Every man would like to have a flat penis bad, which is a sad fact for most of us middle-aged men. However, this does not mean that you should be exposed to the calculated eyes of women just as you were born. Men may have a medium sized penis, but some of them are still defined and smart enough to work around this problem and act like a bull sized penis.
And what is this solution for? Well, there are several methods that you should always keep in mind, for example, having a package of condoms in the pocket of your pants on a “just in case” basis.
The easiest and best trick to disguise your real penis size and turn it into a larger one is to shave your pubic hair so that you get a couple of extra millimeters in length. You might think that this is what women like about you or the secret of your famous endurance, but the truth is: you ask for extra inches, even they are just a trick. Sometimes the real size of the penis can be hidden by pubic hair, so it goes. So just shave and you'll like it.
The second easy trick to make your penis look bigger is to lose weight. Indeed, losing weight and getting rid of odd fat in front of you or something that hides the base of the penis can also give you a few extra inches to look at the penis. I'm not telling you that your fine will look better, breaking free from your pubic region, like a rocket, not fighting to get out from under your belly. You should consider some weight loss programs, exercises or pills, it is up to you.
Another simple trick to get some “fake” extra inches is to take a long, hot shower before a sexual encounter. This will lead to the expansion of blood vessels and attract blood flow to the criminal case. There will be a slight expansion, as subsequent excitement will bring even more blood into this area and create the illusion of an extra penis. Hot and relaxing souls can also be an interesting overture for an oncoming sexual encounter.
Do not forget that this is only first aid for a temporary escalation of punishment. If you want to enlarge your penis forever, you should check out SizeGenetics as one of the best natural methods for improving men. SizeGenetics offers you the opportunity to get this free penis enlargement only if you send them your feedback before and after the photos of your expanded penis. In addition to the penis extension device, you also get an exercise program for penis enlargement, a guide to positions based on gender, and many additional bonuses. I suggest you check out this wonderful penis enlargement system. You can not go wrong!