So why (Egypt why not) leasing?
Some of the benefits of getting your own wheels are usually obvious: you can determine the actual progress of your entire day, your week, or your vacation, rather than always limiting taxi times or bus schedules. Owning a vehicle will help you discover less visited areas that many travelers lose sight of and can provide you with independence to switch their plans in case something happens. And besides, who doesn't like to control radio stations on the way?
However, a trip to Costa Rica is not easy. Roads can be long, lush and in poor condition. Traffic is usually poor in urban areas or even on mountain roads, and signs often do not exist. It is very easy to get lost (especially at any time when you do not have GPS NAVIGATION or quality road maps), it is difficult to get back on the right track when you do not agree with the instructions of the local language in Spanish. There are many points to consider, such as traffic laws, fuel costs, and travel time.
Leasing a vehicle is usually not really recommended for visitors for the first time in Costa Rica - a problem as well as stress and confusion are usually not worth the time and effort. However, travelers who are quite enterprising and have been in the country before may want to think about leasing a vehicle. If you are still on board, continue reading.
What to rent
The type of car you choose depends on what you plan to do on vacation. If you are going to travel in the mountains, along country roads or even in some coastal regions, you will need some kind of all-wheel drive car. Think about renting a car with four wheels in case you are going to go to any of the following areas: Nicoya Peninsula, Monteverde, Rincon de la Vieja, La Paz Falls, Bajos del Toro, the South Pacific, Osa Peninsula, and several places along the Caribbean coast. A number of these roads have potholes, as well as crossings, and vehicles are needed with a large gap, so it’s almost impossible to travel along these types of routes without an SUV.
You can find both compact and full-size SUVs. Compact SUVs are usually smaller, have lower ground clearance and significantly improve gas consumption. They can accommodate from 4 to 5 people and are available both in two doors and in four door variants. Full-size SUVs are usually bigger and much more powerful. They have much better ground clearance, a more powerful engine and much more internal space. Because of this, they may be more capable on bad roads or when traveling in large groups. Most full-size SUVs have 4 doors and can accommodate from 4 to 7 people; they also include trucks. On the other hand, because of their higher center of gravity, full-size SUVs are more likely to overturn - especially taking care when driving in corners.
If you are thinking of keeping relatively well-traveled routes, a compact or full-size car will be fine. Coastal areas in the central and northern Pacific Ocean occupy more compact cars, as well as many areas between the coastal and northern lowlands. The roads around the Arenal Volcano are suitable for this type of vehicle. These types of vehicles have a two-wheel drive, and they are not ideal for rough roads.
Compact cars will be the smallest, most affordable choice. Quite often they can be hind legs, although some of them are also sedans. Full-size cars are usually larger than compact ones. This is usually passenger sedans, as well as large engines. As a result, they get somewhat worse fuel consumption. Full-size cars tend to be more spacious and better for groups with more luggage.
Another option is vans. Vans are the largest, most spacious car, and are ideal for large groups. Purchased bills were used in the same areas as a small or even full-size car. Most of them have a two-wheel drive, and also have very poor opportunities for the whole locality. They usually accommodate up to 12 people, and are also available in 3 or 4 door versions. Vans have a tendency to reduce gas consumption and, just like full-size SUVs, have a greater ability to tip over due to their size.
All rented cars include basic features such as air conditioning, power steering, power windows / locks, dual airbags, and a COMPACT DISC player / radio. Manual and automatic options are available in each category. Car rental also usually includes a safety kit for crashes and flat tires. It consists of jumpers, a rope, a set of flat tires, road triangles and a fire extinguisher.
One of the preferred and recommended gadgets to add to the rental of your car is GPS NAVIGATION. Costa Rican roads tend to be lush, complex and often without real street signs. Because of this, it is quite easy to get lost if you do not have an updated map or GPS device. A GPS device will save you time and a world of problems. They can be included in your car for about $ 10 a day and usually require a deposit of about $ 450.
