Is fear of success really?
I may risk alienating some people in this article, possibly offending others. However, if this makes you think differently about the topic, I would do my job to serve you.
Is the fear of success really?
Is it possible to fear: wealth, recognition, service to others, bigger games, impact on humanity, and your work to serve a wider audience?
Fear of success, I call folly.
I have never heard that someone was diagnosed by a therapist with the fear of success syndrome, despite those who are experiencing injury or some form of PTSD. There is always something else hiding the advantage of the surface. This requires more research to ignore what hidden fears are.
Fear of success is a disguise, because it convinces you of success.
Is not. It never comes.
Even at the last minute, circumstances may change when the hat falls.
You can spend many years, not hit on success, while other people hit him luckily for months or years. They will tell you how they follow a certain formula that ensured their success.
There is no formula that will ensure success, because this term means something different for you and me.
The same formula that worked for them might not work for you and the millions of others. That is why online courses that guarantee results rarely work. You need to get a close-up with the person to meet their needs if they want to succeed.
Why is someone afraid of what they want?
Is this what life is postponing?
Is this what they sacrifice for themselves: health, family and personal relationships?
I get that you can be afraid of the attributes of success if it happens quickly, but for many it is nothing to worry about, because not everyone will experience successes like JK Rowling.
I do not understand why the fear of success is real. Can I naively think that success will be transferred to a person overnight if they follow the rules and work?
Come on, of course, we know that there is nothing like success overnight. Those who described this label have been working away on their craftsmanship for many years, maybe even decades.
Success is not guaranteed to anyone.
Useless people come to mind who continued their careers until they achieved success. You cannot apply a formula to success, because in the hands of the wrong person, success is the same as transferring a lottery to someone with poor money management skills.
I appreciate the idea of replicating your mentors for success. However, some people starting to work will have a different result, because there are many unknown factors that contribute to success.
For this reason, I believe that the fear of success is really fear of hard work This is what author Stephen Pressfield resistance which prevents many from achieving their beautiful work. Here, resistance keeps a person from writing the first draft of a book that they would like to move for many years.
Resistance stops you from sitting down to hone your craft or focus on deliberate practice to fine-tune your motor skills.
Jeff Olson speaks in Small edge that taking action can be easy or difficult, it depends on your view: "Here is the problem: all actions that are easy to do are also easy not to do."
A client I work with recently posted a photo posted outside of her school class, which read: “Why can't I miss my 20 minutes of reading today?”
An A & A student who reads one minute each day is 180 minutes in an academic year. This is the equivalent of 8,000 words per year or the 10th percentile of standardized tests.
An A & A student who reads five minutes each day is 900 minutes per academic year. This is the equivalent of 282,000 words per year or the 50th percentile of standardized tests.
An A & A student who reads 20 minutes each day is 3,600 minutes in an academic year. This is equivalent to 1,800,000 words per year or the 90th percentile of standardized tests.
By the end of the sixth grade, A & the student will read the equivalent of 60 days for the whole school. A & A student will only read 12 school days. Which student would you expect to have the best vocabulary? Which student would you expect to be more successful in school and in life?
Fear of success or fear of hard work that you say?
Hard work and perseverance is what children learn at a young age, because they are taught that nothing happens easily. This becomes clear as they pass from year to year, some of their classmates receive lower marks, while others succeed.
Hard work requires commitment, dedication and perseverance, and if you meet all these requirements, there is still no guarantee that the pot of gold is waiting for you.
Hard work is terrifying, because it means that you want your heart and soul to be on the line with or without success. It requires discipline, stubborn will and determination to become a student of knowledge, skill and wisdom.
Hard work is not for everyone, and only a few become successful because they are ready to devote themselves to skills. They want to become better, not mediocre skills and talents.
Excellence and success
The same principle I described earlier applies to many other areas, such as sports, music, and creative areas. For example, there is no such thing as a child prodigy violinist. Behind every genius is a student who practices 7-8 hours a day with the right teachers and teachers to lead his musical career.
You can not leave success in case. He needs to be educated and cultivated and pay your close attention. You should greet him with humility and respect, because, like the wind, he can instantly turn to you and go in search of someone else who will create the right environment for his prosperity.
“Keep in mind, however, that there is a difference between demanding success and simply the desire for it. You have to figure out what the difference is and use it, ”Napoleon Hill writes in“ The Law of Success ”in“ Sixteen Lessons. ”
Success is intermittent.
Success is an antagonist.
He will serve you if you oblige him to do hard work and work day by day, month to month, year to year. Success is not something to pursue, but is awarded to you as a result of hard work, literacy and dedication.
According to the author Brandon Burchard, the message clearly states: “Extreme people become like this:“ Be more premeditated about who you want to become, like this person today. ”
If you want success, do the hard work.
If you want success, succeed.
If you want success, dedicate yourself to your life.
If you want success, stop making excuses why he did not appear and do not do the work to bring it closer to you.
If you want to succeed, stop playing small and create unreadable meaning for others.
Put their needs before yours. Serve them well, not wanting anything in return. Do it for the love of the game. Love for your passion.
If you want success, make commitments and never give up until your hard work is rewarded for the years you are on the line.
Hard work will accompany you, as you understand, your greatest potential and perseverance in the face of unfavorable circumstances.