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 Treatment for warts without pain -2

If you have unsightly warts that affect your self-esteem and your social life, a painless wart treatment formula will help you cleanse your skin and break out of your shell.

What are warts and how did I get them? Warts are bumps on the skin that occur in areas where the outer skin cells grow excessively. They are caused by a common virus carried by most people, called the human papillomavirus (HPV). The virus was not harmed by most people, and medical research has not yet revealed why some people are affected and not others. The virus exists on the surface of the skin, but it does not become active until it enters the body through abrasion or excision. Wart treatment is usually performed when the protrusions are irritated or embarrassing.

Are warts a warning sign of cancer? Warts are harmless and do not indicate cancer; There is no reason to believe that warts increase the risk of skin cancer in the future.

Do I need my warts removed surgically? It is not a medical necessity to remove warts, although many people prefer to do so. When warts cause pain or discomfort, or if they begin to spread, you may want to consider removing the warts. Common procedures for getting rid of warts include surgical outpatient procedures, such as cutting warts (curettage), burning the warts with electric current or freezing the wart using liquid nitrogen. These procedures must be performed by the doctor on an outpatient basis, and there is a possibility of pain and scarring. After surgery, the warts may return, as the virus that causes them is still present after they have been removed.

Can I get rid of warts myself?

 Treatment for warts without pain -2

 Treatment for warts without pain -2

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