we are waiting for our child at school. I often see couples walking down the street, apparently, together, and instead of enjoying the moment together, one of them is on the mobile phone for the blocks.

We try to do something else, and then we don’t have enough time, so we make fast food, not food or text while driving, hoping not to get caught. We plan meetings during and after work to infinity. We work long hours to please people or a boss at work, and then we work in the evening. We watch the news at dinner and emphasize the world. We return to the e-mail and spend the evening on the computer and, finally, we drag ourselves to bed.

And something that is usually compromised is our special time with those we love. Why do our dearest get the short end of the stick?

The Quran emphasizes that we need a balance and that God sends us healing from heart disease, one of which is stress. We should eat the good things of life, but stay balanced. The Quran says that an excess in something is not suitable for you.

Sikhs say that all the ups and downs of life, all our current challenges, our so-called flaws, are simply illusions. They are part of the game of God, established in the nature of things, so that we can learn to live in love and learn to let go of things that don't matter. We can live in balance, and when we do this, we will experience our own infinite "I."

The Christian New Testament states that there are nine qualities of spiritual maturity and balance. It is love, joy, peace, patience, meekness, kindness, faith, meekness and self-control. These are gifts that come from God, who works in our lives.

Buddhists teach that simple life is an excellent key to life. Buddhist practice tries to throw away the rat race, attachments and fears of life, so that we can focus on what is needed - our spiritual journey, our family, our self-awareness and compassion for the earth. We can become awake and free, living a balanced life, not tied to gain or loss, praise or guilt, fame or shame, happiness or hopelessness.

And the wise old King Solomon of the Jews says that we should enjoy our life, because what we run is like chasing the wind, and then vanity.

What did you like as a child? I remember how I was so glad to wake up every morning that I could not wait to go outside. I was filled with joy in childhood and was blessed because I knew what Deepak Chopra was saying about joy. He says that "joy is a return to the deep harmony of body, mind and spirit that was yours at birth, and this can be yours again!"

So, if all religions are in basic agreement about a balanced life, what do we need to get there? Why is it so hard?

The only thing that most life coaches agree on a balanced life is to understand our priorities correctly. Jesus was the trainer of life, as was the Buddha, Mohammed, and the Gurus of India. Everyone talks about choosing the right priorities. What are the priorities? Love, peace and joy!

It is important for all of us to identify our values ​​and harmonize our lives around them. We must do this for our personal and professional priorities. When you no longer serve your true values, have guts to say no to nothing that does not serve them. When you do it at work or in your home, you will lift the whole place up a notch, just say no.

I remember once I was asked to get falsely labeled cardboard boxes, because it was a savings for the company. I refused to deliver them. I thought of this recently with a horse meat scandal in which horse meat was labeled beef. Someone blew a whistle on it, and companies will always get better.

This is a difficult challenge, especially when you lose work on it. Thank God, here in America, there is a legal appeal when someone is fired for observing the law. This is a scandal, but it is vital for the good of the world. And yes, your stress levels will rise first, but in the long run, when you live in your values, your level of joy will increase!

Life coaches tell us that our life is organized! At first it is difficult and time consuming, but after this is done and will continue, the organization will set you free. You need to plan for emergencies so that you know what to do when a problem occurs. Close the roof when it is dry outside. Do not wait for the rain!

Go with the flow, be flexible, adjust, make a new choice, forgive yourself, get rid of your idea that everything should be perfect. Only some things require this level, but often all that is needed is a well-functioning job with reasonable standards. Perfection can kill you. Drop it without a particular purpose that will improve humanity, which requires deep precision. Then go for it and be glad and proud when you reach your goal.

Daily introduce healthy procedures in your life. Relax, exercise correctly, lift weights, walk or run or eat, eat healthy foods, take time to meditate and pray. Plan the next day the night before, and then enter it with confidence and head held high. Take breaks, drink plenty of water, go out into nature. Find out when you are best performing and then creatively use those times.

Do you have a big project? Create a support network for friends and experts to help you. Do not fight, as if there is no help. People love to help us if we ask them. We develop trust when we in turn offer to help them. That is to invest in an emotional bank account with them. Do you have a positive balance in your relationships with others, or do you always ask for help? Balanced life always maintains a positive balance in emotional bank accounts with others. Kindness is always our best deposit! And we can be kind to absolutely anyone!

Then, finally, take the advice of the Buddha and simplify your life!

Eliminate the unimportant or what may be called the tyranny of the urgent. Few things are as urgent as they seem. Destroy your life. Stop redevelopment. Instead, do the things you like. Return your loved one and make him or her a priority.

Let us know that the person we most often deceive is often our own.

When we say that I am busy all the time, we tend to think that the insane pace of our life is temporary, and therefore we can stop it. However, soon it will become for us a new normal. Joy just can not get into our lives, because we are too busy! The world comes out of the window. Stress comes in the door, and we remain the same, or worse, because we have the knowledge to change, but not.

If it is you today, the one who knows what to do, but still feels helpless with stress, listen. Do you need help. You need someone to encourage you to continue. This special project that you put off, this new job that you are afraid to apply for, this benefit that you are applying for, but did not take steps to get this woman or person you worked with or give, but did not , the risk of failure. What keeps you from practicing everything you know?

If it was someone else, you would know what advice to give, would you? But it's you, and you're stuck!

Answer? You need a friend and be a friend, and then, like magic, you will be unstuck!

Scott Adams always wanted to be a cartoonist, but he never knew how to do it. One day, he saw the PBS program as a caricature, and therefore Adams wrote to host Jack Cassidy and asked his advice on how to enter the profession. Cassidy responded and responded with all Adams. and then added these lines. “Do not despair if you first return. Your cartoons are good! ”

So Adams was very worried, he finally understood how this process works. He presented cartoons for Playboy and the New Yorker. These magazines quickly rejected it in cold, photocopied letters. Calm down, Scott put aside his art supplies and decided to forget about the cartoons. The failure was too stressful!

A year later, quite unexpectedly, Jack Cassidy again wrote to Scott Adams. He said: “Sometimes encouragement is hard to find. That's why I urge you to hang and keep painting. ”

Scott was clearly affected by the letter and prepared samples of the pages, which will eventually become Dilbert, which appears today in more than 700 newspapers and six books. He's on the Internet too, and you can tweet Dilbert anywhere in the world.

Nevertheless, Scott Adams says that he feels confident that he would not have tried the cartoon if Jack had not sent this letter. This simple act of kindness has changed the world of Scott Adams, and today he wants to convey the same message.

He says: “Some gifts must be transferred, not redeemed. We all know someone who will benefit from kind words, this is for those who know that you have nothing to win. family and friends, because their happiness and yours are inseparable.

When you have time for good deeds, when you stop what you are doing to help another person in trouble, when you have time for your forgotten “me,” something else will happen. Your life will gain magic, and you will discover another great friend.

The lecturer, explaining the stress management of the audience, raised a glass of water and asked: “How heavy is this glass of water?” The answers that were called ranged from 20 to 500 g. hold on Pain in my right hand. If I hold it for one day, you will have to call an ambulance. the case, the same weight, but the longer I hold it, the harder it gets. ”

Do you hold onto a weight that has become too heavy? You need a friend. Release and give weight to God. Believe me, weight means nothing to God. And you, like God, will be free. You will again be in balance and restore the joy that you had a small child ...

For joy is a return to the deep harmony of body, mind and spirit that was yours at birth, when you first came from God through your parents. He can be yours again. This openness to LOVE, the capacity for integrity with the world around you is still inside you. This is the sound of another drum ...

 Another drum sound -2

 Another drum sound -2

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