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 North Florida Hospitality -2

Interested in going to Florida? Consider North Florida for your next vacation.
destination. Although most of Florida's most popular attractions are in the south,
the northern part of the state, stretching from Pensacola to Jacksonville, offers
Travelers have a lot of what they expect from Florida with the turn of the Southern Charm.

The area surrounding the bustling metropolis and the unofficial capital of South Georgia
Jacksonville is full of fun activities and attractions for the whole family. Amelia Island,
home for the Ritz Carlton and the ATP Bausch & Lomb tournament, is the resort
community kit within wonderful natural beauty. Between the hundred year old living oaks,
swamps of the Intrakostal waterway, and the Atlantic Ocean - nature lovers
Paradise, the dream of tennis players and the perfect place to pamper yourself. Travel
south to the beach of Ponte Vedra where the Championship of tournament players is located
Sograss. Golf lovers will find many of the most prestigious and world-famous.
updated golf courses while the family will enjoy beautiful beaches and calm
Life style. Following the coastline, you will arrive at St. Louis. Augustine, nations
old town, and home to great shopping and beaches. Stroll through St. George
Street for the charm of the old city and shops and stop for a bite on Opus 39, 95
Cordova Street, violin green or salty cowboys, all St. Louis. Augustine lovers.
Jacksonville itself is home to great attractions, including Alltel Stadium, where
Professional football team Jacksonville Jaguars, Florida Theater, where you can
see concerts, performances and shows all year round, as well as beautiful St. Louis. John.

Traveling west on 1-70, you drive through the territory of the Florida plantation and
Tallahassee, the state capital. This is not a palm house and famous
beaches, but ancient live oaks, sprawling plantation houses and fresh springs.
With beaches 30 minutes away and many lakes, there are many areas
play and with two state universities in the city there are many arts and cultural
events. This area of ​​Florida is so different from the rest, but many visitors
to the state they do not know everything that this region has to offer. Saving the past
and respect for its natural beauty is what holds the Tallahassee area for more
generations to enjoy.

Florida Panhandle is located between the southern borders of Georgia and
Alabama and the Gulf of Mexico, making it culturally and historically more similar to
Deep South than the rest of the state. The beaches of the Gulf Coast, known as
Redneck Riviera, renamed to white sandy beaches and warm waters.
emerald colored water stretches from Pensacola Bay to Panama, including beaches
such as Gulf Breeze, Fort Walton Beach, Destin, Seaside, Perdido Key, Navarre,
Sandestin, Greyton Beach, Santa Rosa Beach and Sigrove. Deep sea fishing is
Destin's choice activities, known as the “World's Most Successful Fishing Village”; of
Of course, eating a catch of the day may be more popular. There are seafood and
Oyster houses on every corner, serving families, couples, or big parties.
Primorsky, famous for the film “The Truman Show”, is known for its bizarre
pastel colors and is the perfect place for a family summer vacation.
Panama City is the capital of spring break and got the name “The best beach in America”
Conde Nast Traveler magazine. Enjoy great restaurants on the beach and overlooking
night clubs at night, basking in the sun during the day. Families will love both
its warm temperatures and the warm personality of the locals.

Great beaches, natural beauty, world-class golf and tennis, southern hospitality,
excellent vacation rentals and warm sunny sunlight make North Florida
perfect place for any vacation.

 North Florida Hospitality -2

 North Florida Hospitality -2

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