We recommended using a GPS unit that offers a car rental business, instead of downloading something over the Internet — this is how you learn about new routes, as well as the latest changes in roads. Another thing to remember: in several places in Costa Rica there is the same name, which can often become complicated. Because of this, if you already know where you will be going (destinations or hotels) when you pick up a car, the leasing agency will save the locations in the GPS device. It will probably save your head about arriving at the wrong place.
A great way to add GPS NAVIGATION is to use the application (Waze). Travelers who have a smartphone and a global data plan can easily download this community and navigation application to have current information about roads, routes, failures, traffic jams, construction and much more. (Waze), however, you will need an Internet connection to initially display the routes, as well as restrictions. This is why many of us offer to use (Waze) to map out the route while still at the hotel or even before you start driving - as soon as you no longer have the Internet, your routes will be saved. However, some parts of Costa Rica do not have access to the Internet, so it is recommended to use (Waze) as an additional navigation system for your GPS device of your car.
Visitors can also purchase and rent road maps through most car rental agencies.
Rental rules
Before renting a vehicle, it was a sensible decision to familiarize yourself with the actual leasing policy. Thus, you will not be beaten by an unforeseen fine or have impractical ideas as to what the actual deposit procedure is. The subsection section consists of information on insurance coverage, deposits, fines and lease terms.
Travelers in Costa Rica need a driver's license from their home country to rent a vehicle. Tourists are usually allowed to rent a car for up to ninety days. After 90 days, you need to get a driver's license in Costa Rica.
In addition, there are additional options for a full coverage insurance policy that can be purchased with the necessary insurance coverage. They are more expensive, but they deal with basic situations, have a high level of protection and may even have a zero franchise. Some also include 24-hour roadside assistance. Once again, the amount you pay depends on the type of car you are renting.
Before leaving for Costa Rica, review your personal car insurance policy. First, find out if you are protected in another country. If so, find out if your coverage covers all persons driving the vehicle, and how much liability is actually covered in the event of a third party injury. Also, find out if the type of car you rent in Costa Rica is really covered by your agreement.
Whenever you rent a car, you will be additionally asked to make a deposit. As a rule, it is from 700 to 1500 US dollars and depends on the type of insurance coverage that the client chooses. The leasing agency places this amount on your payment card and releases it as soon as you return the vehicle and the GPS device in good working condition. The actual deposit is not actually released right away, but instead it takes about 3-4 weeks to place on your credit card.
In the event of a car accident, your deposit will be saved until your case goes to court. After the judge has accepted the final verdict, your deposit can be returned or sent to pay for actual damages.
There are various circumstances that can lead to a fine by the leasing agency. These include returning a vehicle with a smaller amount of fuel than was originally leased, being late for a vehicle or returning the vehicle to a place other than the originally agreed one. As for the second point, the rental time is determined very tightly - 1 day rental actually means 24 hours. For example, if you rent a car for just one day and you get it at 8 am, it should be returned by 8 am the next day. Failure to do so will result in a fine.
Driving conditions
Driving in Costa Rica is not the same as driving in North America or even in Europe. Throughout the day, you can travel along winding mountain roads, country roads with gravel, or even scenic coastal roads. Different geography of the country - mountain peaks, volcanoes, valleys, plains and coastlines - can create a complex road system. Before you go on a trip, think about where you are going and what you will be traveling through.
Driving conditions in Costa Rica can easily drop you in a cycle if you are not really prepared. Studying the road conditions gives you a good idea of what you need to cook. Driving conditions in Costa Rica differ from one place to another. Around cities such as San Jose, you will find large multi-lane highways with smooth highways. However, the further you get out of a developed area, the poorer the conditions on the street. Because of the mountainous landscape of Costa Rica, several roads tend to be two-lane as well as windy. They will curve up, down and around the mountains. Along roads such as these, it is not unusual for large 18 wheeled vehicles to go very slowly and drive traffic behind them. That is why a transition to a relatively short distance may take a lot longer than expected.
On several roads there are no protective rails, as well as steep drops along every other side. Others are pockmarked or have recently been completely washed by a landslide. Undoubtedly, the rainy season damages Costa Rica’s roads — landslides, floods, and erosion are not unusual. In many parts of the country, the norms are gravel or dirt roads. This can be quite difficult and may require cross-threading. For this reason, it may be necessary to have an all-wheel drive vehicle in several parts of the country.
Two-lane roads are often compressed to single lanes over bridges - in this case, motorists must cede (ceda) to drivers with the right of way. Reflective strips dividing the canvases or lining the actual paths can be faded or non-existent, which can lead to movement hazards, especially at night. Signs in Costa Rica are usually equally impressed or missed. Along well-traveled tourist routes (for example, in Manuel Antonio) signs are very well located, understandable and informative. On the other hand, in many parts of the country, signals are usually either absent or simply completely absent. It is very easy to get lost, especially without GPS.
Recommendations and guarantees
If you read the previous section, you will have a good idea of how difficult it is to travel to Costa Rica. The next segment may instruct you on the most useful methods of preventing accidents, fines and exacerbations.
The best way to prevent all three things is to use GPS DEVICE. These devices can be rented for a small fee (about $ 10 per day) when you pick up your car. Often, a GPS DEVICE is attached to the dashboard of your car, and also easy to see while driving. They are free from hands and can tell you when to turn and what to expect. They can help you plan routes, calculate distances as well as arrival times, and find the nearest gas stations. GPS is no doubt necessary for navigating the Costa Rican road system.
In addition to GPS, travelers with cell phones and an international data plan can easily download applications such as (Waze) that help display streets, routes, accidents, construction, and more. This is a great way to get a second opinion on wherever you go. However, he needs internet access - start it and enter your destination before deciding to leave your hotel. Many of us also recommend that travelers have actual physical road maps in the vehicle at the same time. They can be rented or bought from most auto leasing agencies.
If you get lost, it will probably be helpful to know at least a few words of the Spanish language. You can drive through rural places so that people do not understand a lot of English, so being able to ask for directions or a hotel will be important. Buy a basic Spanish phrase book and take it with you. Practice your pronunciation in the car for fun. You will be pleased with what you did if you lost the dead in the middle of nowhere.
Costa Rica is a difficult place to drive during the day. At night it is even more difficult. Road signs (which no longer meet the standards in some places) may be difficult to access in the dark, usually they go along the road or hotel that you have searched for several times. Roads may also have inadequate reflectors between tracks or level the side of the road, and very often there is very little space for them to pass. People sometimes come to the edge, which means that you will need to take much more caution while driving at night.
It is also good to pay attention to the availability of emergency services. Outside San José, both transportation and medical emergency services may be minimal. The closer you are to a large village, the greater the chance of getting towed, mechanical or medical assistance. As a rule, this is not a problem on the Inter-American Highway. Major cities and tourist destinations — such as Liberia, Puntarenas, Golfito, Quepos and Palmar — all have clinics or hospitals. Having said that in more distant places, it may be difficult to get your car towed and fixed, or to get an ambulance to the hospital.
If you have a car accident, call the National Insurance Institute (INS) at 800 / 800-8000, as well as the Transit Police at 2222-9330 or 2222-9245. You can also contact 911 and get redirected to any agency you need. If there is a police officer nearby, they will appear and prepare a report that will help you in alleviating your insurance claim. Officers may sometimes be useless to treat tourists, which they perceive as rich as well as reckless. Speaking Spanish will help, as will be kind and patient.
If your car breaks down, pull it along the road if at all possible. Your trunk should have reflective triangles, which you can place behind your car to warn approaching traffic. Call the emergency services and wait for them to come. Some types of rental insurance cover breaks and also have roadside assistance; some are not. Перед тем, как покинуть офис проката, обязательно просмотрите свою политику.
Хотя Коста-Рика сравнительно небольшая, время между пунктами назначения может быть длинным. Опять же, это в основном прямой результат плохой дорожной системы страны. Имея это в виду, рекомендуется планировать поездки, занимая больше времени, чем вы могли ожидать. Вообще говоря, ожидаем, что вы будете путешествовать со скоростью 50 км / ч (31 миль в час). Например, если вам нужно проехать 250 километров (155 миль), вам нужно запланировать его на 5 часов. И помните, Коста-Рика использует километры, а не мили. Один километр равен 0,62 мили
Коста-Рика действительно дружная страна, однако вы все равно можете найти кражи. Из-за этого всегда защищайте свой автомобиль, когда он припаркован, и избегайте оставлять ценные вещи внутри. Если на сиденье сидит камера, сумочка или кошелек, вы поощряете воров вступать и принимать ваши благословения. В больших мегаполисах, таких как Сан-Хосе, Алахуэла, Лимон и Пунтаренас, это особенно верно. При парковке в этих мегаполисах попытайтесь оставить свой автомобиль в надежном месте с сопровождающим. Тем не менее, сельские районы могут столкнуться с взломами, а также заблокировать ваш автомобиль и оставить дорогие или важные предметы в вашем отеле. Как и в большинстве случаев, если вы проявляете здравый смысл и заботу, вы купили, чтобы быть в порядке.
Автозаправочные станции, известные как бомба или газолинера, можно найти на всей территории Коста-Рики. Бензин продается как «обычный» и «супер», оба из которых неэтилированы. Супер предлагает более высокий октановый, чем обычный, и дизель обычно предлагается также. Большинство арендованных автомобилей берут супер, однако попросите кого-нибудь в офисе проката убедиться. Автозаправочные станции являются полным спектром услуг; участники заполняют ваш танк для вас. Газ намного дороже, чем в США - галлон (3,8 литра) обычно идет примерно за 6 долларов США.
АЗС расположены почти в каждом городе, однако есть части страны, где они реже. Например, южная часть Тихого океана, юг Карибского бассейна, полуостров Никойя и районы, близкие к границе с Никарагуа. Если вы планируете поездку в любую из этих областей, заполните свой танк в начале дня. Большинство устройств GPS имеют приложения, которые показывают близлежащие заправочные станции. Если вы окажетесь на низком уровне в районе, где не хватает бензоколонки, найдите небольшие локальные операции. Обычно они будут из дома кого-то или даже бизнеса и имеют рукописные знаки, которые говорят о бензине.
Знакомство с правилами дорожного движения Коста-Рики сэкономит вам время, деньги, а также болезненно медленный юридический процесс. Многие законы об управлении Коста-Рикой похожи на США, и их легко отслеживать. Тем не менее, есть некоторые, о которых путешественники должны знать. Например, камеры, которые фотографируют скоростные автомобили, недавно были размещены вдоль автомагистралей. Камеры автоматически выдают билеты в диапазоне от 300 до 600 долларов США. После того, как вы вернете свой автомобиль, компания по прокату автомобилей сохранит ваш депозит, пока не подтвердит, что у вас нет ожидающих билетов. Если у вас есть билет, вы потеряете часть своего депозита. Из-за этого мы предлагаем, чтобы потенциальные водители рассматривали наш сегмент по законам вождения в Коста-Рике.
Ваше путешествие купил, чтобы быть приятным. Остановитесь, чтобы сфотографироваться и поесть в придорожных местах. Откройте для себя новые дороги на побережье или даже отправляйтесь на прогулку по сельской дороге. В Коста-Рике, безусловно, стоит много подумать, но не позволяйте ей затмить ключевую причину, почему вы арендовали автомобиль в первую очередь: добиться независимости, чтобы найти новые места и людей в пути.
Вождение законов, а также наказание
Самое последнее, что кто-то хочет обрабатывать во время отпуска, - это билет на проезд (или, что еще хуже, тюрьма). Водительские законы Коста-Рики являются практичными и понятными. Когда вы проявляете осторожность и мудро управляете, вы будете в порядке. Следующие пункты помогут вам понять наиболее важные законы о дорожном движении в Коста-Рике.
Автомобилистам, а также пассажирам необходимо носить ремни безопасности, а мотоциклисты должны носить шлемы. Штраф за это не составляет около 185 долларов.
· Скорость движения более 120 км / ч (75 миль в час) или 20 км / ч (12 миль / ч) над пределом скорости считается ускоренной. В дополнение к правоохранительным действиям в области дорожного движения с помощью радара вы найдете камеры, расположенные по всей стране, которые сообщают номера номерного знака полиции или агентствам проката автомобилей. Охрана составляет около 617 долларов. Скорость более 150 км / ч (93 мили в час) может привести к успеху.
· Во время вождения не разрешается разговаривать или даже отправлять текстовые сообщения на свой мобильный телефон. Штраф составляет около 550 долларов.
· Вождение под воздействием алкоголя или наркотиков воспринимается всерьез. Вождение с концентрацией алкоголя в крови (BAC) между 0,50 и 0,74 признано под влиянием. Штраф составляет около 550 долларов. Вождение с BAC выше 0,75 приведет к тюрьме.
· Создание разворота, где запрещено, может привести к штрафу в размере около 550 долларов США.
· Запуск знака красного света или остановки может привести к штрафу в размере около 372 долларов США.
· Требуется лицензия текущего водителя из вашей страны, и вы можете ездить только с лицензией иностранного водителя в течение 3 месяцев. Вождение без водительских прав (или с одним дольше трех месяцев) может привести к штрафу в размере приблизительно 93 долл. США.
· Желтые линии представляют собой области, где вам запрещено проходить. Прохождение в таких областях (или вдоль кривых) может привести к штрафу примерно в 550 долларов.
· Переход справа не допускается. Штраф составляет около 200 долларов.
· Детские сиденья необходимы для детей младше 12 лет или менее 1,45 метра (4 шт.).
· Перевозка избыточных пассажиров может привести к штрафу в размере примерно 160 долларов США.
· Вождение на пляже запрещено. Размер штрафа составляет около 200 долларов США.
· Сан-Хосе имеет вращающийся запрет на пик-час движения, с целью снижения заторов и использования топлива. Запрет запрещает определенные номера номерного знака от поездки в определенное время дня - с понедельника по пятницу с 7 до 8:30 и с 4 до 5:30 вечера. Автомобили с номерными знаками, заканчивающимися цифрами 1 или 2, запрещены в понедельник; 3 или 4 во вторник; 5 или 6 в среду; 7 или 8 в четверг; и 9 или 0 в пятницу. Если вы ведете автомобиль с ограниченным номерным знаком в центральной части Сан-Хосе в эти дни / часы, вы получите билет.
Из этой статьи вы можете видеть, что законы вождения в Коста-Рике отвечают большинству других стран. Ключевыми пунктами, которые следует учитывать, являются: носить ремень безопасности, иметь водительские права, не ускоряться, не разговаривать по телефону, не пить, а всегда использовать детское сиденье для детей под возраст 12 лет. Познакомившись с этими законами и будучи осторожным, защитным водителем, вы купили, не испытывая каких-либо юридических затруднений во время вождения в Коста-Рике.
Лизинг транспортного средства в Коста-Рике может создать чрезвычайно особенную поездку для путешественников. Можно найти малоизвестные районы, остановиться, когда захотите, и создать свое личное приключение с первого дня. Все равно, вождение в Коста-Рике серьезное. Дорожные условия могут быть трудными, а время вождения может быть долгим. Перед тем, как залезть за руль, рассмотрите, что он требует, и как вы хотите, чтобы ваша поездка разворачивалась. Ваш опыт в Коста-Рике будет потрясающим, независимо от того, на каком курсе вы управляете